Article: 6756 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!genmagic!!!decwrl!!!HERCULES.CS.UREGINA.CA!daviso From: daviso@HERCULES.CS.UREGINA.CA (Shane Davison) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: 31 Oct 1995 21:25:08 GMT Organization: University of Regina Lines: 95 Message-ID: <47647k$> References: <3830@epochsys.UUCP> <46uip1$> <4707l5$> <473v2b$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <473v2b$>, William Teegarden wrote: >If Truespace for example, cannot compete with LW in >the market they're pursuing, they will have to switch. But Caligari will have made money off the original sale that NewTek wouldn't have. We're not trying to hurt the company, we're trying to make them more money. This, as you have stated, ends up helping everyone in the end. >>>>(I do realize there are other costs involved but that's what all >>>>the extra cost is for the 'pro' version - there are very few >>>>things besides software that could get away with charging so >>>>much for so little physical material). >> >>>I don't know what NT's development costs are, but there is no 'pro' >>>version. I meant: if there was a 'student' version then, for identification purposes, we could call the full-price version 'pro' (ie. professional). >Ok, they would lose the difference between what they sell at a discount >for over what they would make if the sold full retail. No. They would gain money for the discounted price that they would not otherwise get (because the person may not pay full price). You have already made a case that it doesn't really matter what software students use so why pay $1000 for LW when you can learn on 3DS, trueSpace, etc for a few hundred ? (touche?) If they can't sell it for full price, they "don't gain" $1000 but they could still gain a few hundred... Note: I'm not saying that NT is having problems selling at the full price. What I am saying is that even more people (ie. students) would buy it (instead of another program) if they could get it at a discounted price. These people (me for example) would never pay the current full price so NT doesn't lose anything from discounting it. >I guess it proved to more popular than even they predicted. This is speculation and therefore not a valid conclusion. Perhaps they didn't have enough money to put together all the packages they thought they'd sell. So, instead, they used the money they had on a few then once they have more money, they can produce more packages. I too am speculating but I have heard rumours of NT's (poor) financial situation. >I see your point, but if NewTek could sell all those copies at full >retail, why should >they discount it? I mean, getting a bunch of registered users at >discounted price >would not make sense if you could get the same number at full retail. But in some cases you can't ! That's the whole point !! I propose that there are many students (such as myself) that would like to learn 3D computer graphics and animation but that we don't have very much money to spend on it (because we haven't been out working yet). So, we'll look around, find some good software at a good price, and buy it. There's some great software available to students for a darn good price (eg. 3DS -> $200) and so why would any student in their right mind pay $1000 for LW. It doesn't matter to us what we use today to learn 3D-CG but I'll bet it matters a lot to NT whether our $200-$300 goes to them or to AutoDesk, Caligari, etc. >You would want to aim your resources at the segment that will give you >the biggest return. I'm sure you could develope a market selling LW for >$5.00, but would it be worth it if you could sell it for full retail? See above. >True. LW is percieved by many to be a great piece of software for the >price NewTek could even double the price and it would still be a good deal. So? I agree that even at the current price, LW is a good deal. However, to me (and everyone else), if I can't afford it, I can't afford it. Students, by the very fact that they are young, usually haven't had any high-paying jobs, and are currently paying a lot for a quality education, cannot purchase software over $500 regardless of how good a deal it is. If you say "they will find a way", I will agree and point you to the occassional ('please post the LW crack') message. >True, but skills in the realm of CGI are quite broad. I would hire >someone who was >a great traditional artist and had a grasp of CG over someone who knew >the software >inside out but had no talent. Good point. I guess I'll stick with the cheaper software. ;-) >It's these factors that will propel LW over it's competitors, not how >many discounted version of it's software it sells to students. But an extra few bucks here and there doesn't hurt... Article: 6757 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!pipex!!!!!not-for-mai From: (MarcMylar) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: 31 Oct 1995 17:36:59 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 12 Sender: Message-ID: <4768eb$> References: <471rfd$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <471rfd$>, (syzygy) writes: >Who needs sex when you've got Lightwave, eh? ;) > >- Nissa > > Um, er, this is a rhetorcal question, right? -Marc Article: 6758 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!!mikep From: (Mike Powell) Newsgroups: Subject: No LFNs? Possible solution... Date: 31 Oct 1995 21:53:35 GMT Organization: Hewlett Packard Sonoma County Lines: 15 Message-ID: <4765sv$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] For those who have found that they cannot read long file names off of the LW4 CDROM with W95, the reason _may_ be related to the drive running in MSDOG compatability mode, caused by running a parallel Zip drive using the pre-95 driver. I'm collecting information to make my first attempt to clear the problem up, and would appreciate if those having LFN problems on the LW CDROM could confirm with me that they are/are not running a parallel port zip drive. Thanks. -mp- Article: 6759 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Space (film vs video outp Date: 31 Oct 1995 17:37:13 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 11 Sender: Message-ID: <4768ep$> References: <473u3n$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <473u3n$>, writes: >>(Of course, it fails if even one image is out of sequence - or you rendered even >>frames only....) > ARRRRGGHHH! Is this true? It was with release 2.0 of the PVR. Haven't tried since.... >DRAT......... You said it! Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. Article: 6760 Path:!!!!!user From: (ScreamingMetal) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: True Motion S - the NEW animation format Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 21:48:36 -0500 Organization: Supercolliders'R'Us Lines: 19 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.0b27.5 Xref: In article , (Mattias Dahlberg) wrote: > Dear fellow animators, > > Since the playback rate is known to be quite poor on the PC and was happy > to read about a new routine called True Motion S. It's said to compete with > MPEG-2, only now it's all in software. I would appreciate all information > about this new routine. Someone, please write a .tga to True Motion S program > while your at it. > > -Matt, Sweden *hoping* I saw a demo at MacWorld Expo. Even for a pre-release version, it was impressive. Good image quality and around 30 fps on a PowerMac. -- "The freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." - George Washington Article: 6761 Path:!!uunet!!!news From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Painter 3.0 and LW? Date: 31 Oct 1995 22:24:17 GMT Organization: Access One Lines: 36 Message-ID: <4767mh$> References: <472v9h$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.) > (Michael Justin Austin) writes: > > Sorry but TV paint is the fastest and best for visual artists, > but if you are not trained as an artist and need the software to > do your painting then by all means get 3.0 > > my 2 cents > And worth every cent. Obviously, this is a matter of taste, but TVPaint 2.0 (?) lacks a GREAT many useful features that make it second even to Toaster Paint. Them frogs can't code. TVP 3.0 didn't seem to have the enhancements I desired, like an actually USEFUL redo capability, so I passed on it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does the redo still only do FILLED draws? Did they ever manage to give the user better control over the gradients, like maybe SAVING a density profile. To compare it to FDP 3.0, which I don't even like, is ludicrous. Yikes, my blood pressure is rising just thinking of it.... > >greg ************************************************************************ **** ** | Synergy Graphix & Animation ** Welcome to Seattle, have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty! ** Don't make me force it down your throat..... ************************************************************************ **** Article: 6762 Newsgroups: Path:!!uunet!!salliemae!!!!!shf From: (Stuart Ferguson) Subject: Re: Smoothing problem with SGI Lightwave Message-ID: Organization: The Blue Planet References: Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 21:14:39 GMT Lines: 53 Sender: +-- ("Phil South") writes: | > If you want the front to look smooth and smoothly blend with | > the round bevel, you'll want to add a narrow seam of polygons which | > can smooth between the rounded bevel and the flat surface. Pick the | > front face and do an inner bevel with a shift of zero. This will | > generate a strip of 4-point polygons around the front face which are | > co-planar with the face, providing a "buffer" for the smoothing to | > prevent it from going across the whole face. | | Sounds like just what I'm looking for. But the trouble is I don't really | understand the solution. You make a bevel with 0 shift, but wht sort of | inset? An appropriately small value. In general, if you have a large flat polygon that you want to appear flat, but it is being smoothed into its neighbor polygons, you need a coplanar "neutral zone" around the polygon. Smoothing only occurs between adjacent polygons, so if you have three polygons like this (in cross-section): +------------ A -------------+ / \ B C / \ Then polygon A will appear smoothed with polygons B and C, to potentially bad effect if polygon A should really be flat. However, if you add some co-planar polygons: +-X-+-------- A ---------+-Y-+ / \ B C / \ X will be smoothed between A and B, and Y will be smoothed between A and C, but A will be smoothed between X and Y, and since X and Y are co-planar with A, it will appear as a flat surface. This is the purpose of the "Buffered" corners option when creating text in Modeler. It adds these co-planar buffer polygons for you at sharp edges in the font outline. | Also what if the face is curved, like the front of my pumpkin | object, but I still get a seam going across the corners of the mouth | where they cut into the curved surface? Sounds like you're taking about a different problem. You don't want any smoothing between the surface of the pumpkin and the holes, correct? And you are getting some. So either duplicate points along the seam edges or adjust smoothing angle. That's the best I can do. Oops, got to get back to work... -- Stuart Ferguson ( "How do you compute that? Where on the graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?" Article: 6763 Newsgroups: Path:!!uunet!!!pipex!!!!!!bhood From: (robert hood) Subject: It should come as no surprise... Message-ID: Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1] Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 21:37:49 GMT Lines: 111 Sender: I've had a couple of people ask me about BML scripting for Layout. One of the main difference between Modeler and Layout as far as plugins are concerned is the diversity of plugin types supported by Layout. While Modeler sports what is essentially a single type of plugin (even a CommandsSequence plugin can execute MeshDataEdit functions), Layout plays host to a number of truly different plugins, each having its own data types and functionality. Because of this, a scripting plugin for Layout would have to actually be a number of *different* plugins, each designed to support the specialized data and functions intrinsic to a Layout plugin type. Well, I got bored Sunday afternoon, and decided to try porting BML over to Layout. I stripped out all the Modeler functionality (with certain exceptions, like File Requester and Monitor functions), and from a clean interpreter, built an Image Filter plugin for Layout. The Image Filter mechanism seemed to be the simplist of those available for Layout, so it seemed like the best plugin type for a quick test. Here, then, is a BML/IF script, derived from the "hard" plugin of the same name, that will post-process a rendered image into its negative. (As with all scripts I make public, this actually works -- needless to say, I was quite pleased when it did =|^). So, for those of you who've asked me, I guess the answer would be "yes, it is possible." =|^) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BML/IF: Negative // // if a function is not declared, BML/IF will default its behavior. The // available Image Filter functions are: // // process flags // // the plugin interface functions 'create', 'destroy', 'load', 'save', and // 'copy' are not currently functional, but they do not need to be for this // particular plugin. // // NOTE: whether the flags() function is defined or not, the plugin // automatically has access to the RED, GREEN, BLUE, and ALPHA buffers. //------------------------------------------------------- // every process() declaration must accept five arguments // ('end' is a keyword in BML/IF, so we use 'endtime') process: width, height, frame, starttime, endtime { var red[width]; var green[width]; var blue[width]; var alpha[width]; var out[3]; var i,j; moninit(height); for(i = 0;i < height;++i) { red = bufferline(RED,i); green = bufferline(GREEN,i); blue = bufferline(BLUE,i); alpha = bufferline(ALPHA,i); for(j = 0;j < width;++j) { out[1] = 255 - red[j + 1]; out[2] = 255 - green[j + 1]; out[3] = 255 - blue[j + 1]; setrgb(j,i,out); setalpha(j,i,alpha[j + 1]); } if(monstep()) return; } monend(); } // we don't really need this function for this plugin, but it is // here for illustration flags { // available buffers are: // SPECIAL LUMINOUS DIFFUSE // MIRROR TRANS RAWRED // RAWGREEN RAWBLUE SHADING // SHADOW GEOMETRY DEPTH // (RED) (GREEN) (BLUE) (ALPHA) return(RED,GREEN,BLUE,ALPHA); // select the defaults just for fun =|^) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Render me gone, ||| Bob ^(===)^ -------------------------oOO--(_)--OOo-------------------------------------- Bob Hood | All governments suffer from a recurring problem: | Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not Work: 303-730-1324 | that power corrupts, but that it is magnetic to the Home: 303-980-8392 | corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become | drunk on violence, a condition to which they are | quickly addicted - Frank Herbert ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Render me gone, ||| Bob ^(===)^ -------------------------oOO--(_)--OOo-------------------------------------- Bob Hood | All governments suffer from a recurring problem: | Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not Work: 303-730-1324 | that power corrupts, but that it is magnetic to the Home: 303-980-8392 | corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become | drunk on violence, a condition to which they are | quickly addicted - Frank Herbert ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article: 6764 Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation,,,, Path:!!simtel!!!news From: Jeffrey Kurland Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: Sender: (Keeper of the News) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Artworks New York References: <44k1ch$> <44uj4u$> <452qfb$> <45cv06$> <45f8d6$> <45k9cp$85t@zippy Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 04:10:30 GMT X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Macintosh; I; PPC) X-Url: Lines: 10 Xref: rec.arts.animation:44149 I agree with James Hastings-Trew but there's an issue here which is not resolved. It it the relation of the computer to art. Can something which is first and last digital sustain something which is at core metaphorical (art). Previous, and conventional mediums are analogical at core and hence are metaphorical mediums. Digital technologies are fundamentally different--they are marvelous tools of replication not representation. Replication is inauthentic, non-original, ersatz. In that, it is thououghly post-modern, very much of our time. I don't think it can sustain tragic content. We won't be seeing any Rothko's on the web. Article: 6766 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR disk space recovery - bug? Date: 31 Oct 1995 19:51:10 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 13 Sender: Message-ID: <476g9u$> References: <475toe$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <475toe$>, writes: >(It really makes me nervous about the lack of disk tools that >come with >the PVR.) If you were running under Win95, I'd recommend using the Disk-Optimize feature in the DPS control panel. The same menu under WinNT does _NOT_ include this option........... Hmmmmm, maybe you just defrag P: using a WinNT defragger?!? Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. Article: 6767 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: No LFNs? Possible solution... Date: 31 Oct 1995 21:02:58 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 23 Sender: Message-ID: <476kgi$> References: <4765sv$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <4765sv$>, (Mike Powell) writes: > For those who have found that they cannot read long > file names off of the LW4 CDROM with W95, the reason > _may_ be related to the drive running in MSDOG compatability > mode, caused by running a parallel Zip drive using the > pre-95 driver. > > I'm collecting information to make my first attempt to > clear the problem up, and would appreciate if those having > LFN problems on the LW CDROM could confirm with me that > they are/are not running a parallel port zip drive. > > Thanks. > > -mp- > > > No zip drive here. And 8.3 off the cd.. Article: 6768 Path:!!!!!!news From: (David Lumbers) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LIGHTSMITH MAGAZINE - Where Are You? Date: Wed, 01 Nov 1995 04:10:10 GMT Organization: InterLog Internet Services Lines: 44 Message-ID: <476s54$> References: <46llpi$> <> <46qclj$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99.82 (David Warner) wrote: >Andrew Barnett ( wrote: >: In a msg dated 25-Oct-95 15:40:34, Dan Ablan was yapping about LIGHTSMITH MAGAZINE - Where Are You?. >: >: *>Where are you? >: *>What's happening with LightSmith? >: *>What's up with your WWW page? >: >: I was just going to subscribe to this, but I have heard nothing on the >: newsgroup and got a mail from Hardin, saying it was going to be every few >: months or so to start with I think. >I've heard many positive things about LightSmith and subscribed to it >almost two months ago....unfortunately, I still have not received my copy >of the first issue, although my credit card has been billed already. >I have spoken to Brett 3-4 times through e-mail and on the phone and each >time they have told me that they would be doing a mailing in another week >or so, but still nothing. It's been two weeks since I last spoke to >anyone about LightSmith and I'm starting to get a little pissed off. > -David Warner I subscribed several months ago as well, and spoke to Brett a couple of times via e-mail. My first issue finally arrived about 1.5 weeks ago. It's not bad - about 30 pages long, a few toutorials, 1 or 2 review - the usual stuff. A few good tips though. If it comes out regularly, I think it will make a good resource mainly for the beginner, but worth getting. I'll read absolutely anything to do with Lightwave - Well, maybe not the lightwave book everyone keeps slamming. I'm looking forward to Alan Chan's new book - I ordered it a couple of months ago. Anyone received it yet? How do you like it? David Lumbers. Lumbers Graphics and Video. Toronto. Email: or Article: 6769 Path:!!wb3ffv!!uunet!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Leuey) Newsgroups: Subject: output to video services?? Date: 31 Oct 1995 20:42:55 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 25 Sender: Message-ID: <476jav$> Reply-To: (Leuey) NNTP-Posting-Host: Hello, I've stumbled upon a problem here in Omaha, NE. I need to put a minute or two worth of LW generated images onto videotape, but it seems that there isn't any place here in town that offers that service (single frame recording). Does anybody know of a company either here in Nebraska or someplace else in the country that offers this service? If so could you please fill me in on the details like: cost per frame? File formats that are supported (.tga or .iff)? Turnaround time? Videotape output formats? And the type of media (e.g. removable media/drives that the companies prefers the images sent in on)? Has anybody used such a service? What are your opinions concerning the cost and quality of the product? Would I just be better off investing in a PVR and doing all of this myself? Thanks for any help that can be provided, I just can't seem to get a hold of anybody here in Omaha that will provide such a service. thanks greg Article: 6770 Path:!!wb3ffv!!uunet!!!!!netnews From: (William Teegarden) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Simpsons in 3D... Date: 1 Nov 1995 02:11:28 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 15 Message-ID: <476l0g$> References: <475s0o$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Tue Oct 31 6:11:28 PM PST 1995 In <475s0o$> (DanMorvec) writes: > >Did anyone see the halloween episode with the 3D animation segments? It >was brilliant! As much as I love the show as it is, I would like to see >all every episode done this way! Of course, the best line was when Homer said "Gee this place looks expensive, I feel like I'm spending a fortune just standing here" GT Article: 6771 Path:!!wb3ffv!!uunet!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Simpsons in 3D... Date: 31 Oct 1995 21:02:03 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 17 Sender: Message-ID: <476ker$> References: <475s0o$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <475s0o$>, (DanMorvec) writes: > >Did anyone see the halloween episode with the 3D animation segments? It >was brilliant! As much as I love the show as it is, I would like to see >all every episode done this way! > > > I loved the compositing, it was done very well. I loved the line about 'This place looks expensive, I bet it's costing a fortune just standing here!!'.. I don't know about every episode though, cause 3d mouths don't quite move as realisticaly as 2d ones.. Or, actualy, my brain seems less likely to notice problems with the mouths in 2d.. But never the less it was great.. Article: 6772 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!hookup!!user From: (James Hastings-Trew) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ok, one more time.. Picasso & Wireframes Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 23:34:49 -0700 Organization: Mister Print Productions Ltd. Lines: 35 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <471coe$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <471coe$>, Ryan McDonald wrote: >Ok, here it goes again. Ive posted the question to the >group exactly five times and people REFUSE to respond >to it. Here it goes again. Has anyone been able to get >LW 4.0 to display wireframes on a Picasso Screen? >If so, PLEASE tell me how you did it. Im desparate! As far as I know, nobody has LW 4.0 on an Amiga right now, so I doubt anyone has an answer for you. I have LW 3.5 and a Picasso, and I have gotten it to work, but it does not work well. What you have to do is to use the "Change Screen" commodity to set up your desired resolution as an "Ask" screen type. Then run Lightwave, and select the resolution you want under the OPTIONS menu. Change Screen should pop up at that point, and ask if you want to change the screen mode of the Lightwave application, and if you want to do it permanently, or never, or just this once or not just this once. Whatever... pick the "just this once" option (working from memory here, but you'll know what I mean) and select the *same* screenmode that you told Lightwave to use, and turn on "refresh". Pick a fairly low refresh rate unless you have a very fast machine. Lightwave should now work correctly in your chosen screen mode. However -- you WILL loose some options -- no moving preview in Modeller, no pop-ups to select colours in Layout (numeric input only), and no wire-frame previews of your animation (useable ones anyway.) Knock yourself out. You'll quickly tire of it, and go back to the standard Amiga screenmode which won't seem so bad anymore. James Hastings-Trew System Administrator Mister Print Productions Ltd., Saskatoon, SK, Canada Article: 6773 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!hookup!!user From: (James Hastings-Trew) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Simulating Prisms in LW Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 23:34:54 -0700 Organization: Mister Print Productions Ltd. Lines: 36 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <46mgnp$> <46n8te$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <46n8te$>, (Christian ludwig) wrote: >Be sure to model refractive stuff to a >real world size, or the results will be quite unpredictable. Over on the >lightwave-list we had someone who had attempted Allen's whiskey glass >example, with poor results. After much discussion, he realized that he had >modeled the glass such that the walls were 3 feet thick. Once he scaled >the object (in modeler) to a more realistic size, the refraction appeared >as it should. Yeah, that was me... :) It still gives me a chuckle trying to visualize what refractions would look like through 3 feet of real glass... The bitch of it was that I almost always model everthing to "actual size" but just winged it with the glass, thinking that it didn't really matter... Anyway, to the original poster, to get realistic glass refraction you have to realize that Lightwave only "sees" the front side of any given polygon. If you build an object "normally" so that it has polygons facing outward and surfaced with some kind of glass attribute, the ray-tracer will know it entered the glass, but hitting no other polys, will never know it has left the glass until it hits some other object (or infinity). The trick is to (in Modeller) make a copy of your glass object, go to a blank layer, paste it, flip all the polygons (so they face inwards) and give them a surface name of "air." Save both layers as the final object. In Layout, set the "air" surface up to be 100% transparent, some specular, maybe some reflective, and a refractive index of 1.00. Set up the glass texture however you like. Do *not* set these surfaces up to be "double sided" or you will not get the result you want! James Hastings-Trew System Administrator Mister Print Productions Ltd., Saskatoon, SK, Canada Article: 6774 Path:!!wb3ffv!!uunet!!!simtel!!!!!keving From: (Kevin Gleeson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Windows NT and Lightwave Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 14:10:40 LOCAL Organization: Trumpet International Software Lines: 57 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: Windows NT Lightwave X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B.7] In article (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) writes: >From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) >Subject: Re: Windows NT and Lightwave >Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 05:37:24 LOCAL >Keywords: Windows NT Lightwave >In article (Kevin Gleeson) writes: >>From: (Kevin Gleeson) >>Subject: Windows NT and Lightwave >>Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 12:12:08 LOCAL >>Keywords: Windows NT Lightwave >>Just thought I'd post some notes after a week of running Lightwave under NT >>instead of Windows 95. >>When I first changed over it was due to some posts here saying they saw 20 to >>30 percent speed increases with NT over 3.11 or 95. I thought it would be >>worth a try, so borrowed the NT disks and loaded it on. >>The speed increase was bullshit! I'm consistently getting 300% speed increases! >[snip] >>What doesn't make sense is an operating system change that gives me another >>massive speed increase. 30 to 50 percent I could underdstand, but up to 5 >>times as fast - no! >>Anyone got any ideas why - (I'm not complaining by the way, I'd just like to >>know the reasons). >>BTW anyone not running NT - for god's sake change over - cheapest performance >>increase I've ever seen. >>Thoughts, people? >>Kevin Gleeson >You are right. Something isn't "adding up". How 'bout posting some times >using the benchmark scenes. 300%?? Something is wrong with this picture. I'll have a loof at that. What is the best "benchmark" render? My scenes are usually a lot more complex than the cubes and surfaces, etc. But I'm seeing the speed increase across the board on two computers regardless of the complexity of the scene.... Example yesterday - a 20,000 polygon scene- building interior, glass, reflective surfaces, etc with seven light sources shadowmapped and trace on reflections. Under Win95 - 28 mins. Under NT - 9mins ?!?!?! Is it possible that loading the NT version will cause Lightwave to run slow in Windows 95? I'll go away now and find that cubes and surfaces thing and post a speed difference up. Kevin Gleeson Hobart TAS OZ Article: 6775 Path:!!!!usenet From: (Jason Linhart) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ok, one more time.. Picasso & Wireframes Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 18:05:32 GMT Organization: NewTek Lines: 22 Message-ID: <4730l2$> References: <471coe$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55 Ryan McDonald wrote: >Ok, here it goes again. Ive posted the question to the >group exactly five times and people REFUSE to respond >to it. Here it goes again. Has anyone been able to get >LW 4.0 to display wireframes on a Picasso Screen? >If so, PLEASE tell me how you did it. Im desparate! Sorry if it feels like you are tuned to a dead channel. I don't speak for everyone in the group, but I don't respond unless I have an answer to the question, (or a Picasso to test the problem) The group as a whole does a great job of responding when the answers are available. (Some questions get too many responses) I will check with our tech support department to see if they have had any problems with the Picasso graphics card on the Amiga. JEL LightWave Group NewTek, Inc. Article: 6776 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!miwok!well!!!amd!netcomsv!!netcomsv!!!!jgross From: (John Gross) Subject: Re: Probable Lightwave Bug Message-ID: Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1] References: <46r8vu$> <470qn1$> Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:17:24 GMT Lines: 8 Sender: : NT 3.51. It shouldn't be choking, though. There's absolutely NOTHING : complex about I'm trying to render. It's nothing but background frames. Not a problem with LightWave, but rather with a Microsoft compiler free() call that doesn't actually free up ram like it is supposed to. Allen and Stuart are now aware of the problem and should have a fix shortly. JG Article: 6777 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!miwok!well!!!amd!netcomsv!!netcomsv!!!!jgross From: (John Gross) Subject: Re: Screamer Net Rendering problems Message-ID: Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1] References: <46tmbg$> Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:21:13 GMT Lines: 22 Sender: : I haven't had any problems with screamer net until today. I had an : animation with a flat plane (with a jpeg mapped to it) in the background. When : I render this under problem, looks great. When I render this : under screamer net everything looks great except the plane. It is grey instead : of having the jpeg mapped onto it. Now...this looks like the jpeg isn't : loading for some reason. It is in the object directory where all the objects : for the scene screamer net and the machines running it all have access : to it. My main machine is shareing d:\newtek as newtek. All the machines on : the net are mapping newtek to s:\ The content directories for all of these : machines are s:\ and the command is s:\command . This is very odd...especially : since everything else in the image renders just fine. The problem is that the ScreamerNEt nodes are not seeing your HIIP plugins. You have to make sure that the config files for each SN node point to the location where the hiip files are located (The lines will no doubt point to D:\Newtek\Hiip, which doesn't exist on each SN node machine.... Also, you will need the hiip dlls placed on each SN machine.. (Either in system32 dir or in the directory where SN is launched from.... JG Article: 6778 Path:!!!!!gatech!psuvax1!!CTCnet!!!!!!eff!!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!pipeline!not From: (Michael Justin Austin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Painter 3.0 and LW? Date: 1 Nov 1995 00:42:09 -0500 Organization: The Pipeline Lines: 44 Message-ID: <4771bh$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: The Pipeline v3.2.0 On Oct 31, 1995 07:45:15 in article , '' wrote: > >>Sorry but TV paint is the fastest and best for visual artists, >>but if you are not trained as an artist and need the software to >>do your painting then by all means get 3.0 >>>greg >>> > >Greg, what OS does TVPaint run on, I remember a TVPaint for Amiga's with >GFX cards, is this the same TVPaint? > Yes , it has been ported to NT for intel and Alpha. I used it with a 32bit z3 retina board on an amiga and all I can say is that I have yet to find anything on a pc or alpha with the power and performance of that setup. and I am upgrading my amiga 2.0 version to 3.0 for NT through macrosystems. >-- >..__________________________________________________________________________. >| -== When Dreams Become Reality ==- -= IM Design=- | >|"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""|"""""""""""""""""""""|""""""""""""""""""""| >| | FTP: | Video Production | >| | DIR: pub/videoman | 3D Graphics & DTP | >| Mosaic Home Page: file:// | >|3 Amiga's and a 100Mhz Pentium/triton/f&w SCSI/4Meg Stealth-VIDEO/3601CD | >~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ Article: 6779 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!psuvax1!!!!!usenet From: (John Foust) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: 1 Nov 1995 15:35:29 GMT Organization: Syndesis Corporation Lines: 11 Message-ID: <478441$> References: <475sq8$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+ In article <475sq8$>, (Stranahan) says: > >Who needs sex when you've got Lightwave, eh? ;) >-------------------------------------------- > >You know, some of us have both..... Yup, that's what I've always heard about Lee: he can model with one hand while "animating" with the other. :-) - John Article: 6780 Path:!!!!!!gatech!psuvax1!!!!!usenet From: (John Foust) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Probable Lightwave Bug Date: 1 Nov 1995 15:33:46 GMT Organization: Syndesis Corporation Lines: 19 Message-ID: <47840q$> References: <46r8vu$> <470qn1$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+ In article , (Christopher D. Goldman) says: > >Read an article recently that said it's a problem with Windows NT. The >engineers changed the way malloc() and free() calls work, so when a >programmer thinks he's freeing memory, he's really just selecting all the >freeable memory. The free() call would then actually free up the space. >Essentially, Microsoft changed something vital and failed to let anybody know. > >Of course, I could be completely wrong. Yes, you are. :-) You have inaccurately described the situation. There is a bug in VC 2.x's C libraries that are typically linked with every application that cause them to eat memory. This bug may be the cause of LW's problems, or it may not. There are easily available third-party developer solutions to the bug, and certainly Microsoft will have fixed the bug with the next release of Visual C. - John Article: 6781 Path:!!!!!gatech!psuvax1!!!!!usenet From: (John Foust) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Simulating Prisms in LW Date: 1 Nov 1995 15:30:11 GMT Organization: Syndesis Corporation Lines: 14 Message-ID: <4783q3$> References: <46j66t$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+ In article , (John Gross) says: > >RE: Prisms in LightWave. LightWave will not simulate the separation of >the wavelengths of light. I don't know of any 3D package that can do this. Actually, the very first applications of true ray-tracing were not for pretty pictures, but for designing optical systems. There are very expensive and esoteric 3D programs that will properly account for the frequency of the light and the refraction effects, but they can't be used for space battle scenes. :-) - John Article: 6782 Path:!!uunet!!!!!!!agis!!!!user From: (Christopher D. Goldman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Probable Lightwave Bug Date: Wed, 01 Nov 1995 04:45:28 -0700 Organization: Endless Graphics Lines: 17 Message-ID: References: <46r8vu$> <470qn1$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <470qn1$>, (Mark Prenter) wrote: > > NT 3.51. It shouldn't be choking, though. There's absolutely NOTHING > complex about I'm trying to render. It's nothing but background frames. > Read an article recently that said it's a problem with Windows NT. The engineers changed the way malloc() and free() calls work, so when a programmer thinks he's freeing memory, he's really just selecting all the freeable memory. The free() call would then actually free up the space. Other people were having problems simply backing up large volumes. Essentially, Microsoft changed something vital and failed to let anybody know. Of course, I could be completely wrong. Article: 6783 Path:!!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (BigFatCHUK) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Simpsons in 3D... Date: 1 Nov 1995 12:23:15 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 5 Sender: Message-ID: <478ae3$> References: <476l0g$> Reply-To: (BigFatCHUK) NNTP-Posting-Host: >Of course, the best line was when Homer said "Gee this place looks expensive, I feel like I'm spending a fortune just standing here" Or "It looks like, um did anyone see TRON?" chuck Article: 6784 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!!!btnet!news.compu From: ("Phil South") Subject: Re: Organic Modeling - HELP! Message-ID: Organization: Compulink Information eXchange References: <475q03$> Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 10:32:38 GMT X-News-Software: Ameol32 Lines: 31 > Phil South ( wrote: > : I now use Macroform on my Amiga, thanks to OAO Media. > > MacroForm can do wonders for your 'organic' models...especially when it > comes to animating them! > > I'm working on a bird-like creature that unfurls it's wings and takes > off...I'm morphing MacroForm-created objects until the wings are spread > out and then I use repeating bones to make the flapping effect. I > shudder > to think how tedious it would have been for me to model the creature's > morph targets without MacroForm....I probably would not have bothered > with this experiment at all, since I'm not getting paid for it. Indeed Dave, I can't see how I did without Macroform all these years. Respect to Lyle for coming upwith such a powerful set of tools. Morph targets are something which are a bit of a bone of contention with Lightwave animators, and Macroform makes them a snip. The idea that you can reliably bend and warp solid objects and then morph them is of incalculable value. regards snouty --- ------------------------------------------------------------- Phil South "nuqDaq yuch Dapol" Web Wizards Home Page ------------------------------------------------------------- Article: 6785 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!!!btnet!news.compu From: ("Phil South") Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Message-ID: Organization: Compulink Information eXchange References: <475sq8$> Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 10:32:39 GMT X-News-Software: Ameol32 Lines: 16 > Who needs sex when you've got Lightwave, eh? ;) > -------------------------------------------- > > You know, some of us have both..... Chortle! Problem is some of us have kids too, which means that we think of sex as being something we did in the '80s. :?) --- ------------------------------------------------------------- Phil South "nuqDaq yuch Dapol" Web Wizards Home Page ------------------------------------------------------------- Article: 6786 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!psuvax1!!!!!DIALix!!not-for-mail From: (Steven Johansen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: where is the LW demo ? Date: 1 Nov 1995 23:00:18 +1100 Organization: DIALix Services, Melbourne, Australia. Lines: 6 Sender: Message-ID: <477ngi$3qd$> References: <47589l$> NNTP-Posting-Host: (Rachid Boumart) writes: at $900 here -- X Article: 6787 Path:!!!!!!internetMCI!!!ai-lab!vho From: (Viet Ho) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How do you make random stars? Date: 1 Nov 1995 18:41:51 GMT Organization: Free Software Foundation / Cambridge, MA USA Lines: 27 Message-ID: <478f1f$> References: <473ulg$> <474rgd$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <474rgd$>, JBooth411 wrote: >In article <473ulg$>, >(Greg Smith) writes: > >>On the Amiga, I used to make stars by making a sphere in modeler, then >>jittering it and converting the points to polygons via arex. Now on the >PC, >>I do not know what functions >>to use to create the randomstars object. By the way, the Randomstars >object >>doesn't show in modeller for some reason... so I can't modify it. In LW Modeler 4.0, you just: 1. Make Sphere 2. Hit Shift-K [deletes all the polygons] 3. Select the Jitter Button There you go, you just got some jittered points. You can add complexity by adding more spheres, scale, translate, and duplcate [ala metaballs] and kill all the polygons. -Viet Article: 6788 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!gatech!!!!!!!!!btnet!news From: ("Phil South") Subject: Re: Smoothing problem with SGI Lightwave Message-ID: Organization: Compulink Information eXchange References: Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 10:32:41 GMT X-News-Software: Ameol32 Lines: 16 > An appropriately small value. In general, if you have a large flat > polygon that you want to appear flat, but it is being smoothed into > its neighbor polygons, you need a coplanar "neutral zone" around the > polygon. Smoothing only occurs between adjacent polygons, so if you > have three polygons like this (in cross-section): [useful info about correcting smoothing errors deleted] Yes, that's a bit clearer. I'll work on it. Thanks for the tips. --- ------------------------------------------------------------- Phil South "nuqDaq yuch Dapol" Web Wizards Home Page ------------------------------------------------------------- Article: 6789 Path:!!!!!!a2i!olivea!wetware!!!!usenet From: Matt Warren Newsgroups: Subject: Where can I get a good price on the DPS Perception PVR Date: 1 Nov 1995 18:49:07 GMT Organization: University of Idaho Lines: 7 Distribution: world Message-ID: <478ff3$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.90.5 Anyone now of a cheap place to get the Perception PVR card; the lowest price I can find is Select Solutions price of $1599.00. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. :-) Matt Warren Article: 6790 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!pipex!!!user From: (David Oxley) Newsgroups: Subject: Modeler 'Quit action' tiny change Date: Wed, 01 Nov 1995 09:52:19 +0000 Organization: Logica UK Ltd Lines: 12 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.0.5b5 Try this: run Modeler, then click on Quit. It shows a warning dialogue saying that all data will be lost, but there's no data to lose. Can Modeler be changed so that it only shows this warning if you haven't already saved your work? In more mundane apps like Word and Excel, when you quit, it only stops and asks you to confirm if you have unsaved work. Just a thought. |David Oxley, Logica UK|SH5/HR 75 Hampstead Rd|+44 171 6379111x1800| | |London NW1 2PL England|+44 171 3443633(fax)| `----------------------^----------------------^--------------------' All opinions expressed are mine not Logica's. Article: 6791 Path:!!!!!!usenet From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PAR and Win 95 Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 01:28:21 GMT Organization: The Internet Access Company Lines: 31 Message-ID: <478sb9$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 Ted Wrote: >Sorry to bring this up again, but does or is DPS coming out with >drivers for WIN 95. When I run Win 95 my system only shows 14MB of >Ram instead of 16MB. Its the PARDRV command in my autoexec.bat >stealing the 2MB(if I REM only this line, Win 95 shows 16MB). The >PAR won't run without PARDRV. Does anyone know of a new driver or >something(other than rebooting with or without the command). IT >seems like a waste of 2MB of RAM, ram that LW could be using. Thanks >TED There is an easy way of saving that space, Ted. I made a batch file in my dps_par directory called Par.bat an it goes a little like this: C:\DPS_PAR\parinit /P=C:\DPS_PAR WIN=C:\WINDOWS C:\DPS_PAR\pardrv /B:1500 C:\DPS_PAR\PAR.EXE C:\DPS_PAR\pardrv /U Just make sure to set the batch file properties(in win 95) to not tell the dos program that it's running in windows.... By the way the /B switch may not be necessary for your uses. It just allows importing of 32 bit Targa files(24 bit image plus 8 bit Alpha channel) to the PAR drive. Without the switch the Par Boycotts these files. Good Luck... If it don't work write me. -Jens Article: 6792 Path:!!!!!!usenet From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PAR and Win 95 Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 01:34:07 GMT Organization: The Internet Access Company Lines: 6 Message-ID: <478sm2$> References: <> <478sb9$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 By the way once you make the batch file you run it instead of par.exe (just in case you didn't know. This should load the driver - run the program - then upon quitting dump the driver. No more wasted space! -Jens Article: 6793 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!pipex!!!!!erniew From: Ernie Wright Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 15:27:03 -0500 Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA Lines: 67 Message-ID: References: <3830@epochsys.UUCP> <465mar$> <46bnkj$> <46ig5o$> <46oiis$je9@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> <46pe2j$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <46pe2j$> Ken Tylman wrote: > I'm not saying that Newtek owes students lower prices. I'm saying it > makes business sense for a company entering a new market to try and > get as many units sold as possible. ... > > Let the flames begin The only reason this topic generates so much waste heat is that there are a few people who think they should pay less than the rest of us for their *personal* copies of LW--keep in mind that NewTek already offers discounts to educational institutions. If those very special people insist on pretending that this has anything to do with "business sense," they should at least acquaint themselves with the economic background before trying to convince the rest of us. Here's something I posted in July. I also have all the stuff I posted in March, and all of it's still good. The arguments never, ever change. If anyone plans to respond to this, be forewarned that it has the power to fully reveal the extent of your ignorance. This isn't storytime, where you're free to just make shit up. In economic terms, NewTek falls somewhere between an oligarchy and an imperfect competitor with respect to LightWave. The product (LW) is a well-differentiated good in a relatively small market. Demand for it is therefore somewhat inelastic, which means that the firm (NewTek) has a fair amount of freedom in setting its price. To see clearly that the demand for LW is insensitive to price, compare it to other products for which demand is very sensitive (elastic). A 10% difference in the price of milk from a given supplier will have a large effect on demand for that supplier's milk, whereas the effect on the demand for LW versus other 3D programs would be negligible. A firm in NewTek's position seeks to increase profits by increasing market share. The firm can do this by advertising, by differentiating its product further, and by effectively penetrating the elite sector of the market, which tends to lead opinion in matters of taste (a component of demand). Clearly NewTek is active and fairly successful in these areas. For a firm like NewTek and a product like LW, the *least* attractive way to increase market share is by lowering the price. Because demand for LW is relatively insensitive to price, a large drop in price is required to produce a significant increase in demand. Reduction in revenue might far overshadow any increase in number of units sold. A low price strategy might work, however, if it is restricted to small sectors of the market where sensitivity to price is higher. This is part of the motivation for student pricing of software. Students in particular attract attention because they represent the most likely area of market growth. But there's also a large amount of risk, primarily because not much is known about the effects of a student pricing policy. How many students would buy the product at its regular price? What impact would different prices have on dealers? Will full-price customers resent special pricing, and how many will be able to obtain special-price copies of the product, despite the fact that they don't qualify for them? Should students be sold a different version of the product to prevent this? How much should be spent to develop this version, and in what way can it be made desire- able to students but not to others? - Ernie Article: 6794 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!!!!!!egreen2 From: (Nemickol) Newsgroups: Subject: Catwalk grating? Date: 1 Nov 1995 20:30:38 GMT Organization: University of Notre Dame Lines: 19 Sender: (erick green) Distribution: world Message-ID: <478lde$> NNTP-Posting-Host: I have to make some of this, and was hopping somebody could give me some tips on it..anyone? Thanks -Nemickol- ^ / \s Social Entropy Corporation "Ya can push all tha buttons ya aint' stoppin'!" -Vince "Plague of Many Colours" -comming soon! *Unsolicited commercial e-mail will be subject to a $550 US archival fee. Mailing denotes acceptance of these terms. This is your only warning* Article: 6795 Path:!!!!!!!!!altitude!Ocean.CAM.ORG!not-for-mail From: dthomas@CAM.ORG (Daniel Thomas) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Zip Drive? Date: 1 Nov 1995 13:53:59 -0500 Organization: Communications Accessibles Montreal, Quebec Canada Lines: 17 Message-ID: <478fo7$i3u@ocean.CAM.ORG> References: <46gokm$> <46h8bf$> X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] JBooth411 ( wrote: : In article <46gokm$>, : (BigFatCHUK) writes: : >You didn't get a zip yet? good buy the JAZZ drive 1 gig internal for $469 : >and the carts are $119 : >chuck : > : > : Is it shipping yet? They said it was going to be out months ago. The : carts have been available, but the drive is yet to be released (as far as : I know).. I have a zip drive since saturday and it works fine! Article: 6796 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!ai-lab!vho From: (Viet Ho) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Smoothing problem with SGI Lightwave Date: 1 Nov 1995 18:55:53 GMT Organization: Free Software Foundation / Cambridge, MA USA Lines: 19 Message-ID: <478frp$> References: <46pkb8$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article , Stuart Ferguson wrote: >+-- Sam Marrocco writes: Coming from the Sculpt 3D/4D modeling tribe, I really miss the way Tri Views workin that package. Ya know, like when you zoom in a complex scene, you only see the points and polygons relevant in that "view volume". The concept of a "3D Cursor" also makes it easier to figure out which points you are selecting. Ya, call me an old timer, but that was what I was razed on :) Yah yah, have to check out Soft/FX then... L8ters -Viet Article: 6797 Path:!!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!convex!cs.utexas. From: (Mario Cascio) Newsgroups: Subject: Water Reflections Date: 1 Nov 1995 20:58:04 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin - Parkside Lines: 17 Message-ID: <478n0s$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] I am doing a logo animation and am having problems with reflections. The animation is of a logo rising from beneath the water and centering on the screen. The water looks great, it has displacement mapping, reflections, and crumple texture. The problem is that when the logo is completely under the water, the water still reflects the logo on top of the water. What gives? The water reflective options are set to reflect ray tracing and backdrop at 100%. I don't want it to reflect until the logo breaks the top of the surface of the water. This should happen anyways shouldn't it. Any suggestions? Thanks. Mario Cascio ProMotion Article: 6798 From: (Rob Bryerton) Subject: Re: NT3.51- Lightwave - and rendering performance. Date: 1 Nov 95 20:57:51 -0800 References: <46n9pe$> Message-ID: <> Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!! Newsgroups: Organization: The Microsoft Network ( Lines: 9 >>However, I do have one complaint. MS replaced the OK button with an >>OPEN button. This makes no sense when the file selector box is being used to >>SAVE a filename. Pretty dumb. The common dialogs are not being called correctly from LW; that is why you are getting the OPEN button instead of a SAVE button. Rob Article: 6799 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!miwok!well!!!amd!netcomsv!!ne From: (John Gross) Subject: Re: Simulating Prisms in LW Message-ID: Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1] References: <46j66t$> Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 19:56:47 GMT Lines: 4 Sender: RE: Prisms in LightWave. LightWave will not simulate the separation of the wavelengths of light. I don't know of any 3D package that can do this. JG Article: 6800 Path:!!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!gatech!news.mat From: (Leuey) Newsgroups: Subject: Probs: with Elastic Reality and LW Date: 1 Nov 1995 17:39:22 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 13 Sender: Message-ID: <478suq$> Reply-To: (Leuey) NNTP-Posting-Host: Hello, I've been having problems with Elastic Reality ever since I installed the release (4.0) vers. of LW on my PC (wfw 3.11). It seems that ER crashes as soon as it attemps to save an image it has finished rendering. Transjammer also has the same problems, sometimes it won't even let me click on "output" options. The people at Avid said it may have something to do with the HIIP implementation on ER and LW interfering with one another. I reinstalled ER, but it still crashes when trying to save an image. Has anybody else experience similiar problems? How were they resolved? I appreciate any help on this matter greg Article: 6801 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!pipex!!!!!usenet From: brad prosise Newsgroups: Subject: Mutimedia converter Date: 1 Nov 1995 21:21:17 GMT Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville Lines: 15 Message-ID: <478ocd$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.2N (Windows; I; 32bit) Sorry for the off subject post but it is for use with LW. I am looking for a Utility that will break an avi, qt, or mpeg file into individual frames. I want to do this to incoporate some digitized footage into a LW animation. It wouldnt b a problem if LW would load and AVI. There is an AVI loader in the loader dir on the LW CDrom but John Gross recently replied to a message saying that you could not use an avi as an image sequence. A couple of months ago a commercial post on the list for a Multimedia converter for 19.95 from Ulead systems was on this list and since then there has been some dicussion of this product. Anyone who could give me a lead on this or some other product to perform this function would be much appreciated. thanks Brad Prosise Article: 6802 Path:!!!!!!usenet From: (Joe Bell) Newsgroups: Subject: Benchmarks with SoftRam95 Date: 2 Nov 1995 00:41:23 GMT Organization: InfiNet Lines: 37 Message-ID: <47943j$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6 I just got SoftRam95 (It also works with win3.1) Here is my system: Gateway2000: 486DX2 66mhz 12 megs (physical ram) win3.1 (with LightWave's win32's) Lw4.0 rel A My findings are: If LW pages to disk both with and without softram activated, the one without the softram will be faster. (not much though) If the extra ram eliminates all or most of the paging, the render time will be increased. If LW didn't page to disk either time, the one without the softram will be faster. If you use a really big scene file that steals all of your ram, regardless of whether you use softram or not, don't use softram. However, if you're rendering a bunch of medium scenes, use it. You can also optimize it for speed or volume. I set it in the middle. I exactly doubled my ram and rendered blade.lws with all the default settings. Without Softram95 With Softram95 set on 2X 1 hr 2 min 43 sec 1 hr 5 min 53 sec 3763 seconds 3953 seconds Well, Just my 3 cents -joe Article: 6803 Path:!!!!!!usenet From: "Saeba, Ryo" Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Old Videoscape Geometry Generator: Need equivalent for LWave Date: Wed, 01 Nov 1995 18:48:13 -0800 Organization: Primenet Lines: 15 Message-ID: <> References: <46hc41$> <46van4$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1 (Windows; I; 16bit) I remember those were the good old days.... Videoscape... In pre-modeler times we had to plot the points and polygons of a model on graph paper and then type them in a text file (which scape read) That's when the good ol Amiga was King. -- ___________________________City Hunter___________________________ | e-mail: | | | | | also check out: | | | | __________________________Psyche 21___________________________| 3D computer graphics/animation/Desktop Publishing/Web design Music production/anime/comics and Video Games Article: 6804 Path:!!!!!gatech!!!!!!!usenet From: (John Foust) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory chip problems simms from my Amiga in my IBM Date: 1 Nov 1995 15:40:15 GMT Organization: Syndesis Corporation Lines: 14 Message-ID: <4784cv$> References: <471p49$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+ In article <471p49$>, Jack Campbell says: > >Why wont the 16meg 60ns 72pin simms work in my Pentium. >I even turned the parity off and it still doesnt make any diffrence. >What is different about the chips I had on my Warp engine. > >Any ideas out there. Perhaps it's a karmic implication due to all the spamming you do... :-) Have you tried laminating the chips into a poster? Article: 6805 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!!!!msunews!!!newsroom. From: (Kevin Gleeson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LIGHTWAVE ? Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 09:52:19 LOCAL Organization: Trumpet International Software Lines: 11 Message-ID: References: <475nmu$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B.7] In article <475nmu$> writes: >From: >Subject: LIGHTWAVE ? >Date: 31 Oct 1995 17:51:26 GMT >>Hey >is there anyway of getting Lightwave >either cheaply or preferably free? >E-mail me. Not legally - no. Article: 6806 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!agate!!van-bc!fonorola!!usenet From: Colin Cunningham Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LIGHTSMITH MAGAZINE - Where Are You? Date: 1 Nov 1995 23:03:40 GMT Organization: InfoRamp Inc., Toronto, Ontario (416) 363-9100 Lines: 9 Message-ID: <478ucc$> References: <46llpi$> <> <46qclj$> <476s54$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1S (X11; I; IRIX 5.3 IP22) To: X-URL: news:476s54$ I wrote an article for the first issue of LightSMITH ages ago and I STILL haven't received my copy. -- ................................................................... Colin Cunningham EMail: C.O.R.E. Digital Pictures HTTP:// ................................................................... Article: 6807 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!!!msunews!!! From: (Kevin Gleeson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Windows NT and Lightwave Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 10:09:58 LOCAL Organization: Trumpet International Software Lines: 98 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: Windows NT Lightwave X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B.7] In article (Kevin Gleeson) writes: >From: (Kevin Gleeson) >Subject: Re: Windows NT and Lightwave >Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 14:10:40 LOCAL >Keywords: Windows NT Lightwave >In article (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) writes: >>From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) >>Subject: Re: Windows NT and Lightwave >>Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 05:37:24 LOCAL >>Keywords: Windows NT Lightwave >>>Just thought I'd post some notes after a week of running Lightwave under NT >>>instead of Windows 95. >>>The speed increase was bullshit! I'm consistently getting 300% speed increases! >>>What doesn't make sense is an operating system change that gives me another >>>massive speed increase. 30 to 50 percent I could underdstand, but up to 5 >>>times as fast - no! >>>Anyone got any ideas why - (I'm not complaining by the way, I'd just like to >>>know the reasons). >>>BTW anyone not running NT - for god's sake change over - cheapest performance >>>increase I've ever seen. >>>Kevin Gleeson >>You are right. Something isn't "adding up". How 'bout posting some times >>using the benchmark scenes. 300%?? Something is wrong with this picture. >I'll have a look at that. What is the best "benchmark" render? My scenes are >usually a lot more complex than the cubes and surfaces, etc. But I'm seeing >the speed increase across the board on two computers regardless of the >complexity of the scene.... >Example yesterday - a 20,000 polygon scene- building interior, glass, >reflective surfaces, etc with seven light sources shadowmapped and trace on >reflections. Under Win95 - 28 mins. Under NT - 9mins ?!?!?! >Is it possible that loading the NT version will cause Lightwave to run slow in >Windows 95? >I'll go away now and find that cubes and surfaces thing and post a speed >difference up. OK - here we go. I ran the surftut3.lws in the full release 4 CD. Running it exactly as it comes with all three traces on, medium resolution, D2(PAL), low antialiasing, adaptive to 30 and save to disk as Targa I found only a 20 to 30 percent speed increase. Am I going mad? So - what is different about the scenes I render in my jobs. Rather than use traced shadows I usually use wide, soft, shadow mapped spot lights with the scene inside a sphere (a virtual studio) or inside a building or where shadows play a big part. I had noticed the biggest time difference seemed to be where 95 was calculating shadow maps - this could take several minutes under 95 on a big scene, whereas NT would zip through it. I decided to setup another test using the surftut3 as a base but changing the lights and adding a sphere around the entire scene. As I didn't have all day to mess about with this, I reduced resolution to low res. The sphere is a simple 32x16 segment, 12m sphere with polygons flipped inside and surface smoothing on with centre at 0,0,0 in the surftut3 scene. Spot lights are 60 deg beams with 25 deg soft edges. Computer is a P90 with 64 Meg Ram running Win95 or NT3.51 with newshell. Here are the results. Lights and objects Win 95 Win NT % increase in speed Distant traced 187 sec 141 sec 32.6% Spot traced 178 sec 131 sec 35.9% Spot shadowmap 119 sec 67 sec 77.6% Spot s/map + sphere 157 sec 86 sec 82.6% Spot trace + sphere 294 sec 237 sec 24.0% So I am not going mad after all. Under certain conditions (conditions which I obviously use a lot) NT is considerably faster. Now that I know it isn't an installation problem, I can confirm that NT can render in one third of the time it takes Win 95 to do the same thing. I think the above results would show greater differences at higher resolutions. Like I said before - cheapest speed increase I've ever bought! Kevin Gleeson Hobart TAS OZ Article: 6808 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!uunet!!!!news From: Rapier Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: 1 Nov 1995 23:36:12 GMT Organization: McGill University Computing Centre Lines: 49 Message-ID: <47909c$> References: <47658u$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AIR News 3.X (SPRY, Inc.) > (Ken Tylman) writes: > Hardly any company aims resources at the educational market. No > advertising or marketing. In most cases you have to contact the > manufacturer for info on educational prices. This is wrong, Microsoft has their software at educational price in almost all university COOP stores and University Computing Center store. When students walk arround and see this, they will buy MS Office for 200$ and never think about Lotus or anyone else. > >>A majority of consumers do not choose software based on their needs. > >>They choose based on what their friends and employers are using. > > >That's probably true. If it dosen't work for them though, they won't > >use it, thus breaking the cycle. > > The problem with your last statement is that almost any of the 3D > packages we've been talking about, not just LW, will meet 90% percent > of all user's needs. Unless someone is advised to buy LW, Newtek > would have just lost a sale. This is the most important point. The argument that "all companies will use whatever the students like most" is wrong, _but_ the argument that "companies can recieve requests for a product if and when staff has been exposed to this product" is quite right. If a student (me for example ... not even a Comp Sci student, medicine) were exposed to LW while not in the workforce (I am learning as much as I can about 3D because at some point I want to produce surgical simmulators and animations) and then began working commercially (lets pretend I hook up with the Glaxo Visual Human project). Then, this student wouls be able to recommend LW if he/she found that the present software was inadequate (lets say they are using 3DS at Glaxo and I suddenly find that LW suites me better because movement is more fluid and human tissue just looks better), then there is a good chance that I would say "could we please buy a version or two of LW What a messy argument ... makes sens but inserting all those examples made a mess of it. However, it does illustrate the point. -- O ,_ Frederic "Rapier" DANKOFF MDCM II |/ ` -rp- O//////])==============================- McGill Medicine \ /| / / `--~ O \/ (O) Article: 6809 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!erniew From: Ernie Wright Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 00:28:06 -0500 Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA Lines: 11 Message-ID: References: <475sq8$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: Phil South wrote: > Problem is some of us have kids too, which means that we think of sex as > being something we did in the '80s. :?) A fondly remembered decade. But there's something nice about my daughter bobbling into my office and, seeing LW running, asking me to show her the "dancing letters" again. - Ernie Article: 6810 Path:!!!!artdata From: () Newsgroups: Subject: FS: Amiga PAR, TBCIV, and 1.7 Gig HD Date: 2 Nov 1995 09:53:59 GMT Organization: RAIN Public Access Internet (805) 967-RAIN Lines: 13 Message-ID: <47a4fn$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] I would rather not part this stuff out, but here are the prices for each individual item. Amiga PAR...........$1200 TBCIV ..............$600 1.7 Gig IDE HD......$500 I also have a couple of A3000s for sale -Aaron -- Article: 6811 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!netnews From: (don shaw ) Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation,,,, Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Date: 2 Nov 1995 00:59:34 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 12 Message-ID: <47955m$> References: <44k1ch$> <44uj4u$> <452qfb$> <45cv06$> <45f8d6$> <45k9cp$85t@zippy NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Wed Nov 01 4:59:34 PM PST 1995 Xref: rec.arts.animation:44184 >it can sustain tragic content. We won't be seeing any Rothko's on the web. > > phew! i was worried we might. jr. Article: 6812 Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation,,,, Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!news From: Jeffrey Kurland Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: Sender: (Keeper of the News) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Artworks New York References: <44k1ch$> <44uj4u$> <452qfb$> <45cv06$> <45f8d6$> <45k9cp$85t@zippy Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 02:16:09 GMT X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Macintosh; I; PPC) X-Url: Lines: 6 Xref: rec.arts.animation:44186 Does anybody have a complete record of this discussion? "Is Computer Art Cheating?" How can I read the entire thread? Article: 6813 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!ncar!uchinews!!!!!!mikep From: (Mike Powell) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Painter 3.0 and LW? Date: 2 Nov 1995 02:21:48 GMT Organization: Hewlett Packard Sonoma County Lines: 26 Message-ID: <4799vs$> References: <4771bh$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] I find that Fractal paint is not a good choice for 3D animators. FDP is designed to make conventional artists feel better sitting in front of a CRT. 3D computer animators don't need this. (generally) It took me _hours_ to design a brush that would allow me to make a star field... something Dpaint can do in seconds. FDP is _terrible_ when it comes down to putting a pixel of color n at location x,y. FDP would rather you splash things across a canvas (made a great nebula...! Very hard for DPaint). But unless you plan on making nebulas or similar things, stay far, far away from FDP. I made a carefully constructed image map for a X-Wing fighter, and I tell you that FDP could not make such a map in a practical fashion. DPaint did a great job. Corel is a good choice, and I think there is a Micrographix painter that I hear is good. -mp- Article: 6814 Path:!!!!!!swrinde!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: After Effects (WAS LW on Nowhere Man) Date: 2 Nov 1995 13:23:07 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 12 Sender: Message-ID: <47b2ac$> References: <47a2m8$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <47a2m8$>, (SImhoff) writes: >Steve Axtell wrote >>Sorry I missed the original post. Does this mean >that After Effects is now available for the PC? Ax<< > >Better still would be Lightwave on the Mac -Sandy Imhoff > > > Please don't start this thread again - I really can't take it.. Article: 6815 Path:!!!!!!swrinde!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animator Date: 2 Nov 1995 13:23:08 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 13 Sender: Message-ID: <47b2ac$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article , (Jeff Howard) writes: >> Yup, that's what I've always heard about Lee: he can model >> with one hand while "animating" with the other. :-) >> >> - John > >...and then does a tutorial, including the motion file on disk. > >Jeff As long as he doesn't include the final rendering... Article: 6816 Path:!!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!user From: (Mark Behm) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Simpsons in 3D... Date: Wed, 01 Nov 1995 11:00:42 -0500 Organization: Rittenhouse Lines: 14 Message-ID: References: <475s0o$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <475s0o$>, (DanMorvec) wrote: > Did anyone see the halloween episode with the 3D animation segments? It > was brilliant! As much as I love the show as it is, I would like to see > all every episode done this way! Great line - I feel like I'm wasting a fortune just standing here...Probably Alias -- Mark Behm Rittenhouse Communications Yardley Pa Article: 6817 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!jhoward Newsgroups: From: (Jeff Howard) Subject: Re: Hey... women animator X-Client-Port: 3042 Message-ID: X-Nntp-Posting-Host: Date: 2 Nov 95 03:57:38 GMT Sender: Lines: 14 > Yup, that's what I've always heard about Lee: he can model > with one hand while "animating" with the other. :-) > > - John ...and then does a tutorial, including the motion file on disk. Jeff ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Jeff Howard: | AV * TV * CGI | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Q-Blue 2.0 [NR] * Article: 6818 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Windows NT and Lightwave Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 00:02:44 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 41 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: Windows NT Lightwave X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article (Kevin Gleeson) writes: [snip] >>You are right. Something isn't "adding up". How 'bout posting some times >>using the benchmark scenes. 300%?? Something is wrong with this picture. >I'll have a loof at that. What is the best "benchmark" render? My scenes are >usually a lot more complex than the cubes and surfaces, etc. But I'm seeing >the speed increase across the board on two computers regardless of the >complexity of the scene.... >Example yesterday - a 20,000 polygon scene- building interior, glass, >reflective surfaces, etc with seven light sources shadowmapped and trace on >reflections. Under Win95 - 28 mins. Under NT - 9mins ?!?!?! >Is it possible that loading the NT version will cause Lightwave to run slow in >Windows 95? >I'll go away now and find that cubes and surfaces thing and post a speed >difference up. >Kevin Gleeson >Hobart TAS OZ There are four scenes on the CD under the benchmarks directory. Also, lots of people like to use the Blade Runner scene (frame 54? - no field rendering). There is no perfect benchmark scene. The reason I suggested posting the benchmark was to see: a) is the difference seen "across the board"? b) is NT fast or is Win95 slow? Using the "standard" scenes gives a frame of reference. What happens to the above scene under Win95 and Screamernet? _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6819 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Zip Drive? Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 00:03:33 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 24 Message-ID: References: <46gokm$> <46h8bf$> <478fo7$i3u@ocean.CAM.ORG> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <478fo7$i3u@ocean.CAM.ORG> dthomas@CAM.ORG (Daniel Thomas) writes: >: >You didn't get a zip yet? good buy the JAZZ drive 1 gig internal for $469 >: >and the carts are $119 >: >chuck >: > >: > >: Is it shipping yet? They said it was going to be out months ago. The >: carts have been available, but the drive is yet to be released (as far as >: I know).. >I have a zip drive since saturday and it works fine! Insight is advertising it in their latest mailing. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6820 Path:!!!!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: output to video services?? Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 00:21:51 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 54 Message-ID: References: <476jav$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <476jav$> (Leuey) writes: >From: (Leuey) >Subject: output to video services?? >Date: 31 Oct 1995 20:42:55 -0500 > Hello, I've stumbled upon a problem here in Omaha, NE. I need to put a >minute or two worth of LW generated images onto videotape, but it seems >that there isn't any place here in town that offers that service (single >frame recording). > Does anybody know of a company either here in Nebraska or someplace else >in the country that offers this service? If so could you please fill me >in on the details > like: > cost per frame? > File formats that are supported (.tga or .iff)? > Turnaround time? > Videotape output formats? > And the type of media (e.g. removable media/drives that the >companies prefers the images sent in on)? > Has anybody used such a service? What are your opinions concerning the >cost and quality of the product? Would I just be better off investing in >a PVR and doing all of this myself? > Thanks for any help that can be provided, I just can't seem to get a >hold of anybody here in Omaha that will provide such a service. >thanks >greg It is my opinion (so far) that the PVR is quite adequate for Beta SP output. We bought a PVR and bring it to a local post house to put to tape. This keeps us from investing in expensive tape equipment and allows us the use of the local post house's video expertise. It has also proven to be not too inconvenient. Having the PVR (or PAR) assists in making preliminary motion tests and allows us do generate good VHS copies for client approval etc. Prior to the PVR we brought SCSI disks to a different post house that had a FAST Non-linear machine. The results were very good. If someone in your area has a non-linear machine, this may be a decent alternative. The issues here are getting a big enough SCSI drive or enough Syquest disks. It also is more expensive taking up your time AND the post house's time dumping frames to the FAST device. I'd suggest the PVR. You can always get ahold of someone's Beta SP deck. Getting time on a non-linear machine - of the type you are accustomed - isn't as assured. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6821 Path:!!!!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR disk space recovery - bug? Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 00:24:31 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 28 Message-ID: References: <475toe$> <476g9u$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <476g9u$> (Elfwork) writes: >From: (Elfwork) >Subject: Re: PVR disk space recovery - bug? >Date: 31 Oct 1995 19:51:10 -0500 >In article <475toe$>, writes: >>(It really makes me nervous about the lack of disk tools that >>come with >>the PVR.) >If you were running under Win95, I'd recommend using the Disk-Optimize >feature in the DPS control panel. >The same menu under WinNT does _NOT_ include this option........... >Hmmmmm, maybe you just defrag P: using a WinNT defragger?!? >Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. Win 3.x ver 2.04 has disk tools. It is available on the DPS ftp site. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6822 Path:!!!!!!news From: (Ken Tylman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 02:44:17 GMT Organization: HiWAAY Information Services Lines: 124 Message-ID: <4797mk$> References: <3830@epochsys.UUCP> <465mar$> <46bnkj$> <46ig5o$> <46oiis$je9@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> <46pe2j$> wrote: >Ken Tylman wrote: >> I'm not saying that Newtek owes students lower prices. I'm saying it >> makes business sense for a company entering a new market to try and >> get as many units sold as possible. ... >> >> Let the flames begin > >The only reason this topic generates so much waste heat is that there >are a few people who think they should pay less than the rest of us for >their *personal* copies of LW--keep in mind that NewTek already offers >discounts to educational institutions. If those very special people >insist on pretending that this has anything to do with "business sense," >they should at least acquaint themselves with the economic background >before trying to convince the rest of us. >Here's something I posted in July. I also have all the stuff I posted >in March, and all of it's still good. The arguments never, ever change. >If anyone plans to respond to this, be forewarned that it has the power >to fully reveal the extent of your ignorance. This isn't storytime, >where you're free to just make shit up. How very nice of you to warn us. I don't think that you should assume others are making "shit" up because they draw different conclusions from the same data. >In economic terms, NewTek falls somewhere between an oligarchy and an >imperfect competitor with respect to LightWave. The product (LW) is a >well-differentiated good in a relatively small market. Demand for it is >therefore somewhat inelastic, which means that the firm (NewTek) has a >fair amount of freedom in setting its price. Every company has the freedom to set its prices. In a relatively small market with many competitors, price is not inelastic, not if a company wants to compete in that market. By your reasoning Newtek should be able to set their price at $20,000 and still be able to compete with 3DS. Also by you reasoning, Newtek's competition will not react to LW's $995 price if it cuts into their marketshare. >To see clearly that the demand for LW is insensitive to price, compare >it to other products for which demand is very sensitive (elastic). A >10% difference in the price of milk from a given supplier will have a >large effect on demand for that supplier's milk, whereas the effect on >the demand for LW versus other 3D programs would be negligible. True, a 10% difference would have little effect in either the student or professional market. A 75% difference is another matter. >A firm in NewTek's position seeks to increase profits by increasing >market share. The firm can do this by advertising, by differentiating >its product further, and by effectively penetrating the elite sector of >the market, which tends to lead opinion in matters of taste (a component >of demand). Clearly NewTek is active and fairly successful in these >areas. No argument. >For a firm like NewTek and a product like LW, the *least* attractive way >to increase market share is by lowering the price. Because demand for >LW is relatively insensitive to price, a large drop in price is required >to produce a significant increase in demand. Reduction in revenue might >far overshadow any increase in number of units sold. Any sales in the student market is an increase in revenue for Newtek, as long as production costs are met by the price point. If you sell zero copies to students at $1000ea that's $0 revenue. If you sell 1 copy at $500($100 production costs) that's $400 revenue. $400>$0 >A low price strategy might work, however, if it is restricted to small >sectors of the market where sensitivity to price is higher. This is >part of the motivation for student pricing of software. Students in >particular attract attention because they represent the most likely area >of market growth. Agreed. >But there's also a large amount of risk, primarily because not much is >known about the effects of a student pricing policy. How many students >would buy the product at its regular price? What impact would different >prices have on dealers? Will full-price customers resent special pricing, >and how many will be able to obtain special-price copies of the product, >despite the fact that they don't qualify for them? Should students be >sold a different version of the product to prevent this? How much should >be spent to develop this version, and in what way can it be made desire- >able to students but not to others? I don't see any risks in marketing to students. Not many students will buy LW at it's regular price. Not with 3DS and others offering student prices well below LW. I'm not sure I understand your point about dealers. I understand that 3DS has a limitation on students using their versions for commercial work. Newtek could impliment this with a student license for LW. Other companies do not provide technical support for student versions. If a person is a student they should have access to knowledgable faculty. If Newtek does nothing in the student market, they will make little or nothing from it. As it is, most students buy a software package for two reasons; it is either used by their school or it is the cheapest. LW is neither for most students. The student market has a different set of criteria for setting prices. It would be different if no company had student discounts, but that's not the way it is. If Chevy sold cars to students at $5000 and Ford sold essentially the same car at $15000, how many Fords do you think students would buy? Please note that this assumes both companies could make a profit, however slim, at $5000 per car. If Ford refused to adjust their prices they would basically be giving the student market to Chevy. It is questionable how important that market is, but Ford wouldn't have to worry about it. They'd have no share of it. >- Ernie Later, Ken -------------------- Ken Tylman -------------------- Article: 6823 Path:!!!!!!van-bc!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Possible bug? Date: 2 Nov 1995 20:23:19 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 26 Message-ID: <> References: <479h11$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* > I have noticed recently that in modeller, > the keyboard shortcuts for bevel and the > boolean functions seem to get mixed up. (PC, 4.0) > Ocassionally, shift and b gives me the boolean > tool, and sometimes it gives me the bevel option. > Am I doing something that isn't obvious to me > that would cause this? > -Nemickol- > ^ > / \s > > Social Entropy Corporation > "Ya can push all tha buttons > ya aint' stoppin'!" -Vince >"Plague of Many Colours" -comming soon! >*Unsolicited commercial e-mail will be subject to a $550 US archival >fee. Mailing denotes acceptance of these terms. This is your only warning* caps lock maybe?? Article: 6824 Path:!!!!!!van-bc!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: output to video services?? Date: 2 Nov 1995 20:23:21 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 12 Message-ID: <> References: <476jav$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* rest of thread deleted... Just my 2 pennies.....NEVER EVER send your work to any other company unless you dont care whos demo reel it shows up far as client confidentiality goes thats a whole pandoras box waiting to be opened... my advice is either find a home user with a par etc... still keep complete control and they feel happy to actually make some $$ on an animation project (and the new contacts etc..) then rent a beta sp portable deck and your in business without frying those rental heads..:) Article: 6825 Path:!!!!!!van-bc!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: 2 Nov 1995 20:23:24 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 30 Message-ID: <> References: <3830@epochsys.UUCP> <46uip1$> <4707l5$> <473v2b$> <47647k$> <479o63$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >Good idea! This file's getting too big anyway. with all the rest of this thread I have to finally interject...As someone who pays full value for all, I find the price of LW pretty low compared to what those tools actually are...ok ok stop the flames..I like the rest of you have more equipment to add to my company than cash flow but lets face it in the hands of anyone with half assed animation skills LW can pay for itself in a short period.. What annoys me most about this thread is that these same people who whine and cry for student discounts are prolly the first ones who will call newtek and bitch that they deserve the free upgrades as they come.. (yes I have known students to get the Photoshop package and then get free updates accordingly ..) As far as getting Lw into more school facilities..Well buy the package and make a good anim at the teachers.board of directors etc..It is always easier to sell something tangible..dont think some posts will change newtek INC. If there is a tangible reason why LW should be in their program THEY will have more clout than you with newtek.. My final word..forget cgi school and spend your money on the apps and machines YOU know you need..No regrets here just lots of sleep dep and fast learning curve..That said I wish I had a mentor myself instead of having to teach people things I have learned the hard way.. Article: 6826 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!mikep From: (Mike Powell) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: No LFNs? Possible solution... Date: 2 Nov 1995 01:54:19 GMT Organization: Hewlett Packard Sonoma County Lines: 26 Message-ID: <4798cb$> References: <4765sv$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] OK... it appears that there are a number of problems that can cause the LFN's to die, which is an important issue to LW Intel users running W95. My problem is now solved. The basic cause seems to be when drives are forced to run in MS-DOS compatibility mode. Mine was having a Zip drive on my parallel port with the pre-95 driver. Installing the w95 driver, and removing the guest.exe program from my autoexec.bat took care of it. I have also heard that some systems (Packard bell specifically, perhaps others) sometimes have a hard time with multiple/large hard drives. I don't understand what is going on, but one solution was to swap the master/slave relationship of the two drives (IDE). Hope these to tidbits help some folks. -Mike- Article: 6827 Path:!!!!oronet!uniserve!van-bc!!agate!!!!!!!!co From: (Mike Powell) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Motion Blur on parts only ? Followup-To:, Date: 2 Nov 1995 02:34:06 GMT Organization: Hewlett Packard Sonoma County Lines: 30 Message-ID: <479amu$> References: <> <46van6$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: Hi Andrew.... I'll make a couple of assumptions here... 1 - That you are attempting to _animate_ and not simply do a single frame. 2 - That your reason for asking about blurring only parts of the car (wheels) is to reduce render time. If this is correct, the answer is simple. Do what I did to get blur _before_ motion blur was included with LW. Turn off motion blur. Replace the wheels with a new set of wheels that have no detail, only smooth surfaces for the wheel/hub. Paint an image map of a wheel that looks blured (image processors can help, and if need be, render a single image of your original wheel in lightwave, with motion blur on and the wheel in rotation, save the image). Map the image to each wheel. Render normally. -mp- Article: 6828 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: Ken Geary Subject: Re: Probable Lightwave Bug Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Nntp-Posting-User: (Unauthenticated) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <> References: <46r8vu$> <470qn1$> X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1J (Windows; I; 32bit) Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Nntp-Posting-Host: Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 20:57:31 GMT Lines: 1 test Article: 6829 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: Ken Geary Subject: Re: Probable Lightwave Bug Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Nntp-Posting-User: (Unauthenticated) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <> References: <46r8vu$> <470qn1$> X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1J (Windows; I; 32bit) Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Nntp-Posting-Host: Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 21:07:30 GMT Lines: 19 I just recently installed 4.0 final on my NT system. Since then, I have no access to the dongle(LW won't initialize). I also noted that I can no longer print. I botted down to WIndows and found I could print-ruling out a hardware problem. I installed the Windows 3.11 drivers/software while in windows and the SAME EXACT THING HAPPENED- no LW initialize, no printing ability anymore. I moved the dongle to another pentium system(WFW3.11 only) and installed LW4.0/drivers and it worked fine! This is weird. Any help on this matter will be greatly apprecialted. I have Flight Technologies working on the problem and still waiting for Newtek support to call back. I have a KittyHawk dual 90Mhz Pentium/64MB wih WindowsNT3.51/WFW3.11. I tried a re-install of both WIndows to no avail. The pre-release had worked fine on my system in both WFW and NT! The only culprit I can think of(my first culprit is Newtek's software) is I have a Token Ring card assigned to IRQ 5, which someone mentioned is the printer port IRQ assignment-but why would everthing work fine before I installed the LW4.0 update??? Article: 6830 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!leimberger From: () Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: 2 Nov 1995 12:15:06 GMT Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation Lines: 121 Distribution: world Message-ID: <47acoa$> References: <3830@epochsys.UUCP> <465mar$> <> <46sg73$> <46ume7$> Reply-To: () NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <46ume7$>, (Ken Tylman) writes: |>Path:!!!!caen!!!!!swrinde!!!!!!!!news |>From: (Ken Tylman) |>Newsgroups: |>Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? |>Date: Sun, 29 Oct 1995 01:48:14 GMT |>Organization: HiWAAY Information Services |>Lines: 147 |>Message-ID: <46ume7$> |>References: <3830@epochsys.UUCP> <465mar$> <> <46sg73$> |>NNTP-Posting-Host: |>If students are coming into the market trained on LW, then production |>houses are going to be more inclined to use LW. If no students know |>LW, why change? They will only incur addition costs in training and |>lost time changing over to LW. |> Lets get real here! LW ia ALREADY selling on the street for less than $1000.00. Newtek ALREADY offers schools an incentive program. So what is the problem ? As for students influencing Production houses, if you think this is valid go back to grade school. I doulbt that there are any serious production houses that are not aware of lightwave, and if there are an they haven't bought into it yet I doulbt a student is going to influencr them. trust me on this IT IS THE EMPLOYER'S MARKET OUT THERE. THEY REALLY DON'T HAVE TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT STUDENTS. There is a wealth of qualified persons that already have experiance on several 3D platforms, and video backgrounds to boot. I am sure ther ARE students that are very desirable, but how many can compete out of the gate ? |>> Price. If every company |>>>but Newtek is offering student discounts then Newtek is losing a |>>>opportunity to make hundreds, if not thousands, of sales EVERY year. Then give it up and go buy one of those great deals. You may save all of $400 dollars and blow that on your first IPAS routine. YOU know the power of LW and YOU want it but in all honesty if you can afford a student package from another vendor you are close to LW's purchase price. It's just this tiring "I am a student so the world owes me mentality at work here". |>>Sales at a loss of revenue. Newtek makes sales based in the |>>performance of it's product, not by what students can afford. If the |>>performance of the software warrants the price, they will get it, |>>irregardless of what Tru |>>espace sells for, as Truespace isn't used in the professional |>>environment. When people see LW stuff on their TV's or in the movies, |>>they will shell out the cash for it, if they really want it. Right ON with this !!!!! stuff deleted |> |>Do you really think that Newtek can survive that long without getting |>some serious backing behind LW? I still think the easiest way for |>them to that backing is by flooding the educational market with LW. |>Professional usage is fine, but professionals will buy LW once and |>then upgrades after that. EVERY year Newtek has the opportunity to |>sell thousands of additional copies to students. |> |>> It's the easiest |>>>way for them to gain a foothold. Serious Backing ! put down your GameBoy and look around. The return that production houses are recieving on LW probably is one of the best around when it comes to cost performance, return. Every day we see new and amazing stuff coming from houses using LW, and not many needed a student to do it for them. If you qwn a production house, and have a system running NT already your investment to get into LW is probably the smallest one you will make this year. I haven't seen a lot of production houses out here whining for a break in the price. |>> True, Lightwave |>>>may be better and cheaper, but these people have already invested a |>>>lot of time and money in their setups. They're going to wait to see |>>>if Lightwave is really worth the change. Even if it is, many |>>>companies won't change over for a year or longer. Like I've said, |>>>they've already spent a lot of times on their setups. HELLO! HELLO! LW is a powerfull tool that in the end is just another piece of software that may be one OF MANY TOOLS a production house will buy and capaitalize over the next year. |> |>>What are you talking about??? LW is cheap compared to their setups. |>>The average setup for a LW useable system in a professional |>>environment, which I assume we're talking about here, is around $5000. |>>LW is cheap compare |>>d to the setup. Well said ! |>Hardware is not the only cost. It will cost many companies a lot more |>than $995 to switch to LW. You have training costs and lost |>efficiency until all of your artists are up to speed. Ya right! you may have to buy any of the many wonderfull tutorial tapes available that support LW. Buy the right one and twenty min. later your doing your first space flyby. Many in the industry that have struggled with other software will take to LW like a duck takes to Water. THEY have the Basics already LW just makes it easier for them to apply them. More spewing deleted |>I would like you to show me one company that would not rather hire |>someone who knows the tools they use over someone who does. If every |>student coming out of college knows how to use 3DS, why would a |>company bother using LW? So they can spend months of unproductive |>time retraining? Think about it. I can tell you one person I know that was looking to hire people. He is one of the most talented LW users around, and is a member of a LW user group. When he looked to hire people he looked at ther Artistic creative ability. Knowing LW was not on the top of his list, and he passed by many LW users to find the right person. (I know I never would have had a chance). This thing you have about the importance of knowing a package is baggage your carrying over from 3DS. LW with a good mentor can be overcome in a very short time . bill Article: 6831 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!fc!chip_ross From: (Chip Ross) Reply-To: Newsgroups: Distribution: world Subject: Re: Possible bug? Date: 02 Nov 1995 20:39:02 GMT Message-ID: <> Organization: Computer Soup Inc. Lines: 8 you asked obout the bevel and Boolean functions getting mixed up? Well I had the same thing happen to me. This is embarrassing, but I cleared up the problem when I turned the Caps Lock off. Try it, because sometimes your fingers may just accidentLLY HIT THAT BUTTON ****************************************************************** LoonLink BBS (612) 780-5118 N-8-1 FirstClass IP Port 3004 Article: 6832 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!rpraver From: Ron Praver Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Organic Modeling - HELP! Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 07:36:58 -0500 Organization: CyberGate Lines: 16 Message-ID: References: <> <46pvjc$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <> ftp to: change directory to: pub/povray/modelers download mget winblob*.* On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Viet Ho wrote: > In article you write: > >BTW, I am one of the guys that was involved with creating Blob Sculptor. > >Seeing that you are on the LIGHTWAVE group I will assume you are running > >windows. If so check out WINBLOBS this is a version for windows. > > Dude.. man, where can this be had? > Article: 6833 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 08:48:00 +0100 From: (Frank Aalbers) Subject: Re: Ok, one more time.. Picasso & Wireframes Message-ID: References: <471coe$> Newsgroups: X-Comment-To: (Ryan McDonald) Organization: NightBreed Lines: 13 X-Gateway: FIDO .. [FIDOGATE 3.9.5] X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #41 X-FTN-Origin: -+- PIXION -+- , Deurne , Belgium (2:292/603.37) X-FTN-Domain: Z2@fidonet X-FTN-Seen-By: 292/603 X-FTN-Path: 292/603 Ryan McDonald (Ryan McDonald ) wrote: RM> Ok, here it goes again. Ive posted the question to the RM> group exactly five times and people REFUSE to respond RM> to it. Here it goes again. Has anyone been able to get RM> LW 4.0 to display wireframes on a Picasso Screen? RM> If so, PLEASE tell me how you did it. Im desparate! Probably nobody replyed because nobody has been able to ... Frank Aalbers GRID Productions Article: 6834 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 09:43:42 +0100 From: (Frank Aalbers) Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Message-ID: References: <473v2b$> Newsgroups: X-Comment-To: (William Teegarden) Organization: NightBreed Lines: 36 X-Gateway: FIDO .. [FIDOGATE 3.9.5] X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #41 X-FTN-Origin: -+- PIXION -+- , Deurne , Belgium (2:292/603.37) X-FTN-Domain: Z2@fidonet X-FTN-Seen-By: 292/603 X-FTN-Path: 292/603 William Teegarden ( (William Teegarden)) wrote: WT> Not exactly. For each new group of students starting school, their are WT> an WT> equal number of students leaving to find jobs. They will use whatever WT> software WT> the companies who hire them are using. Or you can convince the boss to use better software like say ... LightWave ? :-) That's what I did . :-) WT> Actaully, the reason I heard is because Microsoft had every disc WT> pressing WT> facility in the country making 95 discs. I don't know if that's true WT> or not, but what WT> I was told. They told me the same thing . Why should they lie ... WT> Actually, there are a quite a few people who started out as hobbiests WT> and turned it into a profession. Myself being one of them. In fact, WT> almost WT> everyone I work with started out as a hobbiest. Only one was trained, WT> and he used Alias. WT> He dosen't use it now though.... Same here just started full time animating . Did it half time for a year now . Never got anny graphic degree , learned everything as a hobby . Frank Aalbers GRID Productions Article: 6835 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 09:55:12 +0100 From: (Frank Aalbers) Subject: Re: No two color images in PC lightwave? Message-ID: References: <473vvg$> Newsgroups: X-Comment-To: (Greg Smith) Organization: NightBreed Lines: 24 X-Gateway: FIDO .. [FIDOGATE 3.9.5] X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #41 X-FTN-Origin: -+- PIXION -+- , Deurne , Belgium (2:292/603.37) X-FTN-Domain: Z2@fidonet X-FTN-Seen-By: 292/603 X-FTN-Path: 292/603 Greg Smith ( (Greg Smith)) wrote: GS> When I loaded my 2 color map, Lightwave said it was 24bit. ...and GS> because GS> the image was 1600x1280, it said that it was over 6 megs large in GS> memory. GS> GS> Is it Lightwave or my settings? It's a bug from the HIIP loaders . Go to the directory where the executable files of the HIIP loaders are and delete the IFF and the TARGA executables . This way LW will use its original IFF and TARGA loaders wich work fine . This also is a solution to the problem using sequences in Images . If you use the HIIP IFF loder the images stay in the memory everytime you get the next picture of the sequence . So your virtual memory gets full after rendering some frames . Using the internal LW IFF loader will solve this problem . Frank Aalbers GRID Productions Article: 6836 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 09:58:26 +0100 From: (Frank Aalbers) Subject: Re: Muzzle flashes, How do I do it? Message-ID: References: Newsgroups: X-Comment-To: ("Phil South") Organization: NightBreed Lines: 12 X-Gateway: FIDO .. [FIDOGATE 3.9.5] X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #41 X-FTN-Origin: -+- PIXION -+- , Deurne , Belgium (2:292/603.37) X-FTN-Domain: Z2@fidonet X-FTN-Seen-By: 292/603 X-FTN-Path: 292/603 "Phil South" ( ("Phil South")) wrote: PS> I'd make a muzzle flash object and texture it luminous (or glow) with PS> transparent edges. The I'd dissolve the object in and out using an PS> envelope. (Don't forget to turn linear on in spline controls to snap it PS> on and off for a frame or two.) And don't forget Object Dissolve don't work right with glow . Frank Aalbers GRID Productions Article: 6837 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 10:03:16 +0100 From: (Frank Aalbers) Subject: Re: LightWave 4.0 Final for Alpha? Message-ID: References: <47540d$> Newsgroups: X-Comment-To: (David Warner) Organization: NightBreed Lines: 9 X-Gateway: FIDO .. [FIDOGATE 3.9.5] X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #41 X-FTN-Origin: -+- PIXION -+- , Deurne , Belgium (2:292/603.37) X-FTN-Domain: Z2@fidonet X-FTN-Seen-By: 292/603 X-FTN-Path: 292/603 David Warner ( (David Warner)) wrote: DW> Has anyone received their final version of LW4.0 for the Alpha? Not yet David ! Frank Aalbers GRID Productions Article: 6838 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 10:06:02 +0100 From: (Frank Aalbers) Subject: Re: NT AVI problem Message-ID: References: <47580m$> Newsgroups: X-Comment-To: (brad prosise) Organization: NightBreed Lines: 15 X-Gateway: FIDO .. [FIDOGATE 3.9.5] X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #41 X-FTN-Origin: -+- PIXION -+- , Deurne , Belgium (2:292/603.37) X-FTN-Domain: Z2@fidonet X-FTN-Seen-By: 292/603 X-FTN-Path: 292/603 brad prosise (brad prosise ) wrote: bp> I have the same problem and I do add the .AVI extension. The bp> funny thing is, I am running WIN 95 on the same box and added bp> LW through the task bar and the AVI's work great. Now if I bp> could get the rendering speed from NT I would be setup. Glad to hear this . One thing is for sure . Using NT is the cheapest renderspeed upgrade I can imagine . :-) Frank Aalbers GRID Productions Article: 6839 Path:!!!!!!!!swrinde!!!!!not-for From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: 2 Nov 1995 13:23:06 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 9 Sender: Message-ID: <47b2aa$> References: <4797mk$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <4797mk$>, (Ken Tylman) writes: >I don't see any risks in marketing to students. Not many students >will buy LW at it's regular price. Not with 3DS and others offering >student prices well below LW. I'm not sure I understand your point I was a student when I bought LW.. I could have gotten 3ds, but why? Lightwave's better and I'll only lay out cash for the best I can get.. Article: 6840 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!btnet!bt!usenet From: (Stuart Smith) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Miro DC1 Mjpeg any good? Date: 2 Nov 1995 12:56:25 GMT Organization: BT Labs Lines: 22 Message-ID: <47af5p$> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Xref: Is anyone using Miro's DC1 realtime MJPEG compression/decompression board. I was thinking of buying one. It says it can output 640x480 at 30 fps to composite/S-VHS,Hi8. Not being a millionaire (and this being just a hobby) a PAR is out of the question.. so I was wondering what sort of results folk have had... In particular I want to use it to play Lightwave what format do I need to put them in, how quick is conversion, etc, etc.. It samples in at 320x240 at 30 fps as well (although I have no use for this).. Anyway, any information would be very useful , also on average kb/s requirements and anim sizes... Stu -- ____ \_/ \____ (")______(")> Water invented Man so that he could move up hills :-) Article: 6841 Path:!!!swrinde!hookup!!uunet!!!!it!cascio From: (Mario Cascio) Newsgroups: Subject: Somewhat Offtopic - morphing Date: 2 Nov 1995 03:36:17 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin - Parkside Lines: 20 Message-ID: <479ebh$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] I am going to doing a project that requires an animated tiger running over an actual golf course and then morphs into a real tractor as it gets close to the camera. What is a good program to use for a moving morph? The tiger will be in a crouched walking position as if it is hunting prey as it morphs into a moving tractor that eventually comes to a stop. What is a good way to go about doing this project? Any suggestions? I'm using an Amiga4000 running LW 4.0 but have access to an IBM. The Amiga also contains a FLYER. I have Cinemorph, but it is rather old and seems outdated. Thanks in advance, Mario Cascio ProMotion Article: 6842 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (James Jones/Nibbles and Bits) Newsgroups: Subject: PVR Lunchbox? Date: 2 Nov 1995 10:57:12 -0700 Organization: Internet Express (800-592-1240 customer service) Lines: 25 Message-ID: <47b0po$> NNTP-Posting-Host: I was just thinking how nice it would be if there were a "Lunchbox" style PC into which a PVR, capture card and AV drive would fit. I'm talking about those bigger-than-a-laptop thingys that have a fold-down keyboard, a 8-10" CRT or flat-screen monitor built in, expansion slots and a carrying strap. Of course, it would need room for the DPS stuff, a sound card, video card and ethernet -- and have to be NT compatible -- at least. Sure would beat carrying around a 17" monitor and a mid-tower case. And it would render faster than a Betacam deck... :) Has anyone put together something like this, or found out if it's even possible? -Jim James G. Jones Nibbles & Bits ___ * UniQWK #5134* Article: 6843 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!egreen2 From: (Nemickol) Newsgroups: Subject: Possible bug? Date: 2 Nov 1995 04:21:53 GMT Organization: University of Notre Dame Lines: 25 Sender: (erick green) Distribution: world Message-ID: <479h11$> NNTP-Posting-Host: I have noticed recently that in modeller, the keyboard shortcuts for bevel and the boolean functions seem to get mixed up. (PC, 4.0) Ocassionally, shift and b gives me the boolean tool, and sometimes it gives me the bevel option. Am I doing something that isn't obvious to me that would cause this? -Nemickol- ^ / \s Social Entropy Corporation "Ya can push all tha buttons ya aint' stoppin'!" -Vince "Plague of Many Colours" -comming soon! *Unsolicited commercial e-mail will be subject to a $550 US archival fee. Mailing denotes acceptance of these terms. This is your only warning* Article: 6844 Path:!!!!usenet From: (Stephen J. Gaudet) Newsgroups: Subject: DCG's Nov DEC Alpha special Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 01:42:50 GMT Organization: The Internet Access Company Lines: 77 Message-ID: <47bs1e$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 DCG Computer's November COD Pricing Special: PC64 Alpha 21064a-xxx Processor 2mb cache, 12ns (expandable to 8mb) Desktop Case w/ 300 watt p.s. 1.44mb floppy 32mb ram NCR53c810 Fast SCSI-2 controller 1Gb SCSI-2 Disk 4x CD-Rom drive S3 PCI video w / 4mb vram Keyboard and Logitech mouse Windows NT 3.51 10/100MB ethernet Price:$6,895.00 for 275MHz 189 SPECint92 264 SPECfp92 est. Price:$7,200.00 for 300MHz 220 Specint92 300 SPECfp92 est. 17" MAG1726 .26 DOT, 1280x1024 $699.00 17" CTX1785 .26 DOT, 1600x1280 $799.00 ************************************ PC64-233MHz, 275MHz, & 300MHz System Specifications Processor Performance 233 275 300 Architecture Alpha AXP 21064a SPECint92 157@ 189@ 220@ Clock Rate 233Mhz, 275Mhz, 300Mhz SPECfp92 183@ 264@ 300@ Onchip 32KByte on 233 & 275Mhz Secondary 2MByte, 12ns cache System Memory expandable to 8Mb 16MByte Board Specifications 512MByte Baby AT sized 128-bit interleaved ECC Cache Mass Storage 128-bit interleaved Memory Floppy Disk 1.44Mb, 3.5" Hard Disk 500MB; 1-9GB RAID Options available Standard PC64 Features Embedded I/O Interfaces Input Devices Buses 3 ISA (16-bit, 16MB/sec.) Keyboard P/S 2 101 keyboard 4 PCI (32-Bit, 132MB/sec.) Mouse P/S 2, Microsoft Comp. (1 Shared ISA/PCI slot) IDE Display Options Floppy IBM Commpatible SVGA 1024 x 768, 60Hz, 14" Parallel 1 Centronics Compatible SVGA 1600 x 1280, 72Hz, 17" Serial 2 RS232C SVGA 1600 x 1280, 72Hz, 21" Floppy IBM Compatible Supported Operating System Software @ Estimated SPEC numbers Windows NT 3.51 One year return-to-factory warranty. DEC Unix (OSF/1) & Open VMS One year return-to-factory warranty on all parts and labor. Custom configurations and options available upon request. International shipping can be arranged. Quantity discounts apply. Thank you, Steve +1-603-421-1800 ____________________________________________________________ | Stephen Gaudet | Reseller of Digital Alpha based systems | | DCG Computers | and motherboards running NT, OSF/1, VMS, | | 35 Otterson Rd. | and Linux at affordable prices. | | Londonderry, NH 03053 |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | ph:603-421-1800 fax:603-421-0911 | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now shipping 21164-300Mhz systems at 330 SPECint92 & 500 SPECfp92 est. Article: 6845 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!not-for-mail From: (PMshark) Newsgroups: Subject: Caligari DXF to LW Date: 2 Nov 1995 08:58:47 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 10 Sender: Message-ID: <47aiqn$> Reply-To: (PMshark) NNTP-Posting-Host: Gotta friend who wants to know if there is a way to transfer his Caligari DXF (PC) files into LW(PC) usable objects. Any suggestions? PJ Visual Designer "Look and you will find it--what is unsought will go undetected" SOPHOCLES Article: 6846 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!genmagic!!!!!!!swrinde! From: Ron Pepper Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ok, one more time.. Picasso & Wireframes Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 08:00:11 -0600 Organization: Dell Computer Corporation Lines: 25 Message-ID: References: <471coe$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <> On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Viet Ho wrote: > In article <475df1$> you write: > > What is a Picasso screen? > > > > Ron. > Duh... it's a graphics card that plugs into the amiga... duh.... > something like 1024x768x24bits which the amiga don't have native. > duh.. > > [sorry for the wisecracks....i'm jest a little delirous[] > > Since I haven't used my amiga in about 2 years (its only a 500) I don't think its surprising that I don't know what that video card is. I would much rather render on my P90. Ron. ***===--- Ronald Pepper - ---===*** Office: Braker F Server Group Phone: (512) 728-7638 Unix Support-IPS All opinions are mine alone. Dell Computer Corporation "I post, therefore I am." Article: 6847 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!simtel!!!!jolt!danad From: (V Teahan) Newsgroups: Subject: Saving to .3DS in Intel lLW4.0 Modeller Date: 2 Nov 1995 05:09:42 GMT Organization: Microplex Pty Ltd Lines: 18 Message-ID: <479jqm$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Hi, Im having trouble making the modeller export out to 3DS format even though the plug-ins are there, ive read over the manuals and I could not find anything on saving them, only loading in DXF/3DS/etc. Could somebody please tell me how I can go about doing this on the full Intel Version of lightwave? -- Dana Drury Dragon Soth -===(UDIC)===- Project Manager, Atonement Productions Article: 6848 Path:!!!news.Edu.TW!!!!!!!!!!!!magik From: (David Warner) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: 3 Nov 1995 00:17:43 GMT Organization: AlbanyNet - E-mail Lines: 11 Message-ID: <47bn37$> References: <> <46munn$> <471rfd$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0] syzygy ( wrote: : Who needs sex when you've got Lightwave, eh? ;) Sex? Are you talking about the thing that comes after five and before seven? -David Warner Article: 6849 Path:!!!psgrain!!!!utcsri!utnut!torn!!usenet From: (Luke Piasecki) Newsgroups: Subject: Textures for dinos? Date: Thu, 2 Nov 95 00:53:32 Organization: The University of Western Ontario, London, Ont. Canada Lines: 14 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Authenticated: Hi there, I'm trying to render and later animate some realistic looking dinosaurs. For the objects I think I'll go for Jurassic collection (for LW ) or try to modell something similar on Real3D 3.3. My main problem are the textures... what kind of and where could I get them from? I have no idea how to "texture" a dino object so it looks almost as realistic as the ones in Jurassic Park...please help me. Where can I get them from? Also I have to my disposal Imagine 3.3 and Forge with Essence so I could render some of the textures and use them as brush maps in LW or Real3D, the problem again is which ones and how... Please help. Thank you, Luke Article: 6850 Path:!!!!!!internetMCI!!!ai-lab!vho From: (Viet Ho) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone going to VTU Expo? Date: 2 Nov 1995 07:20:34 GMT Organization: Free Software Foundation / Cambridge, MA USA Lines: 13 Message-ID: <479rg2$> References: <4716fv$> <4768eb$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <4768eb$>, MarcMylar wrote: >In article <4716fv$>, >(Michael Barnes) writes: > >>I was wondering if anyone on this newsgroup was going to the VTU Expo >>and Conference this week...? Just curious. Yeah... but wherez it? Will we be able to trade WAREZ....yahhh! jest... joshing you there... Er... I would really like to know warez it??? Is it like in California? -Viet Article: 6851 Path:!!simtel!!!netnews From: (Brenden Mecleary ) Newsgroups: Subject: IMAGE LOADING/SAVING? Date: 3 Nov 1995 01:10:31 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 25 Message-ID: <47bq67$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Thu Nov 02 5:10:31 PM PST 1995 Okay, I've sent out several messages, and nobody's responded. I want to know WHY LW'S IMAGE SAVING/LOADING SUCKS!!! I look in the HIIP savers directory, and there's a flic.exe file. Is it safe to assume that's for flic animation files? I think so. THEN WHY THE HELL ISN'T IT ON THE LIST??? I've tried putting it in manually, with no luck. Then I tried to load a PICT image. Again, nothing. WHAT IS WRONG HERE? I NEED to get video to the Macs my school. That's all there is to it. I can accept that LW doesn't save QuickTime movies. I can convert an AVI. However, the HIIP AVI saver bites, and the Newtek AVI saver shuts down LW whenever I render a LENS FLARE! I need to integrate graphics with video. I can export the video to a PICT sequence, which LW is SUPPOSED to be able to read. Does it load the PICTs? NO! I am sorry for being such a jerk about this, but I am getting very frustrated. I bought LW because I was supposed to be able to save and load certain formats, such as AVI and FLIC and PICT. And not a damned one of them work right! The only one that I HAVEN'T had problems with is the JPG saver. But, who knows? Maybe that'll screw up, too! So, when is there gonna be a fix, Newtek? Brenden Mecleary P.S. - I'm using Windows 95. Maybe this is all Microsoft's fault... Article: 6852 Path:!!!!!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (THX1138871) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Was screamernet bundled with 4.0? Date: 2 Nov 1995 04:06:36 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 3 Sender: Message-ID: <47a1ms$> References: Reply-To: (THX1138871) NNTP-Posting-Host: Thanks for the response... However I'm running the Amiga version 4 that came with the FLYER upgrade Article: 6853 Path:!!!swrinde!!!netnews From: (William Teegarden) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Simpsons in 3D... Date: 2 Nov 1995 05:32:27 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 15 Message-ID: <479l5b$> References: <475s0o$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Wed Nov 01 9:32:27 PM PST 1995 > >Great line - I feel like I'm wasting a fortune just standing >here...Probably Alias > >-- >Mark Behm Actually, it was Softimage, done by PDI. GT Article: 6854 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!usenet From: (John Foust) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NewTek's new "We've got what it takes" ad Date: 2 Nov 1995 15:19:54 GMT Organization: Syndesis Corporation Lines: 17 Message-ID: <47aniq$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+ In article , Ernie Wright says: > >> Or maybe NewTek and MetroGrafix Fiber Factory could do a joint >> add........ > >"Hey, Beavis. He said 'joint.' Huh-huh. Uh-huh-uh-uh-uh." When I first watched B&B, I would say to myself, yes, I did that, I did that too, yes, I acted like that in high school. And then a year or so later, I learned that one of the writers of the show *lived just down the road from me in high school, and rode on the same bus to the same school as I did.* In other words, *I* could be Beavis or Butthead! :-) - John Article: 6855 Path:!!!swrinde!hookup!!!!!!!!ddsw1!!!user From: (Lisa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: For Sale - Stranahan's Winter Blow Out Sale Continues Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 02:37:27 -0500 Organization: MCSNet Internet Services Lines: 50 Message-ID: References: <46otni$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <46otni$>, (Stranahan) wrote: > The Studio Streamlining Sale continues! I want some new stuff, so I'm > getting rid of some old stuff...which will then become your new > the food chain continues... > > Make an offer on anything or email with questions... > > Sony VideoWatchman GV-300 - Hey LightWave working stiffs! Want a GREAT way > to show your work to a client? Get's a combination color LCD > monitor and 8mm VCR, AND it also plays back Hi-8 tapes. The whole thing is > about the size of two VHS tapes stacked on top of each other - small, and > it looks like something McCoy would pull out and wave at people in Star > Trek. Put your demo reel on Hi-8 or 8mm, and bring this to a client > meeting and use it show off your stuff - it also has video and stereo > audio out, so you can hook it up to any TV. It's a GREAT icebreaker. I own > two of these because when I did Toaster seminars I would use them as my A > and B roll sources, but I'm only selling one of them (the one in better > condition so I can get more money). > > Steadicam JR (Don't call it Junior) - The Steadi for camcorders, this is a > very cool piece of gear. It has a B&W monitor for viewing. It also comes > with one of the best set-up videotapes I've ever seen. > > DPS TBC III - You know it, you love it, but it is NOT the one that works > with the PAR. Still, an awesome little TBC. > > Bernoulli 150 - A great external SCSI removable media hard drive that > works quite well with the Amiga, Mac or SCSI equipped PC. I have a couple > of carts to go with it, too... > > Syquest 88c - SCSI - reads 44 and 88 Meg carts, in an external case. > > 2 Canon A1 batteries - they were new and working fine, then my A1 was > stolen by some rat bastard at NAB '94. Make a nominal offer. > > For you multimedia types, I also have various audio things including 1 > SM-57 mike, Alesis Midiverb III, Fostex RD-8 ADAT multitrack recorder, > Alesis BRC with meter bridge, Emu Proteus 1/Pop, Roland R8 Drum Machine, > Roland M-240 Line Mixer, and a Roland AX-1 'wearable like a guitar' midi > controller. > > > _____________________________________________ > Lee Stranahan Hey Lee -- how goes it? Can you send me your prices? Article: 6856 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modeler 'Quit action' tiny change Date: 2 Nov 1995 04:17:38 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 13 Sender: Message-ID: <47a2bi$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article , (David Oxley) writes: >Try this: run Modeler, then click on Quit. It shows a warning dialogue >saying that all data will be lost, but there's no data to lose. Can >Modeler be changed so that it only shows this warning if you haven't >already saved your work? In more mundane apps like Word and Excel, when >you quit, it only stops and asks you to confirm if you have unsaved work. > > I'd rather have Stuart working on more important things... Article: 6857 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How do you make random stars? Date: 2 Nov 1995 04:18:11 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 19 Sender: Message-ID: <47a2cj$> References: <478f1f$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <478f1f$>, (Viet Ho) writes: >In LW Modeler 4.0, you just: > >1. Make Sphere >2. Hit Shift-K [deletes all the polygons] >3. Select the Jitter Button > >There you go, you just got some jittered points. You can add complexity by >adding more spheres, scale, translate, and duplcate [ala metaballs] and kill >all the polygons. > >-Viet BTW - you really have to turn them into single point polygons, as just plain points won't render.. Article: 6858 Path:!!!!!!!!!oneill From: (Brian 'Doc' O'Neill) Newsgroups: Subject: joy from Newtek on LW4.0 final Date: 2 Nov 1995 22:42:19 GMT Organization: UMass-Lowell Computer Science Lines: 45 Message-ID: <47bhgb$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Sorry, just looking to vent, and I'm wondering if this is normal business practice. I purchased the pre-release of 4.0 Intel back in July. To date, I haven't received the final release. I called a month ago, and go the usual "two weeks" without even a check of my serial number. I called last Friday, and I was told that my serial number was registered under someone else. Of course, this was a bit of a surprise. The name it was under was someone who _used_ to work here years ago, when we had bought a Video Toaster (we haven't dealt with NewTek since - the Toaster is broken), and he hasn't been here in three years. The University even changed it's NAME since. Now, the copy of Lightwave was for me, not the University, but I'm here during the say and live in a condo complex, so on the registration I put the university address (but with _my_ name and the _new_ University name - was University of Lowell, now UMass Lowell). However, according to Newtek, that equates to a registration to the _University_, not me, because I didn't say anywhere on the registration card that it was mine, other than having _my_ name on it. Even the difference in Organization name didn't matter. So they registered as the old name, and mailed it to the same, OVER A MONTH AGO. Now, it _was_ received by the University, but where it went from there no one is sure. Normally it would be returned, but Newtek has no record of receiving it. It is NOT in any of the locations that a package with that name on it would wind up. However, even though Newtek screwed up and sent it to someone who did NOT register it, they won't do anything about it. Even though the software is serial number/dongle protected, and I have the dongle, they said it would allow me to run it on "two systems at once", which of course I can't because I don't even have one copy...then they mentioned pirating and such. Which of course can be done with just one copy. Not a lot of logic there. Now, is it normal practice for a company to automatically register software under an OLD registration just because the street address is the same. What do they do when two companies share the same address? There. Now I've vented. Now I have to see what my lawyer will say. ====================================================================== Brian O'Neill - Director of Computing, Computer Science University of Massachusetts at Lowell (508) 934-3645 "Nothing's the same anymore." - Sinclair, Babylon 5, _Chrysalis_ Article: 6859 Path:!!!!!!!!!!news From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR Lunchbox? Date: 3 Nov 1995 08:16:18 GMT Organization: Access One Lines: 20 Message-ID: <47cj4i$> References: <47b0po$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.) > (James Jones/Nibbles and Bits) writes: > I'm talking about those bigger-than-a-laptop thingys that have a > fold-down keyboard, a 8-10" CRT or flat-screen monitor built in, > expansion slots and a carrying strap. > > Of course, it would need room for the DPS stuff, a sound card, > video card and ethernet -- and have to be NT compatible -- at least. > Sure would beat carrying around a 17" monitor and a mid-tower > case. And it would render faster than a Betacam deck... :) > Has anyone put together something like this, or found out if it's > even possible? I'd settle for the mini-tower with a handle on top if we could just glue an active matrix screen to the side.... **************************************************************************** ** | Synergy Graphix & Animation ** Welcome to Seattle, have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty! ** Don't make me force it down your throat..... **************************************************************************** Article: 6860 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!netcomsv!!netcomsv!!!netnews From: (William Teegarden) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: 2 Nov 1995 06:24:03 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 100 Message-ID: <479o63$> References: <3830@epochsys.UUCP> <46uip1$> <4707l5$> <473v2b$> <47647k$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Wed Nov 01 10:24:03 PM PST 1995 > --->I'm going to sum up my opinions here. Some have changed, most >haven't.<---- Good idea! This file's getting too big anyway. > ---->1)The student market does exist. It is important because new students >are constantly coming into college. It provides steady sales for any >company to willing to exploit it. It is also important because those >same students leave college with preferences for certain tools they >will use in their professional life. Whether these preferences affect >a companies long term success against its competitors is up for >debate.<----- I'll conceed that the student markest does exist, but whether NT has a vested intrest in it is up for debate. I have been informed that by co-workers that NT does have a student program, but it's not for individual student consumption. It would seem that they have struck a nice compromise between the two arguments. NT sells dicounted versions of LW to schools which use it in turn to teach students. Seems like a nice solution. > ---->2)Any company that does not compete in the student market is losing >market share to its competitors that do. Many students will buy >software that their school uses, and if happens to be 1/4th the cost >of the competitor's, no student will think twice about which program >to buy.<---- I'll but that, but only in the student market. > ---->3)The danger Newtek faces by not competing in the student market, is >not necessarily a monetary one. The real danger is that they are >giving sales to their competition. These sales provide the money and >time for many of these competitors to develop their products to LW >standards. To other competitors it simply expands their marketshare >and shrinks Newtek's.<--- They may be giving sales to the competition, but if the competition can't compete in the professional market, they will be percieved by such as a second rate product, and no amount of student money can fix that. > ---->4)Newtek would risk nothing if it marketed LW to students and >educational at $300-$500. Newtek risks a great deal by not competing >for student $$$. While many of those risks might never bear fruit, it >makes no sense to take those risks when Newtek can eliminate them >without any effort or cost to itself.<----- This would assume that they want to pursue the student market, which I'll conceed does exist. I think that because NT has a product that is in great demand right now, they are in position to charge what they want for it, assuming the market will sustain it. Since they have more orders than product, (for whatever reason) it dosen't make sense at this time to discount it. The original poster of this thread that I responded to claimed that NT should discount LW because by increasing the amount of students using the software leaving college, NT would increase professional sales because employers would purchase the product simply for the reason that students were already using it. It is my contention that this is exactly backwards. Student usage does not drive professional sales. While it certainly won't hurt, it's preposterous to believe that professionals base decisions of software based on what kids in college are using. The reson LW is as well known as it is certainly not because NT sells it cheap to students, but because students as well as other professionals see it every week on their TV screens, and want to be able to do the same thing themselves. This is the main reason why people want LW. GT > Article: 6861 Path:!!simtel!!!news From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Date: 3 Nov 1995 08:28:32 GMT Organization: Access One Lines: 23 Message-ID: <47cjrg$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.) > Jeffrey Kurland writes: > I agree with James Hastings-Trew but there's an issue here which is not resolved. > It it the relation of the computer to art. Can something which is first and last > digital sustain something which is at core metaphorical (art). You mean, like how can MARKS on PAPER convey EMOTION? Golly gosh, you're right, that's impossible. Sorry for the sarcasm, but this is >such< a gaseous discussion. OK, pixels cannot be art, but tiles can? Flecks of pigment can be art, but pixels can't? >Replication is inauthentic, non-original, > ersatz. What (the hell) does that mean? Duplicates aren't art? So CD collections are, ummm , what? Not art? Just sound? **************************************************************************** ** | Synergy Graphix & Animation ** Welcome to Seattle, have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty! ** Don't make me force it down your throat..... **************************************************************************** Article: 6862 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!pipeline!not-for-mail From: (Greg Smith) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How do you make random stars? Date: 2 Nov 1995 11:21:50 -0500 Organization: The Pipeline Lines: 36 Message-ID: <47ar6u$> References: <478f1f$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-PipeUser: gregor X-PipeHub: X-PipeGCOS: (Greg Smith) X-Newsreader: The Pipeline v3.3.0 GS> "On the Amiga, I used to make stars by making a sphere in modeler, then jittering it and converting the points to polygons via arex. Now on the PC, I do not know what functions to use to create the randomstars object. By the way, the Randomstars object doesn't show in modeller for some reason... so I can't modify it. VH> >In LW Modeler 4.0, you just: > >1. Make Sphere >2. Hit Shift-K [deletes all the polygons] >3. Select the Jitter Button > >There you go, you just got some jittered points. You can add complexity by >adding more spheres, scale, translate, and duplcate [ala metaballs] and kill >all the polygons. > I've already done that. The problem is that points by themselves won't render. They have to be of the special variety that the Random Stars are. Thanks anyway! -- Bye....Greg... Back off man I'm a Scientist. Article: 6863 Path:!!!!miwok!!user From: (Chris Turner) Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation,,,, Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 10:19:19 -0800 Organization: Living Books Lines: 25 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <44k1ch$> <44uj4u$> <452qfb$> <45cv06$> <45f8d6$> <45k9cp$85t@zippy NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: rec.arts.animation:44220 In article <47cqof$>, (Arijan Siska) wrote: > > One pragmatic definition of art mesaures art with money: if it sells for big > money, it's almost certanly art. > Not always. I would hope you were being sarcastic (As I would be with such a statement). I recall a painting that was sold to the Ottawa museum of Art (I think that was it's name) that was a huge canvass with three vertical stripes of red and green. Any art student with any whit of colour theory would be able to think that one up, but they couldn't sell it for the million that it sold for. What you sell your stuff for mostly depends on who you are, not how good it is. (Exceptions to every rule of course) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Black, Blacker, Blackest | Chris Turner And cold beyond frozen things. | Where is between when there is naught | Acgnowledgments to to life but fragile Dragon's wings? | Anne McCaffrey --------------------------------------------------------------------- Article: 6864 Path:!!!!!!!!!!news From: (Andreas) Newsgroups: Subject: Lasershow (all about) searched Date: 3 Nov 1995 16:49:39 GMT Organization: My Organization Lines: 3 Message-ID: <47dh73$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN version 0.82 I am searching for the program "Lasershow Designer For Windows" and all about Lasershows. Please mail me !!! Article: 6865 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 10:20:17 +0100 From: (Frank Aalbers) Subject: Re: Smoothing problem with SGI Lightwave Message-ID: References: Newsgroups: X-Comment-To: (Stuart Ferguson) Organization: NightBreed Lines: 13 X-Gateway: FIDO .. [FIDOGATE 3.9.5] X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #41 X-FTN-Origin: -+- PIXION -+- , Deurne , Belgium (2:292/603.37) X-FTN-Domain: Z2@fidonet X-FTN-Seen-By: 292/603 X-FTN-Path: 292/603 Stuart Ferguson ( (Stuart Ferguson)) wrote: SF> the seam. If you want the front to look smooth and smoothly blend with SF> the round bevel, you'll want to add a narrow seam of polygons which SF> can smooth between the rounded bevel and the flat surface. Just rtyed this out It works just like you said . Great ! Thanks for the tip ! Frank Aalbers GRID Productions Article: 6866 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!inn From: Rey Andrada Newsgroups: Subject: how do you make the puzzle like animation ? Date: 2 Nov 1995 16:02:47 GMT Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Lines: 13 Message-ID: <47aq37$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1S (X11; I; IRIX 5.3 IP12) X-URL: Hi All, Is there a way to make a certain picture to be the surface of a certain object. Then I would like to create a scene in such a way that the object will start out as broken pieces that will become 1 piece. Please let me know if somebody has done this, I know it can be done but I just dont know the proper way of doing it. -- Rey Andrada Article: 6867 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!usenet From: (Dave Paige) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How do you make random stars? Date: 2 Nov 1995 19:25:14 GMT Organization: Alfheim Imaging Lines: 3 Message-ID: <47b5uq$> References: <473ulg$> <474rgd$> <478f1f$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: News for Windows NT X1.0-68 This by itself won't work because points don't render. You need to have single point polygons attached to those points which you can 'surface' and will render. Article: 6868 Path:!!!!!gatech!!!!!!!!!!us From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Old Videoscape Geometry Generator: Need equivalent for LWave Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:52 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 23 Message-ID: <> References: <46hc41$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >The original "Lightwave" was "Videoscape". It came with a small utility >called EGG , for Easy Geometry Generator. It made it easy, in pre-Modeler >times, to create some simple sets of objects, one of which is "Distant Ring > of Mountains". > I found my original Videoscape disks, and EGG seems to fire up, but >it doesn't seem to generate any files. Anyone know if this very old program > still works? > Otherwise: has anybody created a plugin that will maybe generate >a "distant ring of fractal mountains"? I just tried to do it by hand >sketching, and boy did it suck. I'm a-gonna go back and try jitter, but I >thought I'd post first. >**************************************************************************** >** | Synergy Graphix & Animation >** Welcome to Seattle, have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty! >** Don't make me force it down your throat..... >**************************************************************************** hmm ya got me looking in old boxes...seem to recall a lotus that was there as well.. might look good metaformed etc....where is that disk set?? Article: 6869 Path:!!!!!!!thoreau From: (Ron Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Lightwave Mailing List? Date: 3 Nov 1995 04:59:20 GMT Organization: t e z c a t . c o m - Wicker Park (Chicago) 312-850-0112 Lines: 3 Message-ID: <47c7j8$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Is there a lightwave mailing list? If so, whats the address to send email to? Thanks, Ron Article: 6870 Path:!!!!!!!thoreau From: (Ron Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Chicago Users Group? Date: 3 Nov 1995 05:02:17 GMT Organization: t e z c a t . c o m - Wicker Park (Chicago) 312-850-0112 Lines: 4 Message-ID: <47c7op$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Is there a pc group in chicago that does lightwave stuff on PC too? Or any amiga groups? Please let me know! Thanks, Ron Article: 6871 Path:!!!!!!!!!!news From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR disk space recovery - bug? Date: 3 Nov 1995 08:37:51 GMT Organization: Access One Lines: 14 Message-ID: <47ckcv$> References: <476g9u$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.) > (Elfwork) writes: > If you were running under Win95, I'd recommend using the Disk-Optimize > feature in the DPS control panel. > > The same menu under WinNT does _NOT_ include this option........... Indeed: DPS said the same thing. Unfortunately, my PVR does not seem to want to work under 95. I'm going to reinstall and see if that makes a difference. **************************************************************************** ** | Synergy Graphix & Animation ** Welcome to Seattle, have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty! ** Don't make me force it down your throat..... **************************************************************************** Article: 6872 Path:!!!!!!!!!!news From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR disk space recovery - bug? Date: 3 Nov 1995 08:38:24 GMT Organization: Access One Lines: 14 Message-ID: <47cke0$> References: <476g9u$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.) > (Elfwork) writes: > If you were running under Win95, I'd recommend using the Disk-Optimize > feature in the DPS control panel. > > The same menu under WinNT does _NOT_ include this option........... Indeed: DPS said the same thing. Unfortunately, my PVR does not seem to want to work under 95. I'm going to reinstall and see if that makes a difference. **************************************************************************** ** | Synergy Graphix & Animation ** Welcome to Seattle, have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty! ** Don't make me force it down your throat..... **************************************************************************** Article: 6873 From: (Theodore Terranova) Subject: Re: Probable Lightwave Bug Date: 3 Nov 95 09:40:55 -0800 References: <46r8vu$> <470qn1$> <> Message-ID: <> Path:!!simtel!!! Newsgroups: Organization: The Microsoft Network ( Lines: 7 To maybe help Ken's problem... How is your parrlaell port configured? I found that I had to set my port in CMOS to standard mode. The dongle didn't work in enhanced or bi-directional modes which sucks becuse now my ZIP drive and printer have slowed. Hope this helps. TED Article: 6874 From: (Theodore Terranova) Subject: LW Dongle & Enhanced MODE Date: 3 Nov 95 09:43:22 -0800 Message-ID: <> Path:!!simtel!!! Newsgroups: Organization: The Microsoft Network ( Lines: 6 Is there a way to use Lightwave and its dongle with a parralell port set to enhanced or bi-directional mode. I couldn't get lightwave to run until I set the port to standard mode which severley slows my printer and Zip drive. Ted Article: 6875 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (MarcMylar) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modeler 'Quit action' tiny change Date: 3 Nov 1995 02:59:44 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 15 Sender: Message-ID: <47ci5g$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article , (David Oxley) writes: >Try this: run Modeler, then click on Quit. It shows a warning dialogue >saying that all data will be lost, but there's no data to lose. Can >Modeler be changed so that it only shows this warning if you haven't >already saved your work? In more mundane apps like Word and Excel, when >you quit, it only stops and asks you to confirm if you have unsaved work. > > This is one of several little things about LightWave that give it "personality". Maybe in version 5? -Marc Article: 6876 Path:!!!!!!internetMCI!!!pipeline!not-for-mail From: (Greg Smith) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How do you make random stars? Date: 2 Nov 1995 11:26:26 -0500 Organization: The Pipeline Lines: 25 Message-ID: <47arfi$> References: <474rgd$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-PipeUser: gregor X-PipeHub: X-PipeGCOS: (Greg Smith) X-Newsreader: The Pipeline v3.3.0 GS> "On the Amiga, I used to make stars by making a sphere in modeler, then jittering it and converting the points to polygons via arex. Now on the PC..." JB> >There is now a points to polygons macro for the pc - you can get it on >tomahawk.. Thanks a lot! I'll look around for it. I'm guessing Tomahawk is an FTP or Web site? or BBS? I hope the Newtek FTP will have it. -- Bye....Greg... Back off man I'm a Scientist. Article: 6877 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!newsmaster From: Robert Baldwin Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Space (film vs video outp Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:02:45 GMT Organization: Wacky Ultima Guys @ Origin Lines: 5 Message-ID: <47atjl$> References: <46r9g8$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 32bit) I've done an 1800 frame anim by just selecting the first file in the sequence and nothing else... (with image sequence on) -rob Article: 6878 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!news.o From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:48 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 15 Message-ID: <> References: <475sq8$> <478441$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >In article <475sq8$>, (Stranahan) >> >>Who needs sex when you've got Lightwave, eh? ;) >>-------------------------------------------- >> >>You know, some of us have both..... >Yup, that's what I've always heard about Lee: he can model >with one hand while "animating" with the other. :-) >- John now would those be rail extrusion or bones ....:) Article: 6879 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!newsmaster From: Robert Baldwin Newsgroups:,alt.3d,,, Subject: Re: Free 3D Models Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:15:09 GMT Organization: Wacky Ultima Guys @ Origin Lines: 9 Message-ID: <47auat$> References: <46rpsj$> <46us47$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 32bit) Xref: alt.3d:18863 FERO <> wrote: >Harry's site is quite bland. Actually, I quite enjoy his attention to detail on his Star Wars models. He's turned out some quality objects in a nice quantity. Keep up the good work! (and where's YOUR site FERO ?!?) Article: 6880 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:27 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 15 Message-ID: <> References: <> <46kss3$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >Well, here's an informal info thing.... >When I would do seminars, there were usually only 10ish% women on the >LightWave day, maybe less...there were more women on the general Toaster >day... >_____________________________________________ >Lee Stranahan Hmm gotta meet me one of these..actually having a girlfriend who knows the lingo and lifestyle could be a PLus..:) Article: 6881 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW vs. Animation Master Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:32 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 27 Message-ID: <> References: <46k9ce$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >In article , >(Walter (Jay) Turberville ) writes: >>In article <468tfm$> (Joe Bell) >writes: >>>From: (Joe Bell) >>>Subject: Re: LW vs. Animation Master >>>Date: 20 Oct 1995 19:32:06 GMT >> >> >>>Hash definitely has the cooler name :-> >> >>>-joe >> >>NewTek's LightWave >> v. >>Hash's Animation Master >> >>???????? >> >>Sorry - LightWave is the cooler name. >> >> >This was probably just a poorly disguised drug reference. >-Marc Article: 6882 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW on Nowhere Man Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:34 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 13 Message-ID: <> References: <46knd2$> <46mlf1$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >Well, AE 3.0 ships any second now and the new list price is $995 - and it >will be sold through normal channels - I would certainly expect a PC >'s from Adobe, after all... >_____________________________________________ >Lee Stranahan any word on if you can distributive render with the new version....I would love to do more lw and cosa work but render times lose out on editing times in our non linear..:( Article: 6883 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LIGHTSMITH MAGAZINE - Where Are You? Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:37 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 17 Message-ID: <> References: <46llpi$> <> <46qclj$> <476s54$> <478ucc$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >I wrote an article for the first issue of LightSMITH ages ago and I STILL >haven't received my copy. >-- >.................................................................... >Colin Cunningham EMail: >C.O.R.E. Digital Pictures HTTP:// >.................................................................... Yes I was asked as well and am glad I went with my gut and didnt associate our company with this as its all in the same far as MHO on this whole situation and what I know of the players..well find me on #lightwave irc channel if you feel you must... Candyman a.ka Impudent1 Article: 6884 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NT3.51- Lightwave - and rendering performance. Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:44 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 13 Message-ID: <> References: <46rr9j$985@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >> >> >> Also be warned that NewShell eats three megs of ram. >> >Are you sure this is not paged-out when Lightwave is running full-screen? >Glyn Williams - Particle Systems Ltd. Maybe I am on bad drugs but it seems to render faster under newshell than reg 3.51??? Article: 6885 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:46 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 19 Message-ID: <> References: <> <46munn$> <471rfd$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >syzygy writes: > >>Actually, he doesn't mind at all... he's an animator too... the only >>problem we have is, WHO GETS TO USE THE MACHINE FIRST?!?!?! We're still >>stuck with only ONE A4000 right now... when one of us is using it the >>other is anxiously waiting... but we will both be happy when we get a >>faster machine, then we can both be working at the same time.... >> >>Who needs sex when you've got Lightwave, eh? ;) >> >>- Nissa > >hey, explain that to my wife! > >Josh Not tonite we have a deadline....:) Article: 6886 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: For Sale - Stranahan's Winter Blow Out Sale Continues Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:54 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 18 Message-ID: <> References: <46otni$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >> Sony VideoWatchman GV-300 - Hey LightWave working stiffs! Want a GREAT >> way >> to show your work to a client? Get's a combination color LCD >> monitor and 8mm VCR, AND it also plays back Hi-8 tapes. >This is a very cool bit of kit. I remember Tommy Gunn showed me his demo >reel in a car from NewTek to the Airport one day on one of these. I >nearly didn't give it back to him, but he had a big friend with him. :?) >--- >------------------------------------------------------------- >Phil South "nuqDaq yuch Dapol" > Web Wizards Home Page >------------------------------------------------------------- yes they are one of the toys on my santa clause list...but whats this?? Lee can afford audio as well as video toys?? :) Article: 6887 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Snake effect HELP!! Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:32:59 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 25 Message-ID: <> References: <46prrp$> <46q0to$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >> (THX1138871) writes: >> I need to animate a cable "snaking back & forth acros the screen in an S >> shape. >> >> I've been going nuts trying to do it with bones. >> >> Is there a better way? >> >> Thanks >> >>>>> > Mark Thompson's IN-FOCUS tape demonstrates a methodology to do exactly >that. WELL worth the price. >**************************************************************************** >** | Synergy Graphix & Animation >** Welcome to Seattle, have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty! >** Don't make me force it down your throat..... >**************************************************************************** but if you waant to do it the mindless way the power macros SnaKE Comes to mind Article: 6888 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Snake effect HELP!! Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:33:01 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 9 Message-ID: <> References: <> <46tlof$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >PowerMacros has a Snake macro that will do this in a few minutes. At >present its only for the Amiga but a PC version is planned. >Dave >CineGraphics ooops on the other post of mine then...btw will there be added control ala flocking gusting on the blowup macro??...(not to compare but sorta like in sparks) Article: 6889 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!psuvax1!!CTCnet!!uunet!!!!!erniew From: Ernie Wright Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Saving files with Win95 Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 15:03:13 -0500 Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA Lines: 27 Message-ID: References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <> Jeff Holinski: > Anybody else notice that when you're running Win95 and you save > something with LW the button says 'OPEN' even though the top of the > requester reads 'Save As'? Gary Coulter: > I have noticed this too, I would says its just one of those last > thing Friday programming errors. When you are programming Windows its > pretty easy to make errors like this. I would guess that whoever > coded the save routines simply copied the load routines and changed > all the loads for saves.... Except of course for the buttons that you > mention. Someone should have noticed this in beta. Windows provides both GetLoadFilename() and GetSaveFilename() functions for calling up the file dialog. Under 3.x and NT these are visually and, for the most part, functionally identical, and my guess is that GetLoadFilename() is always being called, maybe intentionally. This probably should have been caught in beta, but keep in mind that Win 95 and Intel LW were released at about the same time, and if you believed Microsoft hype about 95, programs written to Win32s would not have to be modified at all. - Ernie Article: 6890 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LightWave 4.0 Final for Alpha? Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:33:04 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 8 Message-ID: <> References: <47540d$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >Has anyone received their final version of LW4.0 for the Alpha? > -David Warner sadly no :) heard from Greg at newtek that it was shipping this week though Article: 6891 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Candyrant Date: 2 Nov 1995 17:33:06 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 50 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* well again producers and deadlines kept me away from the news groups so any untimely rehashes are not down to some of the mind crimes that occured during the rush.. 1. Does anyone running alpha lw have at least the center plugins compiled as i still await my visual c++ (putting on a ftp site would be appreciated) 2. Does the final alpha version support data the offline editor spoiled and some of our quickshades still are not 2 quick on the 4K.. 3. Toys story previews make me salivate like pavlovs dog...wonder how long render and with what package etc.. 4. Is a #9 a better card than a stealth?? 5. Has anyone used the new revision 5 from dec?? am awaiting a dealer showing but am pondering just a ram/hd/processor that smokes to add to the existing alpha.. 6. World construction set on alpha??? when??? (Kick ass proggy IMHO) 7. Does no one else here ponder the vrml plugin and just how kewl the possibilities are??? Also I came across a bug?? in alpha lw...On making a scene on the alpha and then moving it across to the 4K I had the usual "cant find fractal reflections..etc" requestor hell...prollem was each time I targeted FR it would load a seperate version into the images .. suffice it to say that 20 odd maps killed all available ram...on deleting all but one and resaving it worked fine but makes me wonder about being sleep deprived and maybe missing this if it was not so blatant.. oh ya and on a work note ..we are currently in the throes of this chemistry show and any information on molecular chemistry animation packages that could compliment lw would be appreciated..and yes Impact! does wonders..cant wait to get me and alpha version..:) Well the java pot screams my name....l8r and dewdettes..:) Candyman a.ka Impudent1 Mind Candy Animators Article: 6892 Path:!!!!!!!suraj From: (Suraj Gulrajani) Newsgroups: Subject: Need to create realistic explosion scene... Please Help! Date: 3 Nov 1995 22:07:58 GMT Organization: Internet Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand. Lines: 7 Message-ID: <47e3ru$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] I need to create a realistic explosion scene as special FX for some film (movie).. Would lightwave be able to handle this (well) or should I look into some other softwares (which ones?) I need it to look as real as possible?? Any ideas / suggestions?? thanks Article: 6893 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!not-for-mail From: (FCAP) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Questions about ScreamerNet II for Intel Date: 2 Nov 1995 14:22:59 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 10 Sender: Message-ID: <47b5qj$> References: <469qh9$> Reply-To: (FCAP) NNTP-Posting-Host: Hi, Brian - need a question to an answer that I can't get NewTek on the phone to answer. I'm a beta tester and you'd think we'd get all the tech on this stuff, but to date they have not posted any manuals of 4.00 (we're up to 4.00W now - bug fixes) so I am at a loss on the screamernet setup. I have downloaded from the beta line the screamernet 11 command list and other info butit mentions putting commands in at the screamernet prompt and 'rendering modules'. Is there a piece of this program for screamernet that us beta testers are missing? Do we seperate 'render module' programs that allow typing in screamernet commands? I am totally stumped on this one. Thanks in advance. Article: 6894 Path:!!!!!!!!!spin-hsd0-tky!spinnews!wnoc-tyo-news!!!!!! From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How do you make explosions out of Characters ? Date: 3 Nov 1995 06:06:58 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 7 Message-ID: <> References: <47bjg5$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >Does anyone out there know how to make characters break apart >(something like an explosion) ????? >Thanks in advance no the big question is how do you give character to your big explosions..its all in the lighting and cutting..:) Article: 6895 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!usenet From: (DJazz) Newsgroups: Subject: How do you make explosions out of Characters ? Date: 2 Nov 1995 23:16:21 GMT Organization: University of Texas at Austin Lines: 6 Message-ID: <47bjg5$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+ Does anyone out there know how to make characters break apart (something like an explosion) ????? Thanks in advance Article: 6896 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Probs: with Elastic Reality and LW Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 17:12:46 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 30 Message-ID: References: <478suq$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <478suq$> (Leuey) writes: >From: (Leuey) >Subject: Probs: with Elastic Reality and LW >Date: 1 Nov 1995 17:39:22 -0500 > Hello, I've been having problems with Elastic Reality ever since I >installed the release (4.0) vers. of LW on my PC (wfw 3.11). It seems >that ER crashes as soon as it attemps to save an image it has finished >rendering. Transjammer also has the same problems, sometimes it won't >even let me click on "output" options. The people at Avid said it may have >something to do with the HIIP implementation on ER and LW interfering with >one another. I reinstalled ER, but it still crashes when trying to save >an image. Has anybody else experience similiar problems? How were they >resolved? >I appreciate any help on this matter >greg I'm pretty sure its the Win32s version. I installed the latest from MS and both seem to work OK. However, I think this latest version has a memory bug of some kind. If you reinstall the Win32s that came with ER, I bet ER will work fine. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6897 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!van-bc!!! From: (Equinox II) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: After Effects (WAS LW on Nowhere Man) Date: 2 Nov 1995 18:46:10 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 8 Sender: Message-ID: <47bl82$> References: <47b2ac$> Reply-To: (Equinox II) NNTP-Posting-Host: Say it with me: "Adobe LightWave". Sounds good, doesn't it? I don't know anything about a PC version of AE, just the split between a "Consumer" and "Pro" version, each at different price points ($999 and $1999 retail). Much like LightWave, even at $1999 it's worth every penny. --Brian Article: 6898 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!shf From: (Stuart Ferguson) Subject: Re: Possible bug? Message-ID: Organization: The Blue Planet References: <479h11$> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 21:53:39 GMT Lines: 11 Sender: +-- (Nemickol) writes: | Ocassionally, shift and b gives me the boolean | tool, and sometimes it gives me the bevel option. | Am I doing something that isn't obvious to me | that would cause this? "Caps Lock," maybe? -- Stuart Ferguson ( "How do you compute that? Where on the graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?" Article: 6899 Path:!!!hlayk From: (Ron Greenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: For Quick Sale VideoToaster System Date: 4 Nov 1995 00:09:12 GMT Organization: Philadelphia's Complete Internet Provider Lines: 1 Message-ID: <47eav8$> References: <471eei$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] : You wouldn't happen to have a TBC4 to sell, would you? Article: 6900 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!not-for-mail From: (David Warner) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NewTek's new "We've got what it takes" ad Date: 3 Nov 1995 00:03:32 GMT Organization: AlbanyNet - E-mail Lines: 11 Message-ID: <47bm8l$> References: <47aniq$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0] John Foust ( wrote: : In other words, *I* could be Beavis or Butthead! :-) Wow. That explains a LOT! ;-) -David Warner Article: 6901 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!agate!!usenet From: Michael L Weiss Newsgroups: Subject: Re: how do you make the puzzle like animation ? Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 16:14:03 -0800 Organization: TRW Financial Systems, Oakland, CA Lines: 28 Message-ID: <> References: <47aq37$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1J (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.3 sun4m) Rey, I have one this with an array of spheres, and this is what worked for me. If you have the sphere at location X = 1 Y = 0 Z = 1, and you are mapping the image planar on the Y axis, then you need to set the image offsets as X = -1 Z = -1 this will map the image to the sphere with the origin of the image at 0,0. Each object would need to be mapped at the position you would want to end at in your animation. then you could move the objects where ever you want them and the piece of the image is still mapped to it. Like I said I did this for 130 spheres setup as an array and this technique worked fine. You could also model your objects so that thier pivot points were all the same. What I mean is so that they are in the ending position in modeler. In the case of the sphere the sphere itself would be centered at X = 1 Y = 0 Z = 1 but the pivot point would be 0,0,0 this should map the image properly of course it makes moving the object in layout a little harder. but you can move the pivot point in layout. Hope this explaination didn't confuse you to much. Michael L. Weiss Article: 6902 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NewTek's new "We've got what it takes" ad Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 17:28:06 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 22 Message-ID: References: <47aniq$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <47aniq$> (John Foust) writes: >From: (John Foust) >Subject: Re: NewTek's new "We've got what it takes" ad >Date: 2 Nov 1995 15:19:54 GMT >In other words, *I* could be Beavis or Butthead! :-) >- John Hmmm . . . let me guess which one. :^) _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6903 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!waikato!!!cantva!misc335 From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW Student Pricing available??? Date: 3 Nov 95 13:44:00 +1200 Organization: University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand Lines: 13 Message-ID: <1995Nov3.134400@cantva> References: <3830@epochsys.UUCP> <465mar$> <46bnkj$> <46ig5o$> <46oiis$je9@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> <46pe2j$> NNTP-Posting-Host: > I guess I've rambled long enough. I'm not saying that Newtek owes > students lower prices. I'm saying it makes business sense for a > company entering a new market to try and get as many units sold as > possible. It makes very bad business sense for Newtek to not offer > student pricing on Lightwave when plenty of other companies offer > student pricing on their comparable products. Since when was this a rational debate? You've got to cater to bigotry and use emotive arguments, blowing them away with reason and rationality wasn't called for. :-) (forgive my somewhat cynical view :) Article: 6904 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!!!marrocco From: Sam Marrocco Newsgroups: Subject: Sharp Edged Curves? Date: 28 Oct 1995 16:08:50 GMT Organization: Standard Data Systems, Farmington, Michigan Lines: 7 Distribution: world Message-ID: <46tkii$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: Nuntius 2.0.3_PPC X-XXMessage-ID: X-XXDate: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 16:07:56 GMT Is there a way in modeler, to make a curve of several points, then make one of the points near the middle of the curve sharp-edged? I'd like to make a complex outline of a single curve, but I need a couple of sharp angles (around 280 degrees or so). I've tried merging several curves together, but these are still considered separate curves and won't work for what I have in mind. Help? Article: 6905 Path:!!!!!!!pipex!!!!!! From: (AppleTec) Newsgroups: Subject: Lightwave on a Mac? Date: 2 Nov 1995 20:43:57 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 7 Sender: Message-ID: <47bs4t$> Reply-To: (AppleTec) NNTP-Posting-Host: I use LW4.0 on Amiga's but have been wondering if anyone heard of the possibility of a Mac version? Ethan Goodman EYECANDY ANIMATION EMAIL Article: 6906 Newsgroups:,alt.3d,,, Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!panix!!lamont!bob From: (Bob Green) Subject: Re: Free 3D Models Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: Armchair Airlines Computer Services X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #2 References: <46rpsj$> <46us47$> <> <47auat$> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 21:43:28 GMT Lines: 19 Xref: alt.3d:18868 Robert Baldwin wrote: >FERO <> wrote: >>Harry's site is quite bland. > >Actually, I quite enjoy his attention to detail on his Star >Wars models. He's turned out some quality objects in a nice >quantity. Keep up the good work! > >(and where's YOUR site FERO ?!?) > Could someone give me the URL for that. I thought I had it but I'm getting "URL not found" from the one in my Netscape bookmarks. Thanks. Bob Green Armchair Airlines Article: 6907 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 00:15:35 +0100 From: (Frank Aalbers) Subject: Re: NewTek's new "We've got what it takes" ad Message-ID: References: <47aniq$> Newsgroups: X-Comment-To: (John Foust) Organization: NightBreed Lines: 9 X-Gateway: FIDO .. [FIDOGATE 3.9.5] X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #41 X-FTN-Origin: -+- PIXION -+- , Deurne , Belgium (2:292/603.37) X-FTN-Domain: Z2@fidonet X-FTN-Seen-By: 292/603 X-FTN-Path: 292/603 John Foust ( (John Foust)) wrote: JF> In other words, *I* could be Beavis or Butthead! :-) Something to be very proud off yes ... ;-) Frank Aalbers GRID Productions Article: 6908 Path:!!simtel!!!usenet From: (Scott Gant) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Painter 3.0 and LW? Date: Sat, 04 Nov 1995 03:30:09 GMT Organization: Magic Pixel Lines: 19 Message-ID: <47emo4$> References: <4722k9$> <472v9h$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 (Michael Justin Austin) wrote: >Sorry but TV paint is the fastest and best for visual artists, >but if you are not trained as an artist and need the software to >do your painting then by all means get 3.0 > Oh come on.....what a load of crap this is! Painter does all the painting for you? What planet are you on? TV Paint? Never heard of it. I AM trained as an artist, and a pre-press operator. How does TV Paint compaire to Photoshop and Painter? What are it's features? How well does it run under NT? Can you do color seps on it? CMYK? Channels? Layers? What does it offer that is so great and is the "best" for visual artists? Does it do natural media simulations? Paper textures? Water color? Oils? Does it support standard Photoshop plugins? Now that you've spouted off...back up your statements! I can. But then again, I can also chuck all my computer equipment and set up my artboard and airbrush and continue working....can you? Article: 6909 Path:!!simtel!!!usenet From: (Scott Gant) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Painter 3.0 and LW? Date: Sat, 04 Nov 1995 03:44:22 GMT Organization: Magic Pixel Lines: 24 Message-ID: <47eniq$> References: <4722k9$> <472v9h$> <47emo4$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 (Scott Gant) wrote: > (Michael Justin Austin) wrote: >>Sorry but TV paint is the fastest and best for visual artists, >>but if you are not trained as an artist and need the software to >>do your painting then by all means get 3.0 >> >Oh come on.....what a load of crap this is! Painter does all the >painting for you? What planet are you on? TV Paint? Never heard of it. After reading my statement after I sent it, I want to apologize to everyone for being so harsh. The truth being that I haven't seen TV Paint in action, so as far as I know, it may be the greatest thing since sliced bread. But I do take offence in the statement that Mr. Austin wrote saying if you are not a trained artist and need the software to do your painting for you. I'm sorry, I've been in this business for a very long time and I've NEVER seen a program do the painting for you. I would still like to know how TV Paint compaires to Photoshop and Painter and what it's features are. Article: 6910 Path:!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Questions about ScreamerNet II for Intel Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 02:43:48 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 26 Message-ID: References: <469qh9$> <47b5qj$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <47b5qj$> (FCAP) writes: >From: (FCAP) >Subject: Re: Questions about ScreamerNet II for Intel >Date: 2 Nov 1995 14:22:59 -0500 >Hi, Brian - need a question to an answer that I can't get NewTek on the >phone to answer. I'm a beta tester and you'd think we'd get all the tech >on this stuff, but to date they have not posted any manuals of 4.00 (we're >up to 4.00W now - bug fixes) so I am at a loss on the screamernet setup. >I have downloaded from the beta line the screamernet 11 command list and >other info butit mentions putting commands in at the screamernet prompt >and 'rendering modules'. Is there a piece of this program for screamernet >that us beta testers are missing? Do we seperate 'render module' programs >that allow typing in screamernet commands? I am totally stumped on this >one. Thanks in advance. Have you read the User Guide (pg 157)? Screamernet is started from a Windows command prompt or from a MS-DOS prompt. You enter "arguments" for the Screamernet command at this prompt. There are examples in the manual. There is no Screamernet prompt that I know of. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6911 Path:!!!gatech!!!simtel!!decwrl!!!news From: (Locke) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How do you make explosions out of Characters ? Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 07:36:06 GMT Organization: SaskNet News Distribution Lines: 19 Message-ID: <47cgq3$> References: <47bjg5$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.56 I remember hearing (DJazz) say something like: >Does anyone out there know how to make characters break apart >(something like an explosion) ????? >Thanks in advance I just picked up a program that explodes trueSpace objects. Splits the objects in to any number of parts and flies then spinning off into the distance, among other things. Don't know if this helps, but I'll post it if you want... <-> Locke <-> Ahhh!!! Deeeeeaaaath!!! Article: 6912 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!! From: (THX1138871) Newsgroups: Subject: F.S. 40Mhz WarpEngine Date: 3 Nov 1995 13:44:59 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 7 Sender: Message-ID: <47dnvb$> Reply-To: (THX1138871) NNTP-Posting-Host: Onboard SCSI and up to 128 MB of RAM. Faster than the stock '040 Upgradeable to the '060 $1000.obo Article: 6913 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (ReplicaTch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lightwave Model Packages! Date: 2 Nov 1995 21:41:07 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 13 Sender: Message-ID: <47bvg3$> References: <470rkf$> Reply-To: (ReplicaTch) NNTP-Posting-Host: >>>I recently won a copy of the "Homes" collection for the Amiga at a LightWave seminar. However, since I have a PC (Windows 3.1), I would like to know the best way to convert these. Or is there an exchange policy? Thanks in advance, -Marc>>> For anyone listening in: If you have an Amiga copy of our products and don't have anyway to get them to PC, just return the Amiga disks for an exchange. Marc, I got yours today and your PC disks will be going out tomorrow. thanks for writing. Keith Lango REPLICA Technology Article: 6914 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (ReplicaTch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LW vs. Animation Master Date: 2 Nov 1995 21:41:22 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 20 Sender: Message-ID: <47bvgi$> References: <46k9ce$> Reply-To: (ReplicaTch) NNTP-Posting-Host: >>Hash definitely has the cooler name :-> > >>-joe > >NewTek's LightWave > v. >Hash's Animation Master > >???????? > >Sorry - LightWave is the cooler name. > > :::::::::This was probably just a poorly disguised drug reference. ::::::::::-Marc Are you sure? Maybe he's a Dinty Moore fan? :) Keith REPLICA Technology Article: 6915 Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation,,,, Path:!!simtel!!!news From: Jeffrey Kurland Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: Sender: (Keeper of the News) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Artworks New York References: <44k1ch$> <44uj4u$> <452qfb$> <45cv06$> <45f8d6$> <45k9cp$85t@zippy Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 04:27:25 GMT X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Macintosh; I; PPC) X-Url: news:47cqof$ Lines: 14 Xref: rec.arts.animation:44246 >>To say an audience decides wether certain work is art or not is a very broad >statement. >You can always find audience that agrees with your work and you can find audience that does not. Since you can't tell which audience is the "right" one, >you cannot tell wether certain work is art. > >One pragmatic definition of art mesaures art with money: if it sells for big >money, it's almost certanly art. > > > Arijan Neither democracy nor commerce are very good at judging the value of a work of art. Look up ''aesthetics''. Article: 6916 Path:!!!!!gatech!!uunet!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Stranahan) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: After Effects (WAS LW on Nowhere Man) Date: 2 Nov 1995 19:49:44 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 11 Sender: Message-ID: <47bov8$> References: <47bl82$> Reply-To: (Stranahan) NNTP-Posting-Host: Well, as I understand there is not a consumer or pro version....there is After Effects, and then there is the 'Production Bundle' which adds keying effects and other fun stuff... I'm still waiting for my 3.0 upgrade, so we shall see... _____________________________________________ Lee Stranahan Article: 6917 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From: (AppleTec) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lightwave on a Mac? Date: 3 Nov 1995 15:49:54 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 5 Sender: Message-ID: <47dv9i$> References: <47ccll$> Reply-To: (AppleTec) NNTP-Posting-Host: Sorry, newbie here, looks like some other poeple were thinking the same thing I was. I thought it might be cool to run Lightwave on my new powerbook. I'll shut up now and bide my time like the rest of you. :) Ethan Article: 6918 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!!btnet!!!usenet From: ("Phil South") Subject: Re: Miro DC1 Mjpeg any good? Message-ID: Organization: Compulink Information eXchange References: <47af5p$> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 15:47:50 GMT X-News-Software: Ameol32 Lines: 25 > Is anyone using Miro's DC1 realtime MJPEG compression/decompression > board. I was > thinking of buying one. It says it can output 640x480 at 30 fps to > composite/S-VHS,Hi8. > Not being a millionaire (and this being just a hobby) a PAR is out of > the question.. > so I was wondering what sort of results folk have had... > > In particular I want to use it to play Lightwave what format > do I need to put them in, how quick is conversion, etc, etc.. > > It samples in at 320x240 at 30 fps as well (although I have no use for > this).. > > Anyway, any information would be very useful , also on average kb/s > requirements and > anim sizes... It's only VHS quality, but okay for multimedia and home video editing. --- ------------------------------------------------------------- Phil South "nuqDaq yuch Dapol" Web Wizards Home Page ------------------------------------------------------------- Article: 6919 Path:!!!!!van-bc!!!Jeff_Holinski From: (Jeff Holinski) Newsgroups: Subject: Screamernet interface Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 17:11:52 GMT Organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada Lines: 15 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] There seem to be a lot of confused people trying to figure out how to use Screamernet for standalone rendering. (I'm one of them) :^( Am I the only one wondering why Newtek doesn't just write an interface for it and post it on their FTP site? It just has to write a text file and run the SN.exe. You wouldn't think something like that would take more than an hour on Visual Basic. I used to do stuff like this all the time with Cando on the Amiga, but unfortunatly I don't have a programming language on the PC yet. Anybody else up to it? Jeff H... Article: 6920 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!idtslw04 From: (Jeff Scheetz) Newsgroups: Subject: DEMO REELS Date: Thu, 02 Nov 95 21:59:52 GMT Organization: Internet Direct Communications - Lawrence, Ks - (913) 841-2220 Lines: 15 Message-ID: <47c885$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4 For those of you who don't know, every friday NewTek has a company meeting that includes pizza, beer, and DEMO REELS. Be we haven't seen much latley. They are viewed mostly to get a feel for what our users are up to, what features they use, and pure entertainment value. This is not a competition just an exhibition and no promise of employment should be infered. We like to see work from animators of all levels and short flyer projects (under 5 min.) We can show VHS, SVHS and 3/4. Send demos and a little about your self to: Demos Reels C/O Jeff in Tek Support NewTek Inc. 1200 SW Executive Dr. Topeka, KS 66615 If you need the tape back, include a self adressed stamped shipping envelope. Article: 6921 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NT AVI problem Date: 2 Nov 1995 22:39:49 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 113 Sender: Message-ID: <47c2u5$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article , (Frank Aalbers) writes: >One thing is for sure . Using NT is the cheapest renderspeed upgrade I >can imagine . :-) Tell me your secret?!? In the test results I've seen, Win95/ScreamerNet is as almost fast as WinNT/ScreamerNet. (Win95 alone is a pig..... Go figger!) Here are some results - would you like to add your machines to the list? Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- The following times were the result of running the scene files found in the Scenes\BENCHMARK directory that was installed by LightWave4.0. (Most likely it was all rev A, since rev B only recently showed up....) No settings were changed for the tests, the first frame was rendered, and the rendered image was saved to disk. In the case of the 'Space\Blade.lws' scene, the First frame was set to 54, Segment size was set to 8.67MB, Field Rendering was turned off, and Dithered Motion Blur was turned on. WinNT/SN & Win95/SN indicate results of running one instance of LWSN, controlled by one instance of LightWave. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ System: Micron 133MHz Pentium, 256K cache, 32MB EDO RAM Tester: Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. File Win95 Win95/SN WinNT WinNT/SN Dof.lws 6:27 6:13 6:17 5:53 Raytrace.lws 51:14 ??? 49:58 50:04 Textures.lws 2:29 1:48 1:45 1:43 ZBuffer.lws 6:56 4:36 4:40 4:38 Blade.lws 21:26 14:54 14:01 13:38 -------------------------------------------------------------- System: Gateway 486DX2-66, 16MB RAM Tester: Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. File Win95/SN Dof.lws 25:51 Raytrace.lws 3:28:00 (That's _hours_!) Textures.lws 7:25 ZBuffer.lws 19:55 Blade.lws 58:01 -------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________ System: Clone (home brand) AMD486DX4 100, 256Cache, 28MB RAM Tester: Daniel Dacey - Peppermint Graphics File Win95 Dof.lws 18:47 Raytrace.lws ??:?? (Still rendering!) Textures.lws 6:55 ZBuffer.lws 19:12 Blade.lws 27:05 Daniel Peppermint Graphics Newcastle, Australia ______________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Machine: 486DX40, Stealth 64, 800x600x16 (65535),12M Ram, LW 4.0 Final OS: Win95 release, and Win NT 3.51 (no shell preview, but with 16 bit windows & OS/2 support disabled.) Method 1st 2nd ------------------------------------ 95 1m39s 1m39s 95/SN 45s 36s (!!!!) NT 57s 57s NT/SN 33s 31s (!!!!) As you can see, without the interface LW really cooks. You can really tellon the AA more than anything else. If you watch the text output it's ridiculously faster than from the LW interface, even with the "show progress" turned off. Pete -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Hideaki Nakayama D-STORM Inc. For Comparison,Here is Rendering Bench-mark sheet. Textures Dof Raytrace Zbufsort -AT-i80486/66MHz 1138 5173 45958 4679 -AT-Pentium/90MHz 164 544 4499 411 -PC-9821Xa10 Pentium/100MHz 145 477 4276 386 -RaptorIIA DECAlpha21064A/275MHz 57 187 1550 152 -Raptor3 DECAlpha21164/300MHz 28 91 877 111sec. All the above machines were adjusted their set-up on almost same enviroments, WindowsNT, Memory,LW settings,etc.. All of test-rendering by D-Storm,Japan. --------------------------------------------------------- Article: 6922 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Miro DC1 Mjpeg any good? Date: 3 Nov 1995 01:25:47 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 43 Sender: Message-ID: <47cclb$> References: <47af5p$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <47af5p$>, (Stuart Smith) writes: >Is anyone using Miro's DC1 realtime MJPEG compression/decompression board. I >was >thinking of buying one. It says it can output 640x480 at 30 fps to >composite/S-VHS,Hi8. >Not being a millionaire (and this being just a hobby) a PAR is out of the >question.. >so I was wondering what sort of results folk have had... > >In particular I want to use it to play Lightwave what format do I >need to put them in, how quick is conversion, etc, etc.. > >It samples in at 320x240 at 30 fps as well (although I have no use for >this).. > >Anyway, any information would be very useful , also on average kb/s >requirements and >anim sizes... > >Stu > > It won't actualy play back animations at 640x480.. It records at 320x240 and scales it up to your video size.. I've never used one, but here they're quite good. 320x240 is not as bad as it sounds, and your render speed is amazing.. Anyway, I ended up buying a Qmotion card from Quadrant. It's about the same price, also ISA, but doesn't output to the computer monitor, just an external monitor (tv). Supposidly, this is an advantage since it doesn't have to send the data to the video cards bus. Anyway, it also supports 640x480, 640x240 and 320x480.. However, your compression ratio's become quite high at anything above 320x240, due to the nature of the ISA bus. Occationaly, the anims look better at high res, with high compression, but usualy look better at 320x200. Anyway, if you can find a place that will let you play with the boards first, thats your best bet. Also, Miro is supposed to have a new PCI board coming out for $999 or less (possably) which supports true 640x480, and 7:1 compression - which is pretty darn good.. But that may be a bit out of your range.. Article: 6923 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: output to video services?? Date: 3 Nov 1995 01:25:56 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 16 Sender: Message-ID: <47cclk$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <>, (candyman) writes: >Just my 2 pennies.....NEVER EVER send your work to any other company >unless you dont care whos demo reel it shows up far as client >confidentiality goes thats a whole pandoras box waiting to be opened... > > This reminds me. I've been reviewing a lot of demo reals at work (we're hiring modelers and animators, as usual) and I'm always shocked at how many times I see AH's porshe, or objects that were obviously from lightrom, or any other pd collection. Why do people bother? Why even send in a real? Just to prove you can't model? I've also seen several reals with the same animations on them, with people from different states claiming them as their own.. Article: 6924 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lightwave on a Mac? Date: 3 Nov 1995 01:25:57 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 11 Sender: Message-ID: <47ccll$> References: <47bs4t$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <47bs4t$>, (AppleTec) writes: >I use LW4.0 on Amiga's but have been wondering if anyone heard of the >possibility of a Mac version? > > > It's possable, but unlikely now. This thread got hellish before, please don't open the box again.. Article: 6925 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!simtel!!!!jolt!danad From: (V Teahan) Newsgroups: Subject: Help! Making compressing AVI's using INDEO Date: 3 Nov 1995 07:54:17 GMT Organization: Microplex Pty Ltd Lines: 15 Message-ID: <47chr9$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Hi, Is there a utility that will compress AVI files using the Indeo compre ssion. I have searched high and low but no success. I have the drivers etc but no utilities.. -- Dana Drury Dragon Soth -===(UDIC)===- Project Manager, Atonement Productions Article: 6926 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Windows NT and Lightwave Date: 3 Nov 1995 01:25:45 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 11 Sender: Message-ID: <47ccl9$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article , (Kevin Gleeson) writes: >Is it possible that loading the NT version will cause Lightwave to run slow >in >Windows 95? > > no... Article: 6927 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (JBooth411) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Possible bug? Date: 3 Nov 1995 01:25:46 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 9 Sender: Message-ID: <47ccla$> References: <479h11$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <479h11$>, (Nemickol) writes: > Ocassionally, shift and b gives me the boolean > tool, and sometimes it gives me the bevel option. > Am I doing something that isn't obvious to me > that would cause this? Caps lock? Maybe? Article: 6928 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Leuey) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: output to video services?? Date: 3 Nov 1995 02:39:36 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 7 Sender: Message-ID: <47cgvo$> References: <476jav$> Reply-To: (Leuey) NNTP-Posting-Host: Hmmm, I never really thought about my work ending up on someone else's demo reel. That's kinda spooky. It looks like the best option probably is to just buy (or possibly lease) a PVR. I appreciate the responses to my question. greg Article: 6929 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (MarcMylar) Newsgroups: Subject: LW Import and Export Date: 3 Nov 1995 02:59:59 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 13 Sender: Message-ID: <47ci5v$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader I have a few questions concerning LightWave 4.0 under Win 3.1: 1. How are object of different formats (such as .DXF) imported into Modeler? 2. How are Video for Windows (.AVI) animations created, and how is the compression method selected? 3. How are 32-bit TGAs created (with alpha channel for external compositing)? Thanks in advance, Marc Article: 6930 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (MarcMylar) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Probs: with Elastic Reality and LW Date: 3 Nov 1995 03:00:04 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 37 Sender: Message-ID: <47ci64$> References: <478suq$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <478suq$>, (Leuey) writes: > Hello, I've been having problems with Elastic Reality ever since I >installed the release (4.0) vers. of LW on my PC (wfw 3.11). It seems >that ER crashes as soon as it attemps to save an image it has finished >rendering. Transjammer also has the same problems, sometimes it won't >even let me click on "output" options. > The people at Avid said it may have >something to do with the HIIP implementation on ER and LW interfering with >one another. I reinstalled ER, but it still crashes when trying to save >an image. Has anybody else experience similiar problems? How were they >resolved? > Thanks, you saved me a call to Avid. Not only have I had similar problems, but I've had exactly the *same* problem! I can never select output options with Transjammer (which means that I can no longer use Transjammer with its cool transitions). Now that you mention it, the problems I've had coincided with the installation of LightWave 4.0 final (Win 3.1). In fact, I deleted the entire EREALITY and WIN32S directories before reinstalling ER and Transjammer, and the problem still persists. LightWave seems not to have these problems. I was actually planning to reformat my (2 GB) hard drive to see if that fixed it. >I appreciate any help on this matter > >greg Unfortunately these problems have yet to be resolved. I would also appreciate any help on this matter. -Marc Article: 6931 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!simtel!!!!!arijan From: (Arijan Siska) Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation,,,, Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Followup-To: rec.arts.animation,,,, Date: 3 Nov 1995 10:26:23 GMT Organization: Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engeneering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Lines: 23 Distribution: world Message-ID: <47cqof$> References: <44k1ch$> <44uj4u$> <452qfb$> <45cv06$> <45f8d6$> <45k9cp$85t@zippy NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: rec.arts.animation:44250 James Hastings-Trew ( wrote: : Your audience, who is always the final arbiter of all of your efforts. : Whether all of the "great" art of the world is great by virtue of some : intrinsic value, or whether it is great because some elite "said so" is not : the question. It is great because people value it as great -- things in and : of themselves have no instrinsic value, but only have what value people : give them... but that is a philosophical discussion for another day. Exactly my point! To say an audience decides wether certain work is art or not is a very broad statement. You can always find audience that agrees with your work and you can find audience that does not. Since you can't tell which audience is the "right" one, you cannot tell wether certain work is art. One pragmatic definition of art mesaures art with money: if it sells for big money, it's almost certanly art. Arijan Article: 6932 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: joy from Newtek on LW4.0 final Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 02:26:50 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 38 Message-ID: References: <47bhgb$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <47bhgb$> (Brian 'Doc' O'Neill) writes: >From: (Brian 'Doc' O'Neill) >Subject: joy from Newtek on LW4.0 final >Date: 2 Nov 1995 22:42:19 GMT [snip] >However, even though Newtek screwed up and sent it to someone who did NOT >register it, they won't do anything about it. Even though the software is >serial number/dongle protected, and I have the dongle, they said it would >allow me to run it on "two systems at once", which of course I can't because >I don't even have one copy...then they mentioned pirating and such. Which of >course can be done with just one copy. Not a lot of logic there. >Now, is it normal practice for a company to automatically register software >under an OLD registration just because the street address is the same. What >do they do when two companies share the same address? >There. Now I've vented. Now I have to see what my lawyer will say. >====================================================================== >Brian O'Neill - Director of Computing, Computer Science Sounds like BS to me. Did you buy the pre-release directly from NewTek? If so, where did they send it? Was it a full purchase or an upgrade? My copy of the final release came in a bubble pack with the new CD, new manuals and no dongle. Pirating shouldn't be much of an issue. If this was not an upgrade to the University's Toaster or software, I think you have a valid complaint. I'd ask to talk to a supervisor. Keep a cool head. Maybe you can still convince them. If that fails, write a letter. Good luck. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6933 Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation,,,, Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!spcuna!wlbr!llyene!news From: (Kevin Quitt) Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 References: <466il9$> <46fll3$> <472vr7$> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 22:51:46 GMT Lines: 13 Xref: rec.arts.animation:44253 On 30 Oct 1995 16:51:51 GMT, Cam Wilson wrote: >same with computers. you COULD recreate a computer-generated image without >a computer, but think of the time involved. you've gotta have one to >earn a living and compete in the marketplace, and it's NOT cheating. What I find most amusing are the obviously-hand-animated ads that try to look like the computer-generated ones. -- #include _ Kevin D Quitt USA 91351-4454 96.37% of all statistics are made up Article: 6934 Path:!!simtel!!!news From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Questions about ScreamerNet II for Intel Date: 4 Nov 1995 08:35:13 GMT Organization: Access One Lines: 28 Message-ID: <47f8k1$> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.) > (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) writes: > In article <47b5qj$> (FCAP) writes: > >From: (FCAP) > >Subject: Re: Questions about ScreamerNet II for Intel > >Date: 2 Nov 1995 14:22:59 -0500 > > >Hi, Brian - need a question to an answer that I can't get NewTek on the > >phone to answer. I'm a beta tester and you'd think we'd get all the tech > >on this stuff, but to date they have not posted any manuals of 4.00 (we're > >up to 4.00W now - bug fixes) so I am at a loss on the screamernet setup. > Have you read the User Guide (pg 157)? Screamernet is started from a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > Windows command prompt or from a MS-DOS prompt. You enter "arguments" for the > Screamernet command at this prompt. There are examples in the manual. There ^^^^^^^^^ > is no Screamernet prompt that I know of. > > _________________________________________________________________ > Walter (Jay) Turberville | Ummmmm, Jay, didn't he say he didn't have any manuals? **************************************************************************** ** | Synergy Graphix & Animation ** Welcome to Seattle, have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty! ** Don't make me force it down your throat..... **************************************************************************** Article: 6935 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR Lunchbox? Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 02:49:52 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 41 Message-ID: References: <47b0po$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <47b0po$> (James Jones/Nibbles and Bits) writes: >From: (James Jones/Nibbles and Bits) >Subject: PVR Lunchbox? >Date: 2 Nov 1995 10:57:12 -0700 > I was just thinking how nice it would be if there were a >"Lunchbox" style PC into which a PVR, capture card and AV drive would fit. > > I'm talking about those bigger-than-a-laptop thingys that have a >fold-down keyboard, a 8-10" CRT or flat-screen monitor built in, >expansion slots and a carrying strap. > > Of course, it would need room for the DPS stuff, a sound card, >video card and ethernet -- and have to be NT compatible -- at least. > > Sure would beat carrying around a 17" monitor and a mid-tower >case. And it would render faster than a Betacam deck... :) > > Has anyone put together something like this, or found out if it's >even possible? > > -Jim > >James G. Jones I have seen cases that look like they might work for this in the Computer Shopper. It was my plan to put the PVR in such a case with a DX4-100. At least it was until I found out that DPS recommends 32mb of memory. My call to DPS confirmed this. The technician did admit that he runs it on a 16mb machine, but that they do not recommend it. Either way, $180 for the motherboard, $300-$400 for the case and $500 for the RAM meant an additional $1000. I put the PVR in my P100 instead. Anybody running the PVR with less than 16mb of RAM? _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6936 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NT AVI problem Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 02:51:32 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 29 Message-ID: References: <47580m$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article (Frank Aalbers) writes: >Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 10:06:02 +0100 >From: (Frank Aalbers) >Subject: Re: NT AVI problem >brad prosise (brad prosise ) wrote: > bp> I have the same problem and I do add the .AVI extension. The > bp> funny thing is, I am running WIN 95 on the same box and added > bp> LW through the task bar and the AVI's work great. Now if I > bp> could get the rendering speed from NT I would be setup. >Glad to hear this . >One thing is for sure . Using NT is the cheapest renderspeed upgrade I >can imagine . :-) >Frank Aalbers >GRID Productions No - the cheapest is using Screamernet. That's included. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6937 Path:!!!swrinde!!emory!!!!!not-for-mail From: (syzygy) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: 3 Nov 1995 01:57:58 -0600 Organization: t e z c a t . c o m - Wicker Park (Chicago) 312-850-0112 Lines: 37 Message-ID: <47ci26$> References: <> <46kss3$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, candyman wrote: >>Well, here's an informal info thing.... > >>When I would do seminars, there were usually only 10ish% women on the >>LightWave day, maybe less...there were more women on the general Toaster >>day... >>_____________________________________________ >>Lee Stranahan Hmmmm... the VTUniversity seminars I attended recently here in chicago had about 1/3 women for the lightwave intensive day (honestly I was suprised to see so many other women there) I know at least one woman who was there because her boyfriend was a professional animator and she wanted to learn more, others seemed to be more corporate types, and then you had the independant-looking-types (relatively few) all in all I considered it a rather good mix. Then again, it _was_ only one 2-day seminar in one city... btw, more people in general attended the lightwave day than the toaster day. Also, there are 3 women out of ten students in a lightwave class at a local university here (the class was full within 1/2 hour of registration starting!) .... I think all this is a good sign for women in animation and Lightwave too! > Hmm gotta meet me one of these..actually having a girlfriend who knows >the lingo and lifestyle could be a PLus..:) Well... my bf and I got into this whole thing together, so I can't help you much there, maybe you could start cruising the local seminars and users groups? ;) You might even learn a thing or two while you're looking! Nissa -------------------- I shall sleep no more forever. -------------------- Article: 6938 Path:!!!!agis!!!!!!!rlm8342 From: (ryan l mc donald) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ok, one more time.. Picasso & Wireframes Date: 31 Oct 1995 16:43:41 GMT Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Lines: 17 Message-ID: <475jnt$> References: <471coe$> <475df1$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] : Well, : What is a Picasso screen? : Ron. An Amiga Screen mode createda nd displayed with the PicassoII video card. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ They will get my Amiga In the Beginning, there was nothing when they pry it from and God said, "Let There Be Light." my cold, dead, hands. There was still nothing but AMIGA FOREVER now you could see it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Build a better mousetrap and Bill Gates will steal all the cheese. Article: 6939 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!!drakon From: (Harry Benjamin Gibson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Simulating Prisms in LW Date: 3 Nov 1995 10:16:56 GMT Organization: Portal Communications Company -- 408/973-9111 (voice) 408/973-8091 (data) Lines: 18 Message-ID: <47cq6o$> References: <46j66t$> <4783q3$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] John Foust ( wrote: : In article , (John Gross) says: : > : >RE: Prisms in LightWave. LightWave will not simulate the separation of : >the wavelengths of light. I don't know of any 3D package that can do this. : Actually, the very first applications of true ray-tracing were : not for pretty pictures, but for designing optical systems. : There are very expensive and esoteric 3D programs that : will properly account for the frequency of the light and : the refraction effects, but they can't be used for : space battle scenes. :-) : - John And why not?!? :):):) Article: 6940 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!van-bc!!!a15111 From: (Chris Hartt) Newsgroups: Subject: LightWave on the SGI? Date: Fri, 03 Nov 95 05:53:10 -0800 Organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada Lines: 12 Distribution: world Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Hi all, I have ordered the SGI version of LightWave, as a person as opposed to being company, as an upgrade from my 3.5 unbundled version. I have seen here that people are using the SGI version, and I saw it a Siggraph. So what the hell is going on? Everytime I phone Newtek, they say that it hasn't been released yet, and they are unsure when it will be. Do the people here that are using the SGI version, have beta versions or pre-releases? Thanks Chris Article: 6941 Path:!!!!uknet!uknet!!!!demon!!pipex!!!!!not-for- From: (DTP Products) Newsgroups: control, Subject: FREE $$$ MAKING SOFTWARE !!! Date: 31 Oct 1995 13:25:33 -0600 Organization: ViperNet Lines: 36 Message-ID: <475t7d$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: control:2262309 The NEWEST and most INNOVATIVE SERVER on the Internet. The FIRST & ONLY full Internet Access Provider that gives you the opportunity to make BIG $$$ simply by being a subscriber. YOU KNOW: How incredibly large servers like Prodigy and AOL have become and how much bigger they continue to grow everyday. JUST IMAGINE: If you had been given the opportunity to be in on the ground floor of one of those servies. You would now have tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of users signed under you. Which simply means YOU would now be VERY, VERY WEALTHY!!! And you get 5- HOURS OR 3-DAYS **FREE** TO TRY IT OUT at NO COST TO YOU !!! It Has Everything that the BIG 3 have and MUCH MORE, Plus full 28,800 Access. And The Best Graphics On The Net. If you're going to use a provider, use one that MAKES YOU MONEY And gives you 5-FREE ONLINE HOURS EVERY MONTH. And if you're already in business on the net this is the easiest way to add your income, by simply enclosing a free Demo Disc in every deliver you make to your customers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Respond To: Or Call 1-334-973-9721 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For ABSOLUTELY FREE GRAPHICS & SOUND DEMO-DISC Send Your Mailing Address. No Cost. No Obligation. No Bull. Your address will not be used for any other purpose. If you're going to fall.....fall reaching Article: 6942 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!sunic!!!!!!mattias From: (Mattias Dahlberg) Newsgroups: Subject: NewTek AVI plug in? Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 16:12:24 Lines: 7 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A] Hello, I haven't purchased LW4.0 yet, but I'd like to take a look at the NewTek AVI plug ins. Could anyone please send them to me? Matt - one could always ask - Dahlberg Article: 6943 Path:!!!!!usenet From: (John Sonedecker) Newsgroups: Subject: FS:Corel/Imagine/FF Date: 2 Nov 1995 14:59:11 GMT Organization: eNET Inc. Lines: 4 Message-ID: <47amc0$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6 I have Corel 5.0cd bundle for $200, Imagine 3.3(4.0 when here) $250 and Crystal Graphics Flyying Fonts 2.0 for $50. Or all three for $450. Please e-mail me. -John Sonedecker Article: 6944 Path:!!!!!news From: Newsgroups:,alt.3d,,, Subject: Re: Free 3D Models Date: Sat, 04 Nov 1995 13:08:52 GMT Organization: Houston Internet Connect (HIC) Lines: 18 Message-ID: <47fglj$> References: <46rpsj$> <46us47$> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 Xref: alt.3d:18877 "Harry H. Chang" wrote: >My Internet Providers Usenet server has some kind of problem. >please email me if you saw my article posted. >-- >HHC '95 > >Home of Lots of 3D Models. Many Free Models Too! >Star Wars Fanatics Welcomed. The "Gundam" walking robot was INCREDIBLE. I wonder if Mr. Chang would be interested in sharing some tips on making such an incredible walking robot AVI? Article: 6945 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!!!!news From: (Andreas) Newsgroups: Subject: Lasershow Searched Date: 3 Nov 1995 16:52:28 GMT Organization: My Organization Lines: 4 Message-ID: <47dhcc$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN version 0.82 Hello!! I am very interested in lasershows and search on that way for people who create lasershows or work on it. Please mail me!!! Article: 6946 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!news From: Newsgroups: Subject: LWO>3DS 3DS>LWO Date: Wed, 01 Nov 1995 19:04:46 GMT Organization: SkyNET Corporation Lines: 7 Message-ID: <479pv8$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99.82 The ability to import and export 3ds files was a feature of LW I was very interested in. As a 3ds user, this sounded like a great feature. Unfortunately, my LW friends can't seem to get this feature to work. Has anyone? HH Article: 6947 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!!user From: (Mark Behm) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lightwave on a Mac? Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 20:17:08 -0500 Organization: Rittenhouse Lines: 24 Message-ID: References: <47bs4t$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <47bs4t$>, (AppleTec) wrote: > I use LW4.0 on Amiga's but have been wondering if anyone heard of the > possibility of a Mac version? > > > Ethan Goodman > EYECANDY ANIMATION > EMAIL You would think it would be a fairly easy port being that the GUI is completely custom (not windows based). No one can argue that in the 2d graphics world (print & most multimedia, MAC is the predominant OS (for sheer productivity value). Stange that they don't make the effort, eh? -- Mark Behm Rittenhouse Communications Yardley Pa Article: 6948 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!decwrl!!!!netnews From: Dave Ruigh Subject: Re: LightWave on the SGI? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii To: Chris Hartt Message-ID: <> Sender: (Usenet Administration) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale CA USA References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 19:12:45 GMT X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1J (X11; I; IRIX 5.3 IP20) Lines: 31 Chris Hartt wrote: > > Hi all, > I have ordered the SGI version of LightWave, as a person as opposed > to being company, as an upgrade from my 3.5 unbundled version. I have seen > here that people are using the SGI version, and I saw it a Siggraph. So > what the hell is going on? Everytime I phone Newtek, they say that it > hasn't been released yet, and they are unsure when it will be. Do the > people here that are using the SGI version, have beta versions or > pre-releases? > > Thanks > > Chris I recently received a 2nd "pre-release", dated 9/(something), from XAOS. I have not had time or inclination to start a big project with it yet, I'll stick with Alias or Vertigo until things slow down enough for me to learn and explore it's capabilities. From what little time I have spent with it, it's pretty neat, modeler reminds me a bit of Vertigo's, (though Vertigo does realtime GL rendering, and has a wonderful Renderman shader interface). I wouldn't bet my next paycheck on the final's release date. I would not be really surprised if Newtek drops the SGI platform altogeather, clearly they don't have the organization/manpower to support Alpha/Mips/Intel NT/95, let alone the SGI. Better for them to concentrate on keeping and growing their installed base on a manageable range of platforms, as opposed to alienating new customers with buggy "beta" software on unfamiliar (to Newtek) hardware. Dave Article: 6949 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!!!user From: (Mark Behm) Newsgroups: Subject: ? Can LW do... Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 20:42:57 -0500 Organization: Rittenhouse Lines: 29 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Don't have it yet. Some questions I couldn't get from LW tech support... -Can it handle multiple texture maps on the same model ? 1st- (golf ball) a bump and color and diffuse or whatever map 2nd- (golf ball) a decal with a bump and color map or 1st- a full map for the top plane of an object 2nd- a full map for the bottom plane of an object the tech guy thought (I think) I was asking if it could have a bump and specualr map in the same texture. - Does it support an alpha chanel for 'decaling' maps ? please boast or complain about LW as a product. The cost of this isn't just 825. Its a system a decent monitor etc... I need all the support I can get to convince my company to get me a copy. thanks, Mark Behm Rittenhouse Communications Yardley, PA -- Mark Behm Rittenhouse Communications Yardley Pa Article: 6950 Path:!mcbones From: (Daniel J. McCoy) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lightwave Mailing List? Date: Sat, 04 Nov 95 15:06:26 GMT Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Lines: 21 Message-ID: <47gdpn$> References: <47c7j8$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4 In article <47c7j8$>, (Ron Evans) wrote: >Is there a lightwave mailing list? If so, whats the address to send email to? David Warner is now having "fun" running the mailing lists. Though this will change in the near future as the list will be moving to a new server, you can subscribe by sending e-mail to: or (digested version) and include: subscribe end in the body of the message. Have fun, Dan Article: 6951 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!usenet From: Brian 'Doc' O'Neill Newsgroups: Subject: Re: joy from Newtek on LW4.0 final Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 09:39:54 -0500 Organization: A poorly-installed InterNetNews site Lines: 40 Message-ID: <> References: <47bhgb$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1 (X11; I; OSF1 T3.2 alpha) Walter (Jay) Turberville wrote: > [My rant about not getting my final release deleted] > Sounds like BS to me. Did you buy the pre-release directly from NewTek? If > so, where did they send it? Was it a full purchase or an upgrade? My copy of > the final release came in a bubble pack with the new CD, new manuals and no > dongle. Pirating shouldn't be much of an issue. If this was not an upgrade > to the University's Toaster or software, I think you have a valid complaint. > I'd ask to talk to a supervisor. Keep a cool head. Maybe you can still > convince them. If that fails, write a letter. > Already talked to a supervisor. Their position is that it _was_ received by the University, despite the "wrong" address, and they did not get it back. I did not buy the pre-release from Newtek, but a distributor (Newtek told me I couldn't). It was not any sort of Toaster upgrade - that broke several years ago. They of course claim that I should have indicated on the registration card that it was my personal software, but I fail to see the checkbox for that. THe more I think about the possibility of "pirating" it, the more it sounds like BS. Say, for instance, I had a crack for it. Now, I can't pirate it now since I don't have a copy. If I _did_ have a copy, why would I need another? Exactly what difference would sending me another copy make? > Good luck. > Thanks...I think I'm going to need it. -- ====================================================================== Brian O'Neill - Director of Computing, Computer Science University of Massachusetts at Lowell (508) 934-3645 "Nothing's the same anymore." - Sinclair, Babylon 5, _Chrysalis_ Article: 6952 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!news From: Lloyd Prendergast <70323.1535@CompuServe.COM> Newsgroups: Subject: Spray particles for aerosol can? Date: 3 Nov 1995 19:01:05 GMT Organization: CompuServe, Inc. (1-800-689-0736) Lines: 12 Message-ID: <47doth$q5i$> I am new to LW and am creating a Spray can. I would like to know what is the best way to create the spray appearence with a fractel noise or particles. Please advise. Thanks! WIll MENDEZ -- PGAST Article: 6953 From: (Theodore Terranova) Subject: PAR & LW 4.0 Bug? Date: 4 Nov 95 19:13:15 -0800 Message-ID: <> Path:!!simtel!!! Newsgroups: Organization: The Microsoft Network ( Lines: 7 I've got LW 4.0 running in Win 95. I can't get lightwave to save images to either of my PAR drives. It seems like there is no way to render an animation directly to the PAR. Is this the case, if so it sucks. I know its not the PAR becuse I can save naimations from TRuespace directly to the PAR. Also is there anywhere to select a compression mode for the image output. I'd like to use cinepacks compression for my AVI files. Please Help. Article: 6954 From: (Theodore Terranova) Subject: Re: Lightwave on a Mac? Date: 4 Nov 95 19:19:55 -0800 References: <47bs4t$> Message-ID: <> Path:!!simtel!!! Newsgroups: Organization: The Microsoft Network ( Lines: 5 I heard that Newtek went to apple for assistance in the port and maybe some machines. Apple told newtek that the interface had to comply with MAC standards. Newtek said it would not be worth the trouble and wouldn't be cost effective. So I guess Apple has once again shot themselves in the foot. Article: 6955 Path:!!simtel!!!usenet From: (Justin Wilson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Spray particles for aerosol can? Date: 4 Nov 1995 19:49:55 GMT Organization: Onramp Access, Inc. Lines: 17 Message-ID: <47gg53$> References: <47doth$q5i$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.90.4 In article <47doth$q5i$>, Lloyd Prendergast <70323.1535@CompuServe.COM> says: > >I am new to LW and am creating a Spray can. I would like to know >what is the best way to create the spray appearence with a >fractel noise or particles. Please advise. > >Thanks! >WIll MENDEZ > >-- >PGAST > > > To tell you the truth...this is a job for animated texture maps. I would videotape an aerosol can spraying, and map thet to a square. I've done something similar and it looks great. Article: 6956 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Stranahan) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: output to video services?? Date: 3 Nov 1995 17:01:48 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 16 Sender: Message-ID: <47e3gc$> References: <47cclk$> Reply-To: (Stranahan) NNTP-Posting-Host: Someone said... ------------------------------------- I'm always shocked at how many times I see AH's porsche... ------------------------------------ 'AH's' porsche is a viewpoint porcshe that AH did a LOT of surface work on.... Boy, can't he model?? _____________________________________________ Lee Stranahan Article: 6957 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Book Review - Exploring LightWave 3D! Date: 3 Nov 1995 15:05:01 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 89 Sender: Message-ID: <47dsld$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader Here's my opinion of the book 'Exploring LightWave 3D': Exploring ‘Exploring LightWave 3D by Todd Payne’ by Erik Flom Exploring LightWave 3D is a hefty tome that promises to be everything for everyone. Unfortunately, it falls far short of this somewhat lofty goal. Incorrectly documented beginning tutorials, missing scene and image files, and unchallenging advanced lessons all combine to turn a potentially valuable book into a questionable investment. The included floppy disk is a High Density PC formatted floppy disk, so many Amiga owners will be unable to read the disk. (This is curious, since the disk is only half full - a more logical choice would have been to distribute it in a LoDensity PC floppy, so that all LightWave owners could read the files.) The objects and scenes included on the disk are not setup to be loaded from the floppy, nor do they use the new ‘Content Directory’ feature of LightWave 4.0, so you’ll have manually hunt down the image maps and objects. (Unfortunately, the image maps included on the disk don’t match the names requested, so you’ll have to guess at the correct image maps....) There are 17 chapters spread across five sections. The first section has three chapters. Chapter one details installation for a variety of platforms. This pretty much duplicates the ‘Systems Guide and Installation’ manual included with LightWave 4.0. The second chapter describes the basic concepts of 3D modeling, and ends with a subsection about animation techniques that seems totally out of place in a discussion of 3D model basics. The third chapter introduces us to the basics of LightWave. This begins with a list of system requirements - handy, since we had already installed the software two chapters ago..... Section two, the ‘Quickstart’ section, jumps into the basics of object and scene creation with a hodge podge of projects. Chapter four teaches the basics of lathing by having you build a pawn. Then you use a Boolean operation to turn it into a Bishop. Chapter five is the ‘Quickstart Layout’ chapter - two different scenes are created, both use objects included _only_ in the LightWave 4.0 upgrade. There were a number of erroneous images in this chapter, but this was mainly because the lights were not the type described in the instructions - though in one case, a procedural texture was given an incorrect value. The finished scene was supposed to be on the companion disk, but coudn’t be found - not good for the first tutorial in the book. The second project in chapter five was to animate a hovercraft lifting off the ground, and accelerating. It was sorely lacking in companion images, and really would have been a good time to discuss the value of the motion graph editor. Unfortunately, it appears that there is absolutely no coverage of the motion graph editor, short of one paragraph that merely describes the button! In my opinion, the motion graph editor is one of the most important tools available, and is indispensable when setting up finely tuned, realistic motion paths for objects and the camera. I find it _particularly_ amazing that many pages of the book are devoted to the importance of proper camera and object motion, yet no attention is paid to this valuable tool. Section three ‘Exploring LightWave’ is just what it says. Chapters six and seven go into the details of Layout and Modeler respectively. The ensuing chapters discuss all the options available in the light, camera, and effects control panels. The section ends with a short chapter on the ‘advanced techniques’ of Inverse Kinematics, and spline patching. While it claims to offer ‘advanced modeling & rendering techniques’, there is little in this book that the advanced (much less intermediate) modeler can gain from. There are only two ‘advanced’ projects, and even those are poorly documented. In both tutorials, the author shows a distressing inability to use the tools efficiently. The first tutorial, discussin Article: 6958 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!waikato!!!no From: (Matthew Buchanan) Newsgroups: Subject: Amiga v4.0 shipping yet? Date: 4 Nov 1995 12:44:43 +1300 Organization: ILLUSION graphics + design Lines: 11 Message-ID: <47e9hb$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Just wondering whether anyone has there's yet. I'm still waiting down here in NZ. Mail me if you have, please. Regards, Matt -- Matthew Buchanan ILLUSION gfx + d | Scully to Mulder: "Last time you were w3: | so engrossed, it turned out you were email: | reading the Adult Video News." X-Files Amiga 3000/030 WB3.1 GVP Spectrum 2MB...The Computer for the Creative Mind Article: 6959 Path:!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (NFLSN) Newsgroups:,,,,,,,,,c Subject: Re: ANYONE HAVE PHOTOSTYLER (Not Photoshop, PHOTOSTYLER) - I do! Date: 4 Nov 1995 16:42:46 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 4 Sender: Message-ID: <47gmom$> References: <46pjgi$> Reply-To: (NFLSN) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: How Much ram do you have? I only Have 8 on my 486 and PShop will run (granted not very fast). When I got my upgrade (three month's after I paid for it) I was shocked by the ram requirements also. Who has a PC with 10 meg?? Article: 6960 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Richard) Newsgroups: Subject: VT Expo: So? What Happened? Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 17:45:51 -0600 Organization: Entropy Lines: 15 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Haven't seen didley on the show. Did everybody leave their laptops at home? Did AT announce their choice for RSIC chip, and what was it? Please. Did NewTek have any press releases? LW 5.0 shipping yet? ;-) NewTek sure isn't making very good use of their web site. <<<<======================================================================= Richard Norman AMIGA --- Amazing Multitasking Interactive Graphics & Animation Amiga Networking FAQ /pub/aminet/docs/help/anetfaq.lzh Inputs appreciated! =======================================================================>>>> Article: 6961 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!not-for-mail From: (THX1138871) Newsgroups: Subject: Spray particles for aerosol can? Date: 3 Nov 1995 18:44:03 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 4 Sender: Message-ID: <47e9g3$> References: <47doth$q5i$> Reply-To: (THX1138871) NNTP-Posting-Host: SPARKS is an excellent piece of software for what you're trying to do. The learning curve is a bit steep and the interface can be confusing but it's still very much worth the time it takes to learn it. Article: 6962 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Richard) Newsgroups: Subject: NewTek Web Site; a wish list Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 18:06:12 -0600 Organization: Entropy Lines: 44 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: A thread for sharing some random thoughts as to how to improve the NewTek Web Site. Here are some of my "deep thoughts" ;-) Most companies at least try to keep thier customers up to date on product updates, patches, and press releases. The price list is out of date and buried under a title of "other stuff" It should have links from each of the product descriptions to a "A NAME" tag on the price list page. There are no press releases. Need a spell checker. Misspelled Modeler on the LW specs page. There are no details on LW-PLUGIN technology or how to become a developer. I can understand not mentioning the mailing list unless someone requests developer info, but it should be a tad easier. Your high end power users (which NewTeks seems to be pricing their product for) need to know more details as compared to other 3d products. Although you tell them to consult their local dealer: There is no current list of NewTek dealers. There is no list of User groups where folks can go for local help. No mention of the LW newsgroup.(which probably isn't accidental ;-) No mention of the LW related media such as VTU and LWpro. They deserve a mention and a pointer at least in the "other stuff" section. No mention of tomahawk or other LW related web sites. The LW gallery is a good start. Some of the thumbnails need the gamma boosted. They look like dark blobs. Especially the top row. Others are just fine. <<<<======================================================================= Richard Norman AMIGA --- Amazing Multitasking Interactive Graphics & Animation Amiga Networking FAQ /pub/aminet/docs/help/anetfaq.lzh Inputs appreciated! =======================================================================>>>> Article: 6963 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!uunet!!!!!Kathy From: (Mary Katherine Blohm) Newsgroups: Subject: LHANT - Where can it be found? Date: 3 Nov 1995 20:20:09 -0800 Organization: The Portal System (TM) Lines: 4 Sender: Distribution: world Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In the July issue of LightwavePro, Phillip J. Hice talks about a new version of LHA for NT, LHANT, which supports long filenames. But where can it be found? Haven't been able to find it on Compuserve or Portal? Has anyone actually used it ? Where did you get it? Article: 6964 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Spray particles for aerosol can? Date: 3 Nov 1995 22:25:05 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 11 Sender: Message-ID: <47emeh$> References: <47e9g3$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <47e9g3$>, (THX1138871) writes: >SPARKS is an excellent piece of software for what you're trying to do. Yes! >The learning curve is a bit steep and the interface can be confusing but >it's still very much worth the time it takes to learn it. Unless you get the new PLUG-IN version. It's a thousand times better than the original standalone version! Article: 6965 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (BigFatCHUK) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Book Review - Exploring LightWave 3D! Date: 3 Nov 1995 23:15:39 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 12 Sender: Message-ID: <47epdb$> References: <47dsld$> Reply-To: (BigFatCHUK) NNTP-Posting-Host: :Exploring ‘Exploring LightWave 3D by Todd Payne’ by Erik Flom :Exploring LightWave 3D is a hefty tome that promises to be everything for :everyone. :Unfortunately, it falls far short of this somewhat lofty goal. Incorrectly :documented beginning tutorials, :missing scene and image files, and unchallenging advanced lessons all His book on 3D Studio was pretty useless too. chuck Article: 6966 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!simtel!!!!!!!!svandyk From: (Shane Van Dyk) Newsgroups: Subject: Anyone out there Rendering directly to Vlab? Date: 4 Nov 1995 04:22:38 GMT Organization: MGL Systems Internet Lines: 25 Message-ID: <47epqe$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] I know that the most recent revision if the Vlab software was supposed to make Lightwave able to render directly to the Vlab. (As far as I can remember this was a slight problem before). My question is, how and what do you need to do it? I don't have a Vlab yet and getting a used one is not an easy thing. Would it be possible with only: A4000 040Warp33/18Megs NO rev. 11 Buster Vlab-Motion and any SCSI drive I can find (I know, faster, bigger, better) and Lightwve 3.5 SA or 4.0 SA NO Tocatta (for a while at least) I already have a Picasso and want to know if it will work with the Vlab? or can I have a Second monitor connected directly to the Vlab and forget about going through the Picasso? Any Help Much Appreciated Shane -- Shane VanDyk Reality is only a State of mind... Render yourself senseless with Lightwave Article: 6967 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!usenet From: ASK ME NICELY Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Chicago Users Group? Date: Fri, 3 Nov 95 19:20:43 -0500 Organization: Delphi ( email, 800-695-4005 voice) Lines: 14 Message-ID: References: <47c7op$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-To: Ron Evans Ron Evans writes: >Is there a pc group in chicago that does lightwave stuff on PC too? Or >any amiga groups? Please let me know! > Thanks, > Ron yep there is a group that meets out in Oakbrook (i think) that concentrates on Lightwave. The guy who runs it is Dan Ablan. Hey Dan, if you're there give us some info! later Josh Tsui Article: 6968 Path:!!!swrinde!!!pipex!!pipex!!pipex!!!!!usenet From: ASK ME NICELY Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LightWave on the SGI? Date: Fri, 3 Nov 95 19:24:30 -0500 Organization: Delphi ( email, 800-695-4005 voice) Lines: 18 Message-ID: References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-To: Chris Hartt Chris Hartt writes: > I have ordered the SGI version of LightWave, as a person as opposed >to being company, as an upgrade from my 3.5 unbundled version. I have seen >here that people are using the SGI version, and I saw it a Siggraph. So >what the hell is going on? Everytime I phone Newtek, they say that it >hasn't been released yet, and they are unsure when it will be. Do the >people here that are using the SGI version, have beta versions or >pre-releases? > >Thanks well, you're probably better off calling up Xaos Tools and let them send you a copy of LW on Dat tape. Thats what I'm running. Xaos has been very reliable about sending latest versions of the pre-release. Josh Tsui Article: 6969 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!panix!!lamont!bob From: (Bob Green) Subject: Re: Zip Drive? Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: Armchair Airlines Computer Services X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #2 References: <46gokm$> <46h8bf$> <478fo7$i3u@ocean.CAM.ORG> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 21:05:23 GMT Lines: 15 > >: >You didn't get a zip yet? good buy the JAZZ drive 1 gig internal for $469 >: >and the carts are $119 >: >chuck >: > >: > > Or a Pinnacle 4.6 GB for 1500, carts for 200 (6MB/sec sustained tranfer I'm told). Bob Green Armchair Airlines Article: 6970 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!erniew From: Ernie Wright Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Possible bug? Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 00:57:47 -0500 Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA Lines: 18 Message-ID: References: <479h11$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: Stuart Ferguson wrote: > +-- (Nemickol) writes: > | Ocassionally, shift and b gives me the boolean > | tool, and sometimes it gives me the bevel option. > > "Caps Lock," maybe? Try that first, but I've found that PC Modeler sometimes doesn't know that I've let go of the Alt key, and it might be doing that with the Shift key, too, although I haven't seen that. BTW, sometimes the Alt key thing is system-wide (Win 3.x) while Modeler is running--that's how I found out that Alt + double-click opens the Properties dialog for an icon. - Ernie Article: 6971 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (SImhoff) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: After Effects (WAS LW on Nowhere Man) Date: 4 Nov 1995 01:57:06 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 10 Sender: Message-ID: <47f2s2$> References: <47bov8$> Reply-To: (SImhoff) NNTP-Posting-Host: I frequently use After Effects to composite Lightwave animations with video footage and other stuff rendered on the Mac. I received my After Effects 3.0 Production Bundle upgrade this week. After Effects can import numbered Pict sequences; and if you add your Photoshop plug ins in the File Format folder you can import and export numbered iff, Targa, Bmp, Pcx, files and a few other formats. No need to change files into picts first anymore. hope this information is useful -Sandy Imhoff Article: 6972 Path:!!!swrinde!!pipex!!!!pipeline!not-for-mail From: (Michael Justin Austin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR Lunchbox? Date: 3 Nov 1995 17:33:43 -0500 Organization: The Pipeline Lines: 40 Message-ID: <47e5c7$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: The Pipeline v3.2.0 On Nov 02, 1995 10:57:12 in article , ' (James Jones/Nibbles and Bits)' wrote: Yeah! its called the new stand alone flyer system for NT :-] ciao > >I was just thinking how nice it would be if there were a >"Lunchbox" style PC into which a PVR, capture card and AV drive would fit. > >I'm talking about those bigger-than-a-laptop thingys that have a >fold-down keyboard, a 8-10" CRT or flat-screen monitor built in, >expansion slots and a carrying strap. > >Of course, it would need room for the DPS stuff, a sound card, >video card and ethernet -- and have to be NT compatible -- at least. > >Sure would beat carrying around a 17" monitor and a mid-tower >case. And it would render faster than a Betacam deck... :) > >Has anyone put together something like this, or found out if it's >even possible? > >-Jim > >James G. Jones >Nibbles & Bits > >___ >* UniQWK #5134* > Article: 6973 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!!wturber From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Screamernet interface Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 00:36:13 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 39 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article (Jeff Holinski) writes: >From: (Jeff Holinski) >Subject: Screamernet interface >Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 17:11:52 GMT >There seem to be a lot of confused people trying to figure out how to use >Screamernet for standalone rendering. (I'm one of them) :^( >Am I the only one wondering why Newtek doesn't just write an interface for it >and post it on their FTP site? It just has to write a text file and run the >SN.exe. You wouldn't think something like that would take more than an hour >on Visual Basic. >I used to do stuff like this all the time with Cando on the Amiga, but >unfortunatly I don't have a programming language on the PC yet. >Anybody else up to it? >Jeff H... > I have considered doing that, but I don't have a copy of the command set and therefore do not have any idea how complex it really is. If you have the command set that would save me time. I have been very busy lately and didn't want to spend the time chasing this down when it is real iffy whether I will have the time (or ability - I only tinker with programming - its not my strong point). My personal theory is than no programming project takes one hour. If it did, the programmer would just add more features and fiddle with it until he/she had taken at least 8 hours. I always make as realistic estimate as I can make and then multiply that by 2. Sometimes I actually complete the program within that estimated time frame. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6974 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!!!ip048.phx.primenet.c From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lightwave on a Mac? Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 00:52:03 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 44 Message-ID: References: <47bs4t$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article (Mark Behm) writes: >From: (Mark Behm) >Subject: Re: Lightwave on a Mac? >Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 20:17:08 -0500 >In article <47bs4t$>, (AppleTec) >wrote: >> I use LW4.0 on Amiga's but have been wondering if anyone heard of the >> possibility of a Mac version? >> >> >> Ethan Goodman >> EYECANDY ANIMATION >> EMAIL >You would think it would be a fairly easy port being that the GUI is >completely custom >(not windows based). No one can argue that in the 2d graphics world (print >& most >multimedia, MAC is the predominant OS (for sheer productivity value). >Stange that >they don't make the effort, eh? >-- >Mark Behm Its not strange at all. Which operating system has the largest user base, the brightest future prospects, and runs on at least four different hardware platforms (at the time the decision was made) - one of which is the fastest microcomputer platform available? Yes, it would be nice to have it on the MAC. But NewTek isn't a particularly large company. They have left the door open to anyone willing to enter into a joint venture on the MAC. I guess there have been no takers yet. BTW - I heard this week that Apple passed IBM in sales and is now number 2 in total microcomputer sells. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6975 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!simtel!!!!!!! From: (Phillip Finch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Book Review - Exploring LightWave 3D! - Part Two Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 00:23:25 Organization: Best Internet Communications, Inc. ( Lines: 62 Message-ID: References: <47dsld$> <47emfo$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A] In article <47emfo$> (Elfwork) writes: >While it claims to offer ‘advanced modeling & rendering techniques’, there >is little in this book that the >advanced (much less intermediate) modeler can gain from. The back cover of the book claims it's suitable for "Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced" users. Which is a joke. An advanced user will be wasting his time with this book. At this point I consider myself no more than intermediate LW user--less than that in some aspects of the program--and there's nothing here that I didn't or couldn't learn by reading the actual manuals. What the back cover *really* says is "Begginer (sic) /Intermediate/Advanced"--pretty typical of the level of typographical carelessness. I have literally never seen a commercial book even close to being so abyssmally bad in this respect. Grammar and typographical accuracy literally are about on the level of the average Usenet post. Yeah, that bad. >This is a book that really needed to be proofread before publication. The >most glaring error is the uniform >misuse of “your” instead of the contraction “you’re”. Also, in many cases, >the word ‘to’ is incorrectly used >when ‘too’ should have been used. While these may seem petty complaints, >the book was very hard to read >because of the author’s incorrect use of grammar. It's not a petty complaint when the usage is so bad that it gets in the way of comprehension. I found myself puzzling over sentences and paragraphs, looking for places to start putting punctuation marks so that it would start to make sense. The typographical errors are so numerous that I found myself wondering whether somebody hadn't deliberately sabotaged the thing. My favorite screw-up, not so much a typo as a careless, mindless mistake, was the page heading repeated throughout Chapter 8---"Manipulating Objects in Modeler". Spelling was okay, for once; unfortunately, Chapter 8 was about Layout, not Modeler! On the tech side, I like the way the author invented a new modeling tool: The "Boolean Stencil" (P. 7-57). >In closing, ‘Exploring LightWave 3D!’ might be useful to those beginners >who are confused by the new >LightWave manuals. Intermediate and advanced users will benefit little >from it. Except that LW's new manuals are a *lot* better than this book. If this book had been included free as a manual, I would be indignant. The fact that I paid $60 for it has me banging my head on the desktop. Phil Finch ( *************************************************** "The graveyards are full of indispensable men." --Charles de Gaulle *************************************************** Article: 6976 Path:!!!!!!!!!erniew From: Ernie Wright Newsgroups: Subject: Re: THe best AVI results Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 22:58:53 -0500 Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA Lines: 9 Message-ID: References: <46sosv$koq@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <> Concerning Indeo being better than Cinepak, Stephen Bailey wrote: > BIZARRE! I've had the exact opposite exerience. ... Me too. The last time I tried Indeo, the color was *really* bad, kinda purple/green all over. - Ernie Article: 6977 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!simtel!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR disk space recovery - bug? Date: 3 Nov 1995 22:25:06 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 13 Sender: Message-ID: <47emei$> References: <47cke0$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <47cke0$>, writes: >Indeed: DPS said the same thing. The wankers. > Unfortunately, my PVR does not seem to want to work under 95. > I'm going to reinstall and see if that makes a difference. Give it a shot. Since I got the 2.04 upgrade, I haven't had _any_ problems under either OS. (Not that I do _too_ much with it yet.....) Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. Article: 6978 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!simtel!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Book Review - Exploring LightWave 3D! - Part One Date: 3 Nov 1995 22:25:30 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 88 Sender: Message-ID: <47emfa$> References: <47dsld$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader Guess my diatribe was a little too long..... Here it is in two parts: Exploring ‘Exploring LightWave 3D by Todd Payne’ by Erik Flom Exploring LightWave 3D is a hefty tome that promises to be everything for everyone. Unfortunately, it falls far short of this somewhat lofty goal. Incorrectly documented beginning tutorials, missing scene and image files, and unchallenging advanced lessons all combine to turn a potentially valuable book into a questionable investment. The included floppy disk is a High Density PC formatted floppy disk, so many Amiga owners will be unable to read the disk. (This is curious, since the disk is only half full - a more logical choice would have been to distribute it in a LoDensity PC floppy, so that all LightWave owners could read the files.) The objects and scenes included on the disk are not setup to be loaded from the floppy, nor do they use the new ‘Content Directory’ feature of LightWave 4.0, so you’ll have manually hunt down the image maps and objects. (Unfortunately, the image maps included on the disk don’t match the names requested, so you’ll have to guess at the correct image maps....) There are 17 chapters spread across five sections. The first section has three chapters. Chapter one details installation for a variety of platforms. This pretty much duplicates the ‘Systems Guide and Installation’ manual included with LightWave 4.0. The second chapter describes the basic concepts of 3D modeling, and ends with a subsection about animation techniques that seems totally out of place in a discussion of 3D model basics. The third chapter introduces us to the basics of LightWave. This begins with a list of system requirements - handy, since we had already installed the software two chapters ago..... Section two, the ‘Quickstart’ section, jumps into the basics of object and scene creation with a hodge podge of projects. Chapter four teaches the basics of lathing by having you build a pawn. Then you use a Boolean operation to turn it into a Bishop. Chapter five is the ‘Quickstart Layout’ chapter - two different scenes are created, both use objects included _only_ in the LightWave 4.0 upgrade. There were a number of erroneous images in this chapter, but this was mainly because the lights were not the type described in the instructions - though in one case, a procedural texture was given an incorrect value. The finished scene was supposed to be on the companion disk, but coudn’t be found - not good for the first tutorial in the book. The second project in chapter five was to animate a hovercraft lifting off the ground, and accelerating. It was sorely lacking in companion images, and really would have been a good time to discuss the value of the motion graph editor. Unfortunately, it appears that there is absolutely no coverage of the motion graph editor, short of one paragraph that merely describes the button! In my opinion, the motion graph editor is one of the most important tools available, and is indispensable when setting up finely tuned, realistic motion paths for objects and the camera. I find it _particularly_ amazing that many pages of the book are devoted to the importance of proper camera and object motion, yet no attention is paid to this valuable tool. Section three ‘Exploring LightWave’ is just what it says. Chapters six and seven go into the details of Layout and Modeler respectively. The ensuing chapters discuss all the options available in the light, camera, and effects control panels. The section ends with a short chapter on the ‘advanced techniques’ of Inverse Kinematics, and spline patching. Exploring ‘Exploring LightWave 3D by Todd Payne’ by Erik Flom Exploring LightWave 3D is a hefty tome that promises to be everything for everyone. Unfortunately, it falls far short of this somewhat lofty goal. Incorrectly documented beginning tutorials, missing scene and image files, and unch Article: 6979 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!simtel!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Book Review - Exploring LightWave 3D! - Part Two Date: 3 Nov 1995 22:25:44 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 81 Sender: Message-ID: <47emfo$> References: <47dsld$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader Exploring ‘Exploring LightWave 3D by Todd Payne’ by Erik Flom - Part Two While it claims to offer ‘advanced modeling & rendering techniques’, there is little in this book that the advanced (much less intermediate) modeler can gain from. There are only two ‘advanced’ projects, and even those are poorly documented. In both tutorials, the author shows a distressing inability to use the tools efficiently. The first tutorial, discussing Inverse Kinematics, begins with a clumsy example of building a hierarchical object out of boxes. After eight pages of bad modeling techniques, the author finally gets around to working in Layout. (Unfortunately, the screen shots begin to dry up, so you have to rely on the ‘step-by- step’ written instructions.) The final tutorial about spline patching completely misses the basic concepts that make spline patching such an important tool to modelers. The goal is to create a chess piece - a knight specifically. Rather than use spline curves to model the peaks and valleys of the horses head, the author begins with an outline of the head. The next steps show a confused and obtuse method for creating the side of the knight. Rather than focus on the natural contours of a knight’s body, the author has you manually create a grid of points which are then moved around by hand to create the contours of the horse’s body. (Rather than use splines, this method is best suited for metaforming - much faster!) Once you’ve built this big mesh of splines, here are the detailed instructions given for finessing the curvature of the knight’s body: (Typed _exactly_ as written.) “Now would also be a good time to select points in the center of the knights body and pull them out to give the knights body some needed contours.” A sample of the finished object should accompany this review. (Note the single ear which covers the entire top of the head.) Following the ‘advanced’ tutorials are a couple of chapters about lighting and camera techniques that condense the finer points of college textbooks on cinematography to a few pages. The last section contains appendices and an index. This is a book that really needed to be proofread before publication. The most glaring error is the uniform misuse of “your” instead of the contraction “you’re”. Also, in many cases, the word ‘to’ is incorrectly used when ‘too’ should have been used. While these may seem petty complaints, the book was very hard to read because of the author’s incorrect use of grammar. Often, simple explanations became adventures in cirumlocution. There’s a fascinating little section called ‘selection states and “the power of influence”’. An entire page is devoted to explaining how LightWave’s selection tool acts like most other selector tools. Here is an example of how the author chose to clarify this mystery: “There are two types of selection. Actually, there are two states of influence associated with the selecting of entities in Modeler. To understand the state of influence we must know what we are influencing. In the case of LightWave Modeler, we are influencing the mouse, or cursor if you will, to perform various functions associated with the selecting and deselecting of entities. The state of influence under which the mouse operates is either true or false, or selection and deselection.......” In closing, ‘Exploring LightWave 3D!’ might be useful to those beginners who are confused by the new LightWave manuals. Intermediate and advanced users will benefit little from it. Article: 6980 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!simtel!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Elfwork) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PVR Lunchbox? Date: 3 Nov 1995 22:25:53 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 9 Sender: Message-ID: <47emg1$> References: <47e5c7$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <47e5c7$>, (Michael Justin Austin) writes: >Yeah! > >its called the new stand alone flyer system for NT Yeah, and it'll ship in only.......TWO WEEKS! };^)> Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. Article: 6981 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!!!eff!!!!! From: "Harry H. Chang" Newsgroups: Subject: Re: how do you make the puzzle like animation ? Date: 4 Nov 1995 03:37:11 GMT Organization: The Loop Lines: 12 Distribution: world Message-ID: <47en57$> References: <47aq37$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit) To: randrada It would be easier to create the animation backwards. From one piece to several pieces. after rendering, compile the series of bitmaps in reverse order. -- HHC '95 Home of Lots of 3D Models. Many Free Models Too! Star Wars Fanatics Welcomed. Article: 6982 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!not-for-mail From: (SaYWhaT01) Newsgroups: Subject: Video Toaster Date: 4 Nov 1995 06:12:16 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 1 Sender: Message-ID: <47fhqg$> Reply-To: (SaYWhaT01) NNTP-Posting-Host: Anyone know if the Video Toaster for the PC will work for and Amiga too? Article: 6983 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!spcuna!news.c From: (Bob Green) Subject: Re: PVR Lunchbox? Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: Armchair Airlines Computer Services X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #2 References: <47e5c7$> <47emg1$> Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 22:05:49 GMT Lines: 18 (Elfwork) wrote: >In article <47e5c7$>, >(Michael Justin Austin) writes: >>Yeah! >> >>its called the new stand alone flyer system for NT > >Yeah, and it'll ship in only.......TWO WEEKS! };^)> > >Erik Flom - ELF Works 3D Construction Co. I think we're shooting for something with a little more flexibility here; a graphics and editting workstation in a suitcase. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the flyer actually have to be attached to a computer in order to do editting and 3d rendering? Bob Green Armchair Airlines Article: 6984 Path:!!!!!miwok!!internetMCI!!!!!decwrl!!!usenet From: Lonnie Watson Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AVI Rendering in LW4.0 on Win 95 Date: 5 Nov 1995 02:13:11 GMT Organization: brainiac Services Lines: 3 Message-ID: <47h6jn$> References: <47h2su$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; Linux 1.0.9 i486) X-URL: news://hal/47h2su$ BTW I have used the .AVI extension and the .avi extension and no extension and a extension and .A extension and .av extension etc. etc etc etc. Article: 6985 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!pipeline!not-for-mail From: (Michael Justin Austin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NT3.51- Lightwave - and rendering performance. Date: 4 Nov 1995 00:37:44 -0500 Organization: The Pipeline Lines: 21 Message-ID: <47eu78$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: The Pipeline v3.2.0 On Nov 02, 1995 17:32:44 in article , ' (candyman)' wrote: snipsy >>Are you sure this is not paged-out when Lightwave is running full-screen? > > >>Glyn Williams - Particle Systems Ltd. > > > Maybe I am on bad drugs but it seems to render faster under >newshell than reg 3.51??? snipsy\\ My LW definetly renders faster with 3.51 and new shell just a little though M.austin Article: 6986 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!!usenet From: Bob Lindabury Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LightWave on the SGI? Date: Sat, 04 Nov 1995 08:13:05 -0400 Organization: Express Access Online Communications USA: 800-969-9090 Lines: 45 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1J (Windows; I; 32bit) Dave Ruigh wrote: > > Chris Hartt wrote: > > > > Hi all, > > I have ordered the SGI version of LightWave, as a person as opposed > > to being company, as an upgrade from my 3.5 unbundled version. I have seen > > here that people are using the SGI version, and I saw it a Siggraph. So > > what the hell is going on? Everytime I phone Newtek, they say that it > > hasn't been released yet, and they are unsure when it will be. Do the > > people here that are using the SGI version, have beta versions or > > pre-releases? > > > > Thanks > > > > Chris > > I recently received a 2nd "pre-release", dated 9/(something), from > XAOS. I have not had time or inclination to start a big project > with it yet, I'll stick with Alias or Vertigo until things slow down > enough for me to learn and explore it's capabilities. From what little > time I have spent with it, it's pretty neat, modeler reminds me a bit > of Vertigo's, (though Vertigo does realtime GL rendering, and has > a wonderful Renderman shader interface). I wouldn't bet my next > paycheck on the final's release date. I would not be really surprised > if Newtek drops the SGI platform altogeather, clearly they don't > have the organization/manpower to support Alpha/Mips/Intel NT/95, let > alone the SGI. Better for them to concentrate on keeping and growing > their installed base on a manageable range of platforms, as opposed > to alienating new customers with buggy "beta" software on unfamiliar > (to Newtek) hardware. > > Dave The problem is that Newtek is NOT handling the SGI versions, XAOS is. I called them about 2-3 weeks ago to find out where my package was and they gave me the "official" timetable. The CD's were being mastered/copied on October 25th. They said they were shipping the full release version on November 4th. I would expect to have it early next week. If I don't see it by Wednesday, I'll give them another call. -- Bob Lindabury The NEW Graphics BBS Main line: +1 908/469-0049 Piscataway, NJ USA 3D Studio, Lightwave, TrueSpace, POVRay, PCGNet, Tesselation Times... Article: 6987 Path:!!!cello!mcoats From: Manuel Coats Newsgroups: Subject: Re: VT Expo: LIGHTSPEED Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 22:35:15 -0800 Organization: Quantum Networking Solutions; Virginia, USA; Lines: 44 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII X-Sender: mcoats@cello In-Reply-To: On Fri, 3 Nov 1995, Richard wrote: > Haven't seen didley on the show. > Did everybody leave their laptops at home? > NewTek sure isn't making very good use of their web site. > Richard Norman This was our first show and I was dissapointed with the number of attendees, as were most of the vendors I spoke with. I was not there last year but was told by vendors who were, that that there were less people this year than there were last year. This was depressing considering that VTU was announcing an anticipated attendance double that of last years. Other than that, the show was pretty cool. I got to meet a lot of new faces and our Lightspeed videos and FX KIT FOR LIGHTWAVE book did very well at the show (The book sold out by the close of Friday). We also showed a new music CD by Volcano music which did quite well. By the way, to avoid a slew of e-mail responses, all pre-orders for the FX Kit book were shipped last week. You should be receiving them via UPS any day now. Thanks to all of those who personally pciked up a copy at the show. Lightspeed #4 (November) will be shipped out this Monday. There was also mention of a VTU expo show to be held on the east coast in June. Manuel Coats LIGHTSPEED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orders 800-764-8696 (US ONLY) or 805-726-3545 Fax 805-726-3544 Info 805-726-3546 Article: 6988 Path:!!!!symnet!gatech!!!!!!!!usenet From: Bob Lindabury Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LHA/PC Long file names? Date: Sat, 04 Nov 1995 08:08:42 -0400 Organization: Express Access Online Communications USA: 800-969-9090 Lines: 34 Message-ID: <> References: <46tq6p$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1J (Windows; I; 32bit) Daniel J. McCoy wrote: > > In article , > (Jeff Holinski) wrote: > >I just got a network connection between my PC and Amiga and want to transfer > a > >bunch of files over to the PC. The easiest way to do that is to archive them > >on the Ami (keeps directorys intact) and un-archive them on the PC. > > > >The problem is that there are long file names in the archive and none of the > >versions of LHA.exe that I've found for the PC support long filenames. > >Is there an NT version of LHA that will work with long filenames, and if so > >where can I FTP it from? > >Or...Are there any other archive programs that support long filenames for > both > >the PC and Amiga? > > Get yourself LHANTx386.EXE off of Tomahawk. It'll decompress Amiga LHA files > using full filenames and directory paths (within reason) on WinNT and Win95 > based systems. Keep in mind that going the other way may nor may not work > 100%. For one, LHANT won't recursively go through directories (just like the > darn Unix version which it is based on). Actually, the easiest way is to simply mount the PC's drive on the Amiga using Ch_nfs. Once you mount the PC drive on the PC, you can just use Dir Opus or Diskmaster or whatever you like to use to copy files over to the PC. No need to lha or zip anything. I've got an ethernet connection between my systems and it works fine. If you have a slip/ppp connection, transfer times will be somewhat slower. -- Bob Lindabury The NEW Graphics BBS Main line: +1 908/469-0049 Piscataway, NJ USA 3D Studio, Lightwave, TrueSpace, POVRay, PCGNet, Tesselation Times... Article: 6989 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!van-bc!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DEMO REELS Date: 4 Nov 1995 10:35:04 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 19 Message-ID: <> References: <47c885$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >For those of you who don't know, every friday NewTek has a company meeting >that includes pizza, beer, and DEMO REELS. Be we haven't seen much latley. >They are viewed mostly to get a feel for what our users are up to, what >features they use, and pure entertainment value. This is not a competition >just an exhibition and no promise of employment should be infered. We like to >see work from animators of all levels and short flyer projects (under 5 min.) >We can show VHS, SVHS and 3/4. Send demos and a little about your self to: > >Demos Reels >C/O Jeff in Tek Support >NewTek Inc. >1200 SW Executive Dr. >Topeka, KS 66615 > >If you need the tape back, include a self adressed stamped shipping envelope. What kinda copyright/legal protection..gotta clear stuff with clients ya know....:) Article: 6990 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!van-bc!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: output to video services?? Date: 4 Nov 1995 10:35:07 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 23 Message-ID: <> References: <> <47cclk$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >In article <>, >(candyman) writes: >>Just my 2 pennies.....NEVER EVER send your work to any other company >>unless you dont care whos demo reel it shows up far as client >>confidentiality goes thats a whole pandoras box waiting to be opened... >> >> > This reminds me. I've been reviewing a lot of demo reals at work >(we're hiring modelers and animators, as usual) and I'm always shocked at >how many times I see AH's porshe, or objects that were obviously from >lightrom, or any other pd collection. Why do people bother? Why even send >in a real? Just to prove you can't model? I've also seen several reals >with the same animations on them, with people from different states >claiming them as their own.. hmm and what they really dont realise is that most clients shop around and see that..hell I was nieve enough to think I had some sort of artist proprietary rights to my work...well can't think back to a contract I have signed lately where I haven't become more than a graphics slave and they own title ....but hey paying off my alpha it is..:-0 Article: 6991 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!van-bc!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hey... women animators? Date: 4 Nov 1995 10:35:11 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 17 Message-ID: <> References: <> <46kss3$> <> <47ci26$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >> Hmm gotta meet me one of these..actually having a girlfriend who knows >>the lingo and lifestyle could be a PLus..:) >Well... my bf and I got into this whole thing together, so I can't help >you much there, maybe you could start cruising the local seminars and >users groups? ;) You might even learn a thing or two while you're looking! >Nissa >-------------------- I shall sleep no more forever. -------------------- Hmm not so much that as having deadlines and a patience factor of 0 in explaining to each plygon must have a diff surface to be a diff color type discussions..:) Article: 6992 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!van-bc!!!!usenet From: (candyman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Spray particles for aerosol can? Date: 4 Nov 1995 10:35:12 GMT Organization: Central News Services Lines: 14 Message-ID: <> References: <47doth$q5i$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: THOR 2.1 (Amiga;TCP/IP beta 5) *UNREGISTERED* >I am new to LW and am creating a Spray can. I would like to know >what is the best way to create the spray appearence with a >fractel noise or particles. Please advise. >Thanks! >WIll MENDEZ >-- >PGAST > BOTH!!! > Article: 6993 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!usenet From: David Duberman Newsgroups: Subject: Help with curve/patch modeling Date: Sat, 04 Nov 1995 09:49:17 -0800 Organization: Direct Network Access Lines: 7 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b1 (Windows; I; 16bit) I still have a few copies left of my book of tutorials for modeling with spline curves and patches. Having just received LW4/Intel, I see the documentation is vastly improved, but the book, LightWave Organic Modeling, is still useful and pertinent. I've reduced the price to $15 postpaid in the U.S. For ordering info, email me at David Duberman Article: 6994 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!!decwrl!!!news From: (Mike Carter) Newsgroups:,alt.3d,,, Subject: Re: Free 3D Models Date: 4 Nov 1995 13:52:37 GMT Organization: Your Organization Lines: 8 Message-ID: <47fr75$> References: <46rpsj$> <46us47$> <> <47auat$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.6 Xref: alt.3d:18892 >Could someone give me the URL for that. I thought I had it but >I'm getting "URL not found" from the one in my Netscape bookmarks. mike Article: 6995 Path:!!!!!internetMCI!!!!decwrl!!!!!usenet From: (chance) Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation,,,, Subject: Re: Is computer art cheating? Date: Sat, 04 Nov 1995 19:51:52 GMT Organization: Jake & Chance Garage Lines: 20 Message-ID: <47gd6b$> References: <44k1ch$> <44uj4u$> <452qfb$> <45cv06$> <45f8d6$> <45k9cp$85t@zippy NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 Xref: rec.arts.animation:44310 (Chris Turner) wrote: > Not always. I would hope you were being sarcastic (As I would be with >such a statement). I recall a painting that was sold to the Ottawa museum >of Art (I think that was it's name) that was a huge canvass with three >vertical stripes of red and green. Any art student with any whit of >colour theory would be able to think that one up, but they couldn't sell >it for the million that it sold for. Yes, that particular travesty is called "The Voice", I think, but the only "voice" I hear concerning the piece is that of Canada's taxpayers collectively raised in anger and disgust. That, and the nth copy of Bill Reid's "Spirit of the Haida Gwaii" being purchased for a godawful amount of money to grace the new Terminal at Vancouver International. Article: 6996 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nntpdist.primene From: (Walter (Jay) Turberville ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Alphachannels and Stencil.... Date: Sun, 5 Nov 1995 00:56:11 LOCAL Organization: Primenet Lines: 26 Message-ID: References: <47g8se$> <47hifg$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4] In article <47hifg$> writes: >From: >Subject: Re: Alphachannels and Stencil.... >Date: 5 Nov 1995 05:35:44 GMT >> (Ole Gunnar Dokka) writes: >> Layout: Saving Alphaimages - I`ve tried all the HIIP-savers, none of >> them work properly. The only format I *think* work is the native 8bit >> IFF-format...but I have no programs that reads this format(Photoshop, >> Painter, Paintshop Pro etc - none!) > Photoshop will load IFF images. HiJaak will convert 'em. >**************************************************************************** >** | Synergy Graphix & Animation Paintshop Pro will also save and read 256 color .iff files. I haven't tried it on the particular files that LW generates though. _________________________________________________________________ Walter (Jay) Turberville | Phoenix, AZ | Studio 522 Productions | ...........................| Article: 6997 Path:!!!swrinde!!usc!!!!!!!!usenet From: (Ole Gunnar Dokka) Newsgroups: Subject: Alphachannels and Stencil.... Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 17:44:53 GMT Organization: Artist in constant pain... Lines: 37 Message-ID: <47g8se$> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: I use the Intel-version of LW 4.0(Rev.B) - running it on NT and 95... I have one layout-problem and one Modeler-problem; Layout: Saving Alphaimages - I`ve tried all the HIIP-savers, none of them work properly. The only format I *think* work is the native 8bit IFF-format...but I have no programs that reads this format(Photoshop, Painter, Paintshop Pro etc - none!) I really need mattes in compositing work - what do I do? I`ve posted this to the lightwave-list, but no help has reached me so far... Modeler: When I try to use the stencil(S Drill/Stencil) on text, I get a error message which tells me that " the internal buffers are to small for this operation"....what is the internal buffers? Can I do something about it? The stencil-function is very nice, and I really want to be able to use it on type!! I have read the the User guide and the Reference Manual, and found nothing ! Please help... TIA... Regards, Ole Gunnar Dokka >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> D E S I G N E R >>>> TelePost Communication / Scandinavia Online >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Drammensveien 175, P.O Box 335, Skøyen N-0212 Oslo>>>>>>>> Push Email: Phone: +47 22 73 37 00 >>>>the envelope! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Article: 6998 Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!news.blkbox.COM!not-for-mail From: blake@blkbox.COM (Blake Scruggs) Newsgroups: Subject: Organic Model Book ?? Date: 4 Nov 1995 12:42:37 -0600 Organization: The Black Box, Houston, Tx (713) 480-2686 Lines: 8 Message-ID: <47gc6t$j71@blkbox.blkbox.COM> NNTP-Posting-Host: Summary: Info Keywords: Book X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #3 (NOV) Could some kind soul post the address or point me the where I can buy the 'Organic Modeling Book' ?? Thanks, Blake Scruggs A(Nice)1200 '030x50x32M Hou TX : Them Houston Rockets are.....BACK !!!!! Article: 6999 Path:!!!!!!!decwrl!!!usenet From: Lonnie Watson Newsgroups: Subject: AVI Rendering in LW4.0 on Win 95 Date: 5 Nov 1995 01:09:49 GMT Organization: brainiac Services Lines: 8 Message-ID: <47h2su$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; Linux 1.0.9 i486) X-URL: news://hal/ Am I just crazy or does the win 95 renderings in LW 4.0 to AVI file simply not work. I cannot seem to get a single series of frames rendered to an AVI file. I select AVI animation type and put a file name in the output file section of the record screen and the rendering in progress says it's writing to animation but when the rendering is finished I have no file on my drives. I have tries selecting the buttons in different patterns. ( selected a file name before I selected the output type and visa versa. What the hell is wrong here? ) Article: 7000 Newsgroups: Path:!!!swrinde!!!!!!ncrhub2!ncrcae!churchill!fredie From: fredie@churchill (Fredie.Layberger) Subject: Re: No LFNs? Possible solution... Message-ID: Sender: news@ncrcae.ColumbiaSC.ATTGIS.COM (news) Organization: AT&T Global Information Solutions, Columbia SC X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL4 References: <4798cb$> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 23:00:36 GMT Lines: 40 (Mike Powell) writes: : : OK... it appears that there are a number of problems : that can cause the LFN's to die, which is an important : issue to LW Intel users running W95. : Another option to use a program like "Instant File Access" which enables you to use Long File Names with programs that don't yet support the longer file names possible with Windows95. Instant File Access works with Win95 and can downloaded. I don't recall exactly where I downloaded it form but it's file name is: IFA400B4.ZIP. I have not been using it for long so I can't say yet that it will work with every progams, but so far so good. fred : My problem is now solved. : : The basic cause seems to be when drives are forced to : run in MS-DOS compatibility mode. : : Mine was having a Zip drive on my parallel port with : the pre-95 driver. Installing the w95 driver, and removing : the guest.exe program from my autoexec.bat took care of : it. : : I have also heard that some systems (Packard bell specifically, : perhaps others) sometimes have a hard time with multiple/large : hard drives. : I don't understand what is going on, but one solution was to : swap the master/slave relationship of the two drives (IDE). : : Hope these to tidbits help some folks. : : -Mike- : :